Chapter 1

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The sound of a pencil moving across paper could be heard through the deserted studio, the piece of art finally coming together after the artist had spent hours upon hours making sure the design was nothing but perfect. Putting the finishing touches on the artwork before taking a deep breath laying his pencil down to study the finished piece. Smirking at the work, it was probably one of the best pieces he'd created and couldn't wait to transfer its owners' skin in a few days.

Running his hands through his ash blonde hair pulling off his dark red beanie in the process. Looking out the large window noticing how dark it was before checking the time, it was just past one. Standing up and rolling his shoulders trying to relax them after being hunched over for hours on end making sure the piece he'd been working on was nothing short of perfect. Making his way around the studio to finish closing up, he flicked the street light on before turning the alarm system on and locking the door behind him. Pulling down the security shutter checking it was secure as he made his way over to his bike. Throwing his leg over the side of it while yanking his helmet over his head.

Turning his head to across the street where something white had caught his eye. Eyeing the vacant shop window across the street noticing the 'For Sale' sign that had in the window for a while now had a large white 'Sold" sticker over it. Glaring at the Sold sticker angrily before gunning his bike not caring if the noise woke anyone up as he pulled out onto the empty street not wanting to think about the new shitheads taking over the store across the street.


The sour look never leaving his face as he made his way into the coffee shop a few places down from his studio. Stepping into the quaint little cafe heading straight to the counter to order his usual triple espresso with a banana nut muffin. Paying for his order and moving to the side to wait, he had been coming here since it first opened a few months after his tattoo studio opened. Once he'd tasted the coffee, he could tell it was more than just the standard coffee shop crap most places used these days and just like that the blonde found himself in here at least twice a day. Taking the cup filled with the bitter beverage and the bag containing his breakfast from the server giving a small nod before leaving the shop and heading towards his studio.

Coming up to the tattoo parlour walking past the large window with the name proudly standing out. The shop was opened by one of the other staff members who'd arrived early. Pushing the heavy glass door open and heading inside past the counter to the back room to enjoy his coffee and muffin. Getting comfortable knowing he had an hour before his first appointment turned up and he submerged himself in his work. Taking a bite into the nutty banana goodness enjoying a few moments of peace before someone would come to annoy him. A few seconds into his second bite, his best mate along with co-founder of the tattoo parlour strolled into the room smiling disrupting his peace.

"Morning," The redhead waved as he strolled into the room, putting his lunch into the small fridge on the other side of the room.

Not looking away from muffin replying in a bored tone, "hey Kirishima."

Grabbing the nearest seat to his friend, "so what time did you get out of here last night?"

Popping the last piece of muffin in his mouth and washing it down with his now warm beverage, "after one."

A frown etched the redhead's brow, "didn't get much sleep?"

Scowling at his friend, "what are you my mum now?"

Rubbing the back of his head chuckling, "it's not like that man. I just know how you get sometimes."

"and what's that's suppose to mean!" his eyes glaring holes into his friend.

Shaking his hands in front of him, "I just meant you're dedicated to your work and sometimes don't pay attention to your own needs. That's all."

Standing up and pointing at the other male, "shut up shitty hair." Picking up his rubbish and dumbing in the bin before stomping out towards his work station. Nothing pissed him off like a messy work area; he expected everything to be kept clean and tidy in the studio, expecting nothing less from everyone who worked there. Sitting at his station looking over the piece he'd finished last night, he was impressed with himself and how it turned out. Feeling a presence over his shoulder, "what do you want?"

Leaning on the blonde's shoulder, smiling, "that's your best piece so far."

"I know," shoving him off and adjusting his jumper.

Straightening himself up and making his way to his station, "so what you think about the place across the street being sold?"

"what about it?" the blonde quirked an eyebrow as he placed the drawing into a folder.

"aren't you at all curious about who's moving in?" Pulling out a few things he needed to work on before his client came in.

"It's probably going to be some dumb fuck like last time," his words coated in venom at the thought of the previous owners.

Scrunching his face at the thought, "hopefully its someone not so ... old and grumpy."

Pulling out his first client's sketch and starting to set up his area, "whoever moves in can keep their fucking opinions to themselves and stay out of our way."

Pursing his lips and shrugging his shoulders, ending the conversation to continue with what he was doing.

A few hours had passed, and the studio was busy with customers coming and going. The blonde had finished the tattoo he'd been working on and was waiting for his next appointment to arrive. Looking through the appointment book to see what else he had for the day when he heard the door chime. His crimson orbs lifted spotting someone that stood out like a sore thumb, a lady around the same age as them.

Clearing his throat while raising an eyebrow as she looked around, "can I help you?"

The female approached the counter with a smile, "hi there, I was just hoping to see my new neighbours."

The statement had Kirishima and the other two artists stopping to see who bought the shop across the street. The blonde nodded to the signage on the glass, "we're Blast Rush Tattoo, I'm one of the owners Katsuki Bakugou."

Explosive Ink (Bakugou x OC)Where stories live. Discover now