I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I always had it set to 5:00am so that I could get ready and then walk to my best friend Kaya's house and head to work. Getting ready was fairly easy for me since I didn't like to wear a bunch of makeup. I would just change into black jeans and my black collared shirt and then wear the purple apron with my name on the tag. I would put my hair up in low pigtails and then wear a beanie.

Over the years, I had gotten better at dying my hair. I changed it up a few times, but currently, I had it back to the dark blue to teal blue and my hair was a little longer, just past my collarbone. When I finished getting ready, I got my phone and purse off of the kitchen counter and then headed out the door. It was fall and I only had a grey cardigan to wear, so it was a bit chilly. I brushed off my goosebumps and walked all the way to Kaya's house. Kaya's small figure was already waiting for me on the steps of her house. She was Chinese, her hair was long and black and her eyes were dark as well and she wore the same uniform as me. A lot of people mistaken us as sisters just because we're together all of the time.

"What took you so long?" Kaya curiously tilted her head as she grabbed her purse and started walking.

"I lost track of time." I told her. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

"I thought you didn't like to be late." She teased me. I shrugged and smiled softly.

"Normally, I'm not. But today was an exception." I said to her in a sing-song tone of voice.

"Oh really? What exception?" She smirked with her arms crossed as she followed me.

"My father is supposed to send me a letter today." I said to her. Kaya smiled and then stopped and hugged me.

"That's amazing Talia!" She grabbed my shoulders and smiled bright.

Kaya and I finally made it to the coffee shop and entered through the back door. We washed our hands and then opened up the shop before we went to the counter and began to do our job. Our coffee shop is known for it's donuts and cupcakes that are made with sweet coffee. I was especially good at making the deserts for people as well as putting fancy cream designs in a customer's coffee. Kaya and I had practically mastered the skill of creating birds out of cream in people's coffee. I worked back in the bakery while Kaya worked with the coffee today.

I set up my station and once the shop's doors opened, our first customer came in. I fidgeted with my necklace and went ahead and took the customer's order.

"Do you have any of those coffee donuts? I'm bringing them to work today." The man asked. He wore a police uniform and was a heavier set guy.

"Sure. How many?" I asked him with a smile. I finished his order and he was on his way. Soon enough, we were running out of cupcakes, since somebody needed a bunch for a birthday party. I looked over at Kaya and asked her to call backup. I guess Kaya didn't understand that I meant good and hardworking backup. I didn't ask for a perverted idiot who can barely count to three without flirting with someone. I mentally screamed when Kollin walked in the shop. I wanted nothing to do with him what-so-ever. He made his way over to me with his chin up high and his green eyes looking everywhere with his brown hair, shaved on the sides, flowing everywhere.. I snapped my fingers in his face. "Get to work Kollin." I spat.

"Anything for you, pretty girl." Kollin sang. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"I'm not your pretty girl, you have a girlfriend." I said to him.

"You sound like that's a bad thing."

"I pity her for being with you." Was all I said before walking back to the kitchen to get to work. I began to make the cupcakes and tasted the batter before putting them in the oven. I made the buttercream icing that had fine, crushed, coffee beans, mixed into it.

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