Chapter 17: Niiyama Girls' High

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haruka ishiwaka's point of view

"You okay?" Wakatoshi asked the minute I sat down next to him. It took me a while to find him and the others but I eventually found them watching a match that determines our opponents this afternoon.

After me, Tōru, and Hajime had our mini reunion, a first year from Seijoh approached them and said that their coach was looking for them. We joked a bit more before we finally parted ways. I think I was gone for a solid thirty minutes and it took me another ten minutes to find where the others were.

"Yeah, everything's okay." I smiled at him reassuringly. I grabbed his hand and entwined our fingers together. He was tense for a while but eventually relaxed.

"You've gotten comfortable in holding my hand now." He observed as he squeezed my hand.

"Well since you're going to be my boyfriend, might as well get used it." I teased him. He noticeably got flustered which made laugh.

"I knew you were a confident person but I didn't know you were this confident." He commented as he broke eye contact with me and focused on the matches that were happening in front of him.

"You better get used to it then, boyfriend." I teased him more. Wakatoshi seemed like a quiet but confident person but I noticed that he could get flustered easily. In my observation, I noticed that when he gets flustered he won't blush like other people but you would know that he's flustered when his face would suddenly go blank and his eyes would widen slightly. Like what his facial expression is now.

"S-so I'm your boyfriend now? What happened to courting?" He stuttered a bit in the beginning which was completely unusual of him! Now this made me laugh out loud which made his and my teammates and other people from the bleachers flash me a bewildered look. Me and Wakatoshi sat in front of the others and we were silently exchanging words to one another.

"Oh you're still courting me but I would probably say yes to the most important question." I said as I winked at him. I looked around the audience area to notice they was a bit of a crowd.

Now that I notice it, some people were staring at us more importantly at our entwined hands. This got me nervous which didn't go unnoticed by the man beside me.

"You okay? Earlier you were teasing me, now you're quiet again. Everything alright?" He asked with a teasing tone but I could clearly hear the concern underneath it.

"It's just I noticed that everyone's staring." I mumbled under my breathe as I looked down.

"Now that's a bit exaggerated." He deadpanned.

"It's true! Look around."

"Haru, not everyone is staring." He reassured.

"They are!"

"Now they're going to be." He said as he removed his hand from my hand and placed his arm around me which made my eyes widen. Heat spread through my cheeks as I felt his arm around shoulders. He does this type of things at school but most of the time I won't notice until somebody points it out to me but now...

"Oy! Tone the PDA down, okay?" I heard Tendo teased from behind us. Semi and Reon laughed as Zumi clicked her tongue teasingly at us.

"Ew." I heard Tsutomu mutter as he made vomiting noises. A slap was heard then an 'ouch' from Tsutomu. My guess was that Aki, Zumi or even Shirabu slapped him at the back of his head.

"O-oy! Focus on the match, o-okay?" I mumbled, slightly embarrassed, as I now started to focus on the game happening. I could hear other snicker in the background but I just paid not mind to it.

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