The Best Christmas Part Three~ Charlie Gillespie

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"Hey lovebirds, wake up."

I groaned as Beverly's screeched in my ear. I rolled over and opened my eyes to look at her, causing Charlie to stir and remove his hand from around my waist.

"What?" I groaned, half asleep.

"You two need to get up, it's time to start to preparing for my Christmas Eve party tonight." She said with her hands on her hips. I looked at the clock.

"Bev its 7:30 in the morning."

"It needs to be perfect, and with you helping we'll need all the time we can get."

I rolled my eyes as she walked out. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Charlie muttered, his eyes still closed.

"We gotta get up and go help plan Beverly's party." I told him with disgust. He groaned and threw his arm around my waist, snuggling into me.

"Char we have to get up, come on." I giggled.

"Fine." He yawned, sitting up. I couldnt help but wonder why he acted like we were a couple, even when my family wasnt around. Not that I minded.

* * *
"No, y/n, hang them there." My sister had been bossing me around all day, and I was growing very sick of it.

"Your sister's right y/n, they look tacky right there." My mom agreed, referring to the lights I was hanging.

"Here babe let me help." Charlie said, grabbing my waist from behind. I smiled to myself, liking my new nickname.

"Thanks Charlie." Beverly said, batting her eyelashes at him. Was she seriously flirting with my fake boyfriend, in front of her husband? I shook it off.

"Hurry, people are here!" My mom warned, looking out the window.

"There." Charlie said, finishing the lights.

"Perfect!" Beverly screeched, placing her hand on Charlie's shoulder. I rolled my eyes. Charlie noticed and walked up to my side, taking my hand in his. Beverly and my mom welcomed in guests, until soon the house was packed. Christmas songs rang in my ears, along with many different voices and conversations. I shuddered, needing to get away from all the noise. I ran upstairs, heading towards my room, when talking stopped me.

"So how do you like it here so far?" I heard Beverly ask someone. I hid behind a corner, listening.

"Good, there's lots of snow here compared to Los Angeles." Charlie chuckled in response. Why was she upstairs talking to Charlie? I looked down the stairs to see Evan talking to some people, why wasn't she with him?

"Hey Charlie.."

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Look up." I heard her say. I peeked around the corner to see them both looking up at a mistletoe. I growled quietly. I know she put it there on purpose. Charlie chuckled nervously.

"I'm good, thanks." He said.

"Come on, its tradition." She practically begged.

"Beverly, y/n's your sister, and I'm her boyfriend. I love her very much, so no."

My heart swelled. He loved me? Was that part of the act or does he actually love me? I shook it off.

"What's going on?" I asked, making myself present.

"Beverly was just leaving to join her husband downstairs." Charlie replied, making sure to glare at her. She scoffed and walked past me, making sure to bump into my shoulder.

"She's unbelievable." Charlie said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, she's used to getting her way." I explained.

"She tried to get me to k—"

"I know, I heard." I admitted.

"Oh, did you hear anything else?" He asked, and I knew he was referring to him saying he loves me.

"Nope." I lied.

"Ok." He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Do you think we should tell Evan?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Maybe eventually, but right now, let's just get out of here. I hate this party."

Charlie grinned.

"I happen to know the perfect place to go." He offered me his arm. "M'lady?"

I giggled, and linked my arm with his.

Part three🥰 comment and vote if you liked it!

Luke Patterson/Charlie Gillespie imagines Where stories live. Discover now