A Perfect Score

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"Sounds good, Mr Cohen, though that being said, we will need to get going, so I hope you have a wonderful day." I chuckled



Saying our goodbyes to Mr Cohen, we entered Mr Fontaine's office which was simple though intricate in design, the best feature of the office was its viewing window which overlooked Both the Factory and The Abyss.

 Saying our goodbyes to Mr Cohen, we entered Mr Fontaine's office which was simple though intricate in design, the best feature of the office was its viewing window which overlooked Both the Factory and The Abyss

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As we made our way inside, I immediately Ran to his desk and jumped into his chair, causing it to spin around, Earning a chuckle from him. "After here Can I Show Midoriya around the factory before we leave?" I Asked Mr Fontaine, "Of course James, Why not give him a tour now while your father and I have a chat?" He responded.

"Really?" I almost shouted, "Sure go ahead, Your father and I are going to talk business, so you might as well show him around while we talk, I don't think your friend would want to Sit around while we talk nonsense, Ha Ha Ha." He laughed as I launched out of the chair and landed on the other side of the desk, "Go on James, by the time we are done you will probably have to return to the surface, I'm Sure Midoriya's Mother is worried about him" My father Interjected as he took his seat in the guest's chair.

"Oh, that's right" I started Looking at the time, "Perhaps we should leave the tour for a later date, Come on Midoriya Lets go back" I finished as I Closed the Office Door, Sticking the Founders Key into the lock, "How about you try it?" I asked My friend.

Moving aside I let a confused Midoriya walk to the door, "Hold onto the Key, Think about where you want to go and Turn it" I explained as he followed my instruction, He must have been thinking about this house because as soon as he turned the key and opened the door, we were greeted by a short, green-haired woman who looked around 40 years old staring at us wide-eyed until she noticed Midoriya walking up to her.

Moving aside I let a confused Midoriya walk to the door, "Hold onto the Key, Think about where you want to go and Turn it" I explained as he followed my instruction, He must have been thinking about this house because as soon as he turned the key ...

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"Hey mum, How was your day?" He chuckled as she looked between him and the door that I was closing, making sure to take the key with me. "H-hey Izuku, who's this?" She asked still surprised at our entrance. "This is James Ryan, a friend from the exams" He replied as I respectfully bowed to her, "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Midoriya, Me and Izuku met when I arrived here" I introduced as I raised my head.

"Please young man, Don't be so formal, I'm just his mother I'm nothing Special" She chuckled, "Still, I'm glad to meet you though I wasn't expecting it to be this soon," I returned the Chuckle earning a slight chuckle from Both Midoriya and his mother.

"Is that your quirk Dear?" She asked me "Kind of, Mrs Midoriya" I replied, slightly scratching my nose "Please Inko is fine dear, If I may ask, What was that?" She asked, "I suppose you could call it a quirk though it was more of a gift from a family Friend" I responded noticing how late it was.

"As much as I would like to stay and chat, I must be going, Delta is probably worrying about where I am." I began as I turned to Mrs Midoriya "It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs Midoriya" I once again bowed "Like I said James, Inko is fine, Though if you ever want to come past and hang out with Izuku you are more than welcome, and maybe stay for dinner sometime" She stated as I stood up, "If it's not to much trouble, I would love to," I continued turning to Midoriya "And I'll see you tomorrow, at the beach, Goodbye" I finished as I was lead towards the front door by Midoriya and his mother.

==================TIME SKIP==================

A few weeks had passed quickly and calmly, though I would visit Izuku and his mother for a nice chat and on certain occasions dinner, we all had fun, and every morning I would train with Midoriya on the beach with delta.

Though my thoughts were cut short when All Might entered the room from the Main staircase "HELLO YOUNG RYAN, HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS FINE DAY, HA HA HA!!" All Might state in his usual entrance tone, "I'm Good All Might, How about you?" I asked as I moved around the room sorting a few boxes out "HA HA HA, I'm doing Well" He started though he began to quiet down "Young Ryan, May I speak with you quickly?" He asked.

"Sure" I replied as I moved some boxes off the lounge "Would you like a seat?" I asked as I Sat down in my usual spot on the single lounge. "Gladly" He replied as he took the three-seater. "Now James, as you know over the past few weeks, the exams had been marked and scores had been sent out to the applicants" He started "Though your case is special considering you live on campus, though regardless of that fact, as we were observing and marking your exam footage we noticed that even though you destroyed the drones, You did so without causing any extra damage to the town and effectively stopped the Zero pointer from destroying more" He paused, "And because of that reason, your mark had been dramatically increased." He paused once more as he Took out a folded piece of paper.

"The marks you received for the entrance exam is as follows," He continued as he opened the paper, "For Drone/robot destruction, 150 Points, For effectively avoiding the destruction of property while fighting, 60 Points, Now even with the 150 Points you have already passed Though because of the extra 60 you now hold the record for the highest score in the entrance exams and because of this, Principal Nezu has asked if you would like to take personal classes from some of the pro heroes."

I was Speechless, not only did I set a new record but I was going to get private lessons from Pro heroes, "I-I don't know what to say, Did Principal Nezu have a specific teacher in mind?" I asked in slight shock, "Well, depending on the area of training you will have a one on one class with them, Though for starters you will demonstrate your powers in front of the Pro heroes who teach here at school, however that won't be until your first day at U.A." He pauses as he looks towards the paper again "Which is next week, so I best be Going so I'll see you Monday Morning" He finishes as he stands, making his way to the door

"Oh, and before I forget" He begins as He turns Around, "Delta Here Is welcome to attend classes as well, Though Principal Nezu recommended that your seat is to be placed at the back corner so delta can sit or stand where ever he needs to, We have set up a spot where there is more room, for the both of you." He finishes as he Disappears up the main stairs.

"Well, At least you can come with me," I stated as Delta placed his hand on my head, "And who knows They might make you a Hero as well, Ha Ha Ha" I laughed With Delta as we began to prepare for next week, "I Can't Wait"

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