When We First Met~ Luke Patterson

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"Hey mom, hey dad." My brother Alex, greeted as he walked in.

"Guess what?" He asked excitedly. I looked up from my homework, curious.

"I joined a band." He did jazz hands, and I giggled at him.

"With what losers?" I teased.

"The losers that just moved into our neighborhood." He said, referring to the two new families that had moved in almost at the same time. We got new people here a lot, military families that left a lot, mostly.

"Are they military?" My dad asked. Alex shook his head.

"Nope, finally friends that dont eventually leave." He answered. Ok, he'd officially peaked my interest. I made it my goal to never grow close with any of the neighborhood kids to avoid hurt. But ones that were staying? I smell opportunity.

"They're both into music, and play instruments. Almost like this band was meant to be." Alex excitedly told us. I smiled, happy that he was happy.

*     *     *
"We're playing the orpheum baby." I heard a voice, with a slight accent say.  I sighed and tugged on my dress uncomfortably. I hated dresses. But my mom said I needed to wear one since it was my brother's big night playing his dream gig, and since it was our first time officially meeting his bandmates, since they were constantly rehearsing at their studio. I walked in, and saw Alex standing up front with three other guys. I gave a small wave. He grinned, and gestured for me to come.

"Heyy." I nervously got out, aware of two of the boys staring at me.

"Hey." Alex threw his arm around my shoulders. "This is Reggie," he pointed to the black haired one with a goofy smile, "Bobby," he then pointed to the one with red suspenders that was staring at me with a smirk, "and Luke." The cute one. I blushed furiously as we made eye contact.

"Hey" Reggie waved.

Bobby did a quick little head nod, his eyebrows raised at me.

"How you doin." Luke said lastly, and I took note of his accent.

"Well uh, I'm gonna go get water." I awkwardly squirmed out from Alex's arm, and ran off, blushing.

"Hey." I heard Bobby run up from behind me, out of breath.

"Hey." I politely smiled. He gently grabbed my arm to stop me from walking.

"I know this is ridiculously forward but, can I get your number?"

I raised my eyebrows, a little shocked.

"Um, I dont think so, sorry."

He looked disappointed and a little annoyed.

"You got a boyfriend?"

I shook my head.

"Then I dont see why not."

I stood, unsure what to say.

"Sorry Bobby, but I just met you. Now please let go of my arm."

He tightened his grip as I tried to pull away.

"C'mon, you're hot." He smirked. I shuddered.

"Let go."

He still didnt listen, when I suddenly heard Luke.

"Yo Bobby, let her go man."

Bobby glared at Luke, before letting go and walking off.

"Sorry about him, we've been considering kicking him out of the band anyways." Luke said, with a small laugh. I chuckled nervously, rubbing my arm where his hand had been.

"Did he hurt you?" Luke asked, suddenly very concerned. I shook my head.

"I'm ok."

"Good. Listen, we have to go rehearse the song, but I'll be back, if you wanted to wait for me, that is." He said, slightly nervous. I smiled at the shy boy.

"I'll be here." I smiled. He blushed, and ran off.

"He's cute, huh?" My mom asked walking up behind me.

"Momm." I whined, but totally agreed in my head.

this was just a short little how you meet imagine, hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment💕

Luke Patterson/Charlie Gillespie imagines Where stories live. Discover now