At the Zoo- Charlie Gillespie

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I rolled my eyes as my friend, Sophie, shoved a ticket into my hand and dragged me away from the zoo stand.

"You're here, we're going in, just enjoy it, yeah?" She asked me. I groaned but nodded. In public was the last place I wanted to be right now. My boyfriend of two years had just cheated on me two weeks ago, and seeing as I still hadn't gotten over it, I'd rather be in my room crying while stuffing my face full of ice cream. We walked through the open gates together, and I took a look around. Families were scattered everywhere, and sounds of laughing and screaming children, arguing parents, parents calling for their child, could be heard everywhere I turned. Sophie led the way over to a sign that read:

"Welcome to the Whitmore Zoo! We hope you enjoy your visit, and meet all kinds of new friends, animals or not!"

I rolled my eyes at the overly cheesy greeting, feeling extra grumpy.

"Ok, it says here where all the different amimals are." Sophie said, mostly to herself. She followed the map on the sign with her finger.

"We're here, and it looks like the birds are closest. So that's the first stop." She grinned and took my hand, pulling me with her.

* * *
I allowed myself to smile at Sophie's excitement. We'd just finished paying the lions a visit, right after the birds, monkeys, bears, and tigers. Next were otters, Sophie's favorite animal, which was causing her excitment.

"Here they are Soph." I grinned and pointed. She squealed and ran up to the gate that blocked us from the water. She pulled out her phone, and squealed again as one popped its head up. I giggled again at her enthusiasm.

"Well while you're admiring those, I'm gonna go see the ducks." I let her know before walking away from her. I calmly looked around at all the excited, happy people. Part of me wished I could just let go and be as happy as them, but the bigger, angrier part of me fought back. I grumpily made my way over to the ducks, and saw they were allowing people to hold the baby ducks. The man working there asked if I'd like to hold one, and I grudgingly agreed. He placed the small yellow figure into my hand, where it immediately snuggled into.

"You look awfully sad for someone holding a baby duck." A boy said, walking up to me. He looked my age, maybe a little older. I smiled lightly, to be polite.

"I mean look at it." He said, pointing to the snuggling creature. "How could someone possibly not be happy holding that." He grinned at me, as I giggled.

"Well that's what happens when there's boy drama." I joked back.

"Ah yes. Boy drama can ruin ones life. You see, boys suck." The boy said, and I looked at him strangely.

"You are aware, that you're a boy, correct?" I teased. He laughed.

"I'm Charlie." He held his hand out, and with my non occupied hand I shook it.

"Y/N." I replied. He smiled.

"Nice to meet you Y/N. Now let me show you how to properly hold a baby duck and be happy about it." He took a small yellow duck from the man, and brought it up to his face, snuggling it. I giggled as he talked to the duck with a baby voice.

"So you're supposed to look like an idiot?" I asked, joking. He gasped, pretending to be offended.

"That was so mean, I might just need you to give me your number." He replied. It was my turn to jokingly gasp.

"Smooth. But I just got out of a relationship two weeks ago." I said, cautiously. He shrugged.

"I'm cool with being friends until whenever you're ready." He smiled. I looked at him, a little surprised.

"Ok duck boy, give me your phone."

He obeyed, and I proceeded to put in my number. He smiled once I'd finished, and then held the small duck up to his face again.

"Hold on, stay still." I ordered him, raising my phone up to take a picture.

"What's that for?" He asked, smirking.

"Your contact photo. Now I'll always remember you as duck boy."

He rolled his eyes, but I saw him smile. Maybe life wasnt so horrible after all.

🎶I'm baaaack🎶
I hope yall like this idea, it was presented by miss: ruthsta12334.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!! Vote and comment💕

Luke Patterson/Charlie Gillespie imagines Where stories live. Discover now