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When they come for me next time, ask questions. They can't hurt me for asking questions. Breathe. Control your thirst and anger. Don't let their words get to you. That's the plan.

It had been a day and a half since anybody had actually seen me. I was supposed to be met with the day after I arrived here, but plans changed when the organization didn't have a good strategy and needed to come up with one. That is our advantage. If they don't have a steady and smooth plan for me, defeating the HBH will be ten times easier. Kieran kissed the back of my head before walking out the bedroom door with me in front of him. If I get enough information, I can manipulate them through their negative energy and then Kieran can get into their head and get Neo to hand over his sister. Once we get his sister back, we kill them all. No mercy.

I was brought down to the basement where the training area was for their assassins and other important people like Kieran to train in. I was taken away from Kieran a few times so that I wasn't with just one person the entire time. When I was with another guy while Keiran had to do mission work, this guy decided that it was a good idea to lock both of us in a closet. He was really thin, had a ton of tattoos and had darkish skin, but that was all I could make out of what he looked like. He was getting closer to me with every step I took backwards. I felt my necklace heating up and I knew that he couldn't go far with what he wanted to do. Being pushed up against the wall in a dark room, triggered a flashback and I started hyperventilating once he kissed me. This man smelled of alcohol and smoke from his cigarettes. He pulled out a flask and forced me to drink some of whatever was in it. I was screaming and crying at this point and my hands were bound behind my back so I couldn't escape. I tried kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine, but he was so drunk that he didn't feel it. Instead, he got angry and just kept trying to kiss me in different places. My heart was racing, my whole body was in fight or flight and I was back in that room when I was seven with those psychopaths. My body had had enough of this. My eyes glowed red, I kicked this man backwards, I somehow found the strength to completely break the metal handcuffs that I had been in for almost three days and I pushed him into the wall and choked him until his eyes rolled back and he passed out. I fed off of my own negative energy as well as this man's and burned my hand into his neck, leaving a second degree burn. I then picked his arm up and drank some of his blood, but then immediately spit it out in his face because it tasted so stale because of his bad habits.

I kicked open the door and started walking down the hallway like I owned the place. I had no shoes on, only an oversized, black T-shirt of Kieran's and my black leggings. My hair was down and was a mess. I stormed down the hallway, showing no mercy to whoever tried to restrain me again. Blood was everywhere. I wasn't in control. All it took was one flashback and a situation similar, to make me snap. I barged into the room where Neo's office was and I stood in front of him with glowing eyes. He stood up and looked shocked that nobody was with me. He called for Kieran on his phone. I put my hand out towards the phone and broke it in half by pure willpower. I was already covered in blood by the last few people whom I had slaughtered. Neo looked amazed at my work.

"Perfect." Neo said under his breath with a sadistic smirk on his face. As if it were a time-lapse, I rushed over to Neo and had him in a hold with my hand on his chest so that he couldn't move. I bared my fangs at him and he just laughed at me. He pressed a button and guards came in.

"Where is Laika?!" I yelled in a double-toned voice. Neo just chuckled at my anger.

"You won't do anything to me. You can't here. You know the rules, little girl. You can't ask for classified information." Neo teased. I only pressed my hand harder on his chest and started to heat my hand up.

"Fine... then tell me... why did you kill my parents?!" I screamed. Neo's face went serious. I stared him directly in the eyes and began to manipulate his mind. Neo just smirked and chuckled.

"Manipulation won't work on me darling." Neo lied. I noted that, mentally. Kieran suddenly came into the room and stood and watched as I was slowly draining Neo's energy.

"Tell me!" I yelled at him louder and more threatening. Neo tooj his hand and put it on my wrist to try and take my hand off of his chest. My hand would burn him every time he lied or refused to answer a question.

"I didn't." Neo simply said, trying to withstand the pain I was putting him in. Neo pointed to a boy next to Kieran... Kollin. "He did." I let go of Neo and he took salt in his pocket and slapped a handful on my neck. I screamed in pain and then turned back around to Neo and forced him to the ground. There were already people trying to pry me off of him, but I blew them away with my telekinesis and made them hit the wall, bashing a few of their heads, causing them to die on the spot. I didn't care. Kieran had the shot to sedate me to sanity again in his pocket.

"Where... is... Laika?" I said under my breath just loud enough to where Neo was sure to hear me. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me that wasn't Kieran's.

"In the torture chambers." I looked over and I saw Kollin with his eyes wide, knowing that he was in trouble with Neo. I was shocked as ever. This perverted creep with no sense of personal space and who does drugs and alcohol while cheating on girls, is finally letting his guard down? I thought that he was lying at first, but then I saw Neo's eyes widen and his teeth grind as he reached for his gun. I broke his hand with my mind before he could reach the gun, and then I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I looked down and Neo had stabbed me with a dagger in my upper thigh. I growled at him and Kieran pried me off of Neo. I wasn't letting him go that easily. Once Neo got up and turned around to go back to his chair, I knocked him out with the handle of the gun that was previously on Neo's belt and I had stollen. All of the other guards and security men had run away once they saw the fight and it was just me, Kieran and Neo in the office. Kieran helped me chain Neo to the chair and padlock it before he could wake up. Kieran didn't even give me a chance to breathe before he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him and kissed me for what felt like forever.

"All that blood looks good on you, babe. It brings out your eyes." Kieran joked. I still wasn't fully sane yet, and I knew that. I was really thirsty... I looked over at Neo and it was a perfect opportunity to just end him there. Kieran followed my eyes over to Neo and saw the anger. Kieran put his hand on my face and made me look at him. Kieran took my dagger and slit the palm of his hand and gave it to me. Once I drank some, I felt more in control of my body. I gained a sense of realization of what I had done, yet at that time, I didn't care. I smiled at the work that I had done to the other guards. "We still need him for answers. Let's get my sister back first." Kieran suggested. I shook my head.

"I don't care about answers anymore. I can just look it up later on Neo's computer. What I want is to see him beg for his life." I said. "Let's get your sister, get Kollin and then get some answers." I said to him. Kieran nodded and then kissed me again before taking my hand and rushing out of the room with Peyton watching over Neo so that he couldn't escape. I limped as blood dripped down my leg. I know that I heal quicker now that my genes have returned to me, but still, seeing my own blood leave my body unnaturally, made me want to throw up. I know that it is harder for a demon half-blood to die, but with me also being half vampire, it means I have less blood and am more at risk.

Kieran saw my wound and quickly had me sit down for a second while he ripped his shirt and he tied the strip of fabric tight around my leg. He put some sort of magic to stop the bleeding on my leg and he helped me up. Now that the bleeding was stopped for the time being and my focus was not on the pain, I struggled to get up and follow Kieran. Being the best boyfriend ever, he got in front of me and bended over so I could get on his back. I got on and we were off to the place where I knew I would have a hard time being in. I laid my head on Kieran's shoulder. I really hoped that they didn't hurt Laika like they hurt me. I looked down to see that my leg was gushing blood. That wasn't supposed to be normal according to Kieran, but then again, I had never been seriously hurt after my awakening. I was starting to feel the pain and would wince every once in a while.

"Are you okay?" Kieran asked before we got to the room where Laika was. I nodded and laid my head back on his shoulder. "Just don't fall asleep okay?" Kieran told me. I nodded and waited for him to open the door.

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