Jealous~Charlie Gillespie

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I walked into the small, brightly lit room, where Kenny, Jadah, Owen, Jeremy, Savannah, and Sacha sat, talking.

"Hey guys." I smiled as I entered. Jadah and Savannah squealed and jumped up to hug me. I'd become quite close with the cast, as I hung out almost everyday they filmed due to Charlie, my boyfriend. Charlie and I's relationship was fairly new, two months to be exact.

"Where's Charlie?" I asked Kenny, walking over to hand him his favorite coffee I'd picked up for him.

"He's in the room next door, practicing with Madison." He smiled warmly. I nodded and opened the door that connected the two rooms. I walked into what seemed to be a dance studio, a spacious room with wood floors and mirrors for walls. There were Charlie and Madison in the middle of the room, talking to a dance instructor.

"Now from the top, once more." He yelled, as Charlie ran to the other side of the room. I shifted uncomfortably as the love song, Perfect Harmony, that Madison and Charlie wrote together started playing. Madison giggled at him as he started walking towards her slowly, making silly faces.

"Voice like an angel, I've never heard before" the song sang, cuing them to join hands. As the song went on, they continued to dance. I hated the jealous feeling that came as Charlie lifted Madison into the air, never breaking eye contact with her. At this point I was just tapping my foot against the wood, impatiently waiting for the dance to be over.

"We play pretend..."

"You're more to me," they sang as Charlie hugged her from behind, them swaying.

"In Perfect Harmony." The song ended, and they hugged each other, Madison giggling.

"We did it!"

"Good job partner." Charlie said, high fiving her. They both spotted me at the same time.

"Y/n! Hey!" Madison cheerfully called, running over to me. Charlie followed, slightly out of breath.

"What'd you think of the dance? Took us forever to master and it's still not perfect!" She asked.

"It was amazing, Mads, great job." I smiled at her warmly, hating myself for having to fake it. She grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze before running off. Charlie grinned at me, and rubbed my shoulders. I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" He asked, thoroughly confused.

"You seriously expect me not to be jealous after watching that? Charlie, you didnt take your eyes off her once."

"Sweetheart, that's my job, I'm an actor it's just acting." He replied calmingly. I scoffed.

"You're with her every minute of every day. You guys are love interests in the show, you wrote a love song together, and have a dance together. Do you think I'm stupid? I know how us girls are. There have to be some underlying feelings."

Charlie sighed.


"I'm doing it again, aren't I?" I realized. He nodded. I'd been struggling, recently, with jealousy issues. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. He opened his mouth to reply, but Madison entered at that moment. She ran up to us, giggling.

"What's so funny?" Charlie asked.

"Check your back pocket."

Charlie did as she said, and groaned as he pulled out half of a banana. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"You got me again." He sighed. Madison nodded while laughing.

"What..?" I asked.

"Its a really great inside joke." She explained. I nodded slowly, waiting to see if she'd elaborate. When she didn't, I felt that nasty feeling again.

"Charlie, can we talk?" I asked, maybe a little too harshly. Madison got the hint, and ran back into the other room.

"So you guys have inside jokes now?" I snapped. Charlie scoffed.

"Y/n you're being ridiculous." He said, his annoyance growing.

"Am I? Sorry I'm just being protective of my boyfriend."

"That's the thing. You're not. You're being controlling and jealous." He paused to run his hands through his hair, a habit when he got frustrated. "Relationships require trust, something you seem incapable of doing."

His words stung, just a little.

"You're my girlfriend, but Madison is my friend. My really good friend. And if you're not ok with that, or able to trust me, then I'm not sure I'm ok with us." He motioned to the two of us. I fought back tears.

"Fine, whatever." I said before storming out.

*       *        *

After what seemed like ages, the day was over, and Charlie came home. I'd gone to my house first, but after a while of thinking, the guilt had gotten to me. I heard keys in the door, and tried to push down the nervous butterflies.

"Oh— hey you scared me." He said, walking in. "What are you doing here?" He asked, not seeming too happy.

"I came to apologize. Because I was extremely wrong." I whispered. His expression softened slightly. "There's no excuse, Char, I shouldn't have acted like that. I love Madison, and I love you, and I know you two would never do something like that. So I'm truly sorry. You're right, I need to trust you."

He nodded, and walked over to me, pulling me in.

"I love you, y/n, you. No matter what. Please don't be jealous anymore, ok? I want us to work. I want you to be the one."

I choked on my tears and nodded, hugging him tighter. He pulled away to cup my cheek, wiping away a tear. He smiled at me softly.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked.

He kissed my forehead. "Not possible. I couldnt stay mad at you."

Hey yall! This story idea was requested by come_on_reginald. I hope this is what you meant and that you like it!!❤❤
I kind of like the whole jealous idea, so in the future I think I'll write a part two kind of thing, but with the reader, Julie and Luke instead.
Anyways, happy Saturday!

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