I woke up to an extreme feeling of drowsiness. My head was spinning and my vision wasn't very clear. Not to mention, the aching pain in my mouth. I couldn't tell what it was. As soon as I realized what had happened, my attention snapped back to reality. I sat straight up and held my head, realizing that sitting up that fast was not a great idea for someone with iron deficiencies. I groaned in pain as the back of my head throbbed from lack of blood circulation.

"So, you're finally awake?" I heard a man's voice say from behind me. My head snapped in the direction of where I heard the voice. My heart stopped for a second when I saw Kieran. Wait... how on earth did he get there?! Why am I at home? How did I get here? Did Kieran take me home? Guilt flooded through my body. Kieran brought me some soup and a glass of water.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. He looked sideways at me with a face of what looked like to be a pitiful expression.

"You were drunk last night. Don't worry, you're the one who led me here. I won't tell anyone." He said. I nodded lightly, taking the glass from him. I sat criss-crossed on the couch while Kieran sat next to me. It was silent for a few moments before I finally decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry for keeping you here all night. Also, for making you take me home. I know that you're probably busy." I said not really making eye-contact with the officer.

"Don't apologize. I'm off work for the next week, packing to move back home." He said. I nodded. He handed me an envelope with a red and black seal on the back. The seal had the loan sharks logo on it. I bit my lip and slowly and shakily took it from him. I'm guessing that Kieran didn't see the seal since he had the same expression on his face the entire time. I carefully opened the letter and then took out the piece of paper. It was blood stained. My eyes were open as wide as they possibly could. I looked at the brown, dried blood on the envelope before hesitantly unfolding the letter.

My Dearest Talia,

As you are probably aware, I am not getting very far in our financial situation considering the men only allow me to work certain jobs at certain hours. My heart aches to write this letter to you. Tomorrow morning, they are going to cut off my ring finger if I cannot pay the money back by midnight. I am afraid of what they will do to me these next few days if I cannot pay back what I owe. Baby girl, in case I don't make it, I need you to know that I have been such an incredible burden to you. You're the only family I have left now. For that, I apologize sincerely to you. Because of me, you've lost everything and everyone important to you. You lost your father, mother and sister because of me. There aren't enough words to explain the sorrow and guilt it brings me to have to leave you like this. I am writing to warn you. The sharks are hunting for you. They know about my plan of escape. Darling Talia, by sunrise, I will no longer be on this earth. I can only hope that you will be okay on your own as you always have been.

P.S. By midnight, the day of your twentieth birthday, your true self will come to reveal itself. Your mother and I refused to tell you about your true heritage because of what the sharks are after. It isn't money that they're after. It's you. I wish I could have done more to protect you longer. You have to move back home where you're safe. They won't know where you are.. I love you to the moon and back babydoll. Don't forget me.



Tears flooded down my face as my heart shattered into a million pieces. It's too late... my dad is gone. I dropped the letter and fell backwards on the couch. Out of the deadly silence, I screamed in agony. My heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on by dread and fear as well as the sadness of losing my father. I sobbed there on the couch while Kieran sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulders. He picked up the letter and began to read it. I didn't stop him since he is a cop and it would most likely help me if he knew what was going on. Once he finished reading, he put the letter aside on the coffee table and then embraced me in his arms. I was a bit taken back by the sudden contact, but I didn't care at that point. I just needed someone's shoulder to cry on.

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