Ideals Route [9]

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You arrive in the windy Mistralton City, and the Gym there is a bit of a challenge, since the Leader uses flying-type Pokémon. After a couple attempts though, you're able to defeat her.

Then you get lost several times in Twist Mountain, but make it out after a few hours.

And again it all passes by like watching a fast-forwarded movie.

Once you make it to Icirrus City, it's late and you're tired, so you check into the Pokémon Center for the night.



"Awaken. Hero, you must awaken!"

You open your eyes to see a blurry scene surrounded with clouds. Something's floating in the air, not too far away.

It looks like the stone Lenora gave you, except it's smoother and emits some kind of static.


There's a flash of lightning, and for a second you see a large black dragon.

What's going on?

You try to speak, but words fail you.

"Something big is happening! You have to stop him!"

Stop who?

Finally you say something.


Lightning flashes again, and the image of the dragon returns. There's recognition in his eyes before he fades away.

"The King! He's doing it now! Hero, you must awaken! NOW!"

Your eyes snap open. You're breathing heavily.

Was that just a dream?

You feel cold all over, but not the kind of cold you feel when it's winter. This cold feels more still, more eerie, almost like you're dead. And your throat is so dry it feels like you can't even take a breath.

You turn your head to look around the dark room.

Servine is curled up by your feet, but it seems to be feeling the same way you are.

You drag yourself out of bed, though your entire body feels heavy like a Gigalith.

The small alarm clock in the room reads 2:00AM.

You and Servine creep silently through the Pokémon Center and leave, and the sky outside is cloudy.

They're dark clouds, swirling around Dragonspiral Tower on the horizon, where they become a deep red.

"What is going on?" you mumble. You return Servine to its Pokéball and run towards the tower, feeling like something is calling you.

You cut through the forest path and take the stairs up to the tower two at a time. You're hopelessly tired, but an unknown adrenaline pushes you to keep going.

The tower begins to shake, nearly knocking you off balance. It shakes more with every floor you reach.

There's a low rumble, and then, "That's right! Burn!"

That's N's voice.

You make it to the final floor, and are nearly choked by smoke in the air.

The smoke swirls around, and sparks fly through the air. Everything is on fire.

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