Truth Route [4]

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Team Plasma... An organization that aims to liberate Pokémon from humans. Or so they say. Two years ago they were involved in a scandal. It turned out they had been taking the Pokémon they claimed to be liberating and using them for their own gain. Led by their tyrant King, they summoned the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom and nearly took over the Unova Region. A lone trainer stopped them though, and their King disappeared.

For two years they went into hiding. Then they came back as Neo Team Plasma, officially revealing themselves as an evil organization.

You who only want the best for all Pokémon wanted to quit when this happened, but Ghetsis convinced you to stay.

He'd told you Team Plasma holds their desire for Pokémon liberation at its root. That once Team Plasma controls Unova, all Pokémon would be safe. Then he reminded you of the Purrloin he gave you when you were small, and you'd promised to remain loyal to this team.

There's a faint memory however, that Ghetsis wasn't the one to give you Purrloin. It doesn't really matter, but why would you remember something the way it wasn't?

Liepard pops out of her Pokéball and practically forces you to pet her.

You had decided to stay in Castelia instead of going back to HQ. And that definitely isn't because N wants to meet up with you. Yeah, of course not.

You give Liepard a little scratch behind her ears and let her continue to walk with you.

There's a small stall offering the local delicacy nearby, but the line is impossibly long, so you don't end up going there.

Before you know it, you two have walked all the way to the Route 4 gate, where there'd be a small stretch of desert before Nimbasa City.

Liepard raises her head and growls, then bolts ahead into Route 4.

That takes you by surprise, since she never runs off like that. She's always been so calm and obedient.

"Hey! Liepard!" You run after her into the sandstorm, and eventually lose sight of her. "Liepard! Liepard!" You continue to call her name, hoping she would come back.

What would you even do without her? If she's hurt...

Barely able to see in front of you, you lose your footing and slide down a bank.

You would have fallen all the way down, but someone grabs your arm.

"Careful now." He pulls you up and holds you steady.

"N, is that you?" you ask.

You hear a little gasp, and then, "Yes."

He's barely visible in the sandstorm, but he pulls you behind a piece of debris where there's shelter.

The two of you let out a breath, then you hear a little meow.

Liepard curls herself around your leg and purrs.

"Liepard!" You bend down and give her like thirty pats.

"So that's your Liepard." N crosses his arms. " I was sure startled when she ran up to me."

You aren't really paying attention, since you're so happy to see your beloved Pokémon again.

N takes notice of his and scoffs. "Why do you stay with them, Liepard? Someone with Team-" He gasps, noticing the way Liepard is looking at him. "You're-"

"You said Liepard came up to you?" you ask, returning Liepard to her Pokéball so she won't take damage from the sandstorm.

He nods, then looks out from the debris shelter. "It doesn't look like this will let up. Let's stay here until it quiets down."

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