Truth Route [11]

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Light filtering in from between the tree leaves wakes you up. You blink slowly, then look over to N, who's still sleeping peacefully beside you.

Liepard is curled up beside you with her head in your lap, also asleep.

The only other one awake is Zoroark, who's pacing around the area, occasionally raising his head to look in the other direction. He notices you and grins.

"Good morning Zoroark," you say as he scurries over to you.

He snickers, then transforms into you. Using your form, he mouths, "Hello," and transforms back.

You look back up at N, then down at Liepard. Looks like you aren't going to be able get up without waking anyone.

Zoroark notices this too and sneaks over to N's side.

"Don't you dare," you whisper.

He rolls his eyes, dismissing whatever his other idea was and pokes his trainer's leg.

N jumps a little, but slowly opens his eyes. He sweeps his bangs out of his eyes, and his face is a little flushed.

He's so pretty when he first wakes up. Wait, we're getting sidetracked.

"Hello Y/N," he says softly. "Did you sleep well?"

You nod, and he gets up. It feels a bit colder without him.

He starts making a fire, accompanied by Zoroark, who's handing him stray twigs and branches. "I'll have to get going soon," he tells you. "Zekrom wants me to investigate something near Lacunosa Town."

"I see."

You had been thinking about something as you fell asleep last night. Since you know the truth about Team Plasma and your memory, you think maybe it isn't the best idea to stay with them. But should you bring this up to him?

Before your mind can make a decision, you say, "Hey, N?"

He senses the hesitation in your voice and stops what he's doing to look at you.

"I kinda... I think I want to... Quit Team Plasma."

His face lights up, but he quickly makes his expression neutral. "Is that what you really want to do? Of course, I'm overjoyed that you're saying this, but...I also want you to follow your path. Not mine, or anyone else's."

You shake your head. "No. Ghetsis literally made me forget about you! Even if I liked being in Team Plasma, they were doing nothing but using me!"

A small smile graces his features. Good Arcoos he's beautiful.

"You understand. That makes me happy to hear." He couches down and hugs you for a few seconds, then pulls back and goes back to tending to the fire. "Do you know what you'll have to do to quit?"

You shake your head.

Once the fire is lit, he leans back, and his expression is somber. "You'll have to run. Run as far and as fast you can."


"When I first left, it was scary. Both the Sages and the police were looking for me. I actually left the region for a while, but when I came back, I could never stay in the same place for too long."

Zoroark looks at him with sympathy, then pats his leg.

"But enough of that gloomy talk. I'm alright now and you'll be alright soon. Come sit by the fire, it's nice and warm." He pats the grass beside him, so you scoot over.

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