A Vacation to Remember part one~ Charlie Gillespie

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I rolled over onto my stomach, my earbuds blasting music into my ears.

"Yo." My brother Wesley yelled, allowing me to just barely hear him.

"What do you want?" I snapped, satisfying him by removing one earbud.

"Don't start an attitude with me big sis, you know I'm your favorite sibling."

"Out of what other siblings?" I asked, "us being the only two you know."

My brother and I were the only two kids in the family, both teenagers.

"Yeah yeah point is," he ignored my statement, "mom sent me to you, to tell you to get your butt up and start packing." He then left, and I rolled my eyes, flopping back down onto my bed. I was an eighteen year old girl, being forced to go on a vacation trip with my little brother and parents. My mom had said it would be a good bonding trip, especially since I was about to move out. Reapplying my earbud to my ear, I grabbed a suitcase from my closet and set to work. We were going to be at the beach, so towels, and some bathing suit sets would be necessary.

* * *
The next day, I was startled awake by my alarm, and moaned dramatically.

"Get up! No time to waste we got a plane to catch." My dad chipperly popped his head into my room. Why are dads always like this. I mumbled some words under my breath before slipping on some ugg boots over my flannel pajama bottoms, paired with a black cropped tank top, and heading out of my room. I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail before scarfing down some breakfast and joining the rush to get everything in the car. Finally about an hour later, we were one our way to the airport.

* * *
"You sit here beside me sweetheart." My mother pointed to the seat on the plane.

"Gee whizz, an isle seat." I complained. I sat down nevertheless, taking note of my dad and brother two rows ahead and across from us. I settled into the seat, pulling out my phone. My body suddenly jerked as a guy tried to squeeze past me, and his suitcase slammed against me.

"Hey!" I shouted, raising my arms up to defend myself.

"I'm so sorry, it was an accident, these isles are so tight." A young boy, maybe one or two years older than me turned his head. I studied him, noticing his dark hair that curled up around his ears, covered mostly by a grey beanie. His brown eyes looked soft, and kind, along with his sympathetic smile he gave me.

"Its ok." I promised, offering a polite smile. He nodded at me.

"I'm sorry." He said again before continuing down the isle. I couldn't help but notice his strong accent, Candian maybe? I shrugged, and looked back down at my phone, before falling asleep.

* * *
"Baby wake up, we're here." My mom gently shook me awake. I cracked open my eyes to see people standing up, some stretching, some yawning and grabbing their luggage. I stood up and stretched, then reached to grab my suitcase from above me.

"Mom." I whined as she accidentally hit me with her bag, as she went to sneak by me.

"You're just getting banged up today, aren't you?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned to see the boy that had hit me with his suitcase earlier.

"Guess so." I nervously laughed.

"Here I got it." He reached up and grabbed my things for me, and I thanked him, blushing.

"So, seeing as we're both getting off this plane, I take it you're taking a vacation here too?" He asked.

"You're correct." I smiled, throwing my backpack over my shoulder, and hugging myself with my arms. I probably looked horrible, between my pajamas, my hair, lack of makeup, and probably sleep bags under my eyes. He didn't seem to care, though.

"We should probably uh, move. Think we're holding up the line." He pointed to the people behind us, who looked anything but pleasant and patient. I gave him an "uh oh" face, and the two of us hurriedly made our way off the plane. Once out and into the airport, we stopped again. I glanced over and saw my family waiting in line for food, and knew we were in no hurry. I had some time to talk to this strange boy.

"Well, I have to go. I'll see you around?" He said, breaking me out of my thoughts and shattering my hopes of continuing our conversation. He smirked at me and gave a little salute before turning to walk off.

"Wait! I'm assuming you have a name?" I asked, curious.

"I do have a name! Most people do." He turned to face me, now walking backwards. I shook my head, laughing at his sarcastic.

"Tell you what," he called, "I'll tell you my name if we see each other again."

I nodded and gave a thumbs up, sealing the deal. Now all I had to do was find him again. How hard could it be? We were vacationing at the same place.

Hey everybody, I'm back at it with another short series✌❤ should I post part two later today or tomorrow? Comment what you would like!💕

Also side note: if anyone wants to be friends I'm down because I'm lonely as heck so message me!🤪

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