Chapter 22: The Decision of a Captain

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haruka ishiwaka's point of view

"Soooo, who were you talking on the phone with?" I asked Wakatoshi immediately when he started to fall in step with me. Earlier he excused himself since someone important was calling him on the phone. Take note that we weren't suppose to answer our phones during school hours so, someone really important must have been on the phone for him to break school rules.

"Someone important." He said straightforwardly at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Someone I know?" I kept on asking.


"Am i close to them?" I inquired more, he just chuckled and nodded in response. "For goodness sake! Who is it!?" I asked a bit irritated at how he was avoiding on answering the simple question.

"Haru, chill. Okay?" He said as he faced me. His face had a soft cheeky smile on it. He placed his hands on both sides of my shoulders before leaning forward. "It was just your dad, so chill."

"Oh." I manage to mumble out in my surprise. He just chuckled before we resumed on walking down the hallways.

"Haru-chan! Hamada-san wants to speak with you!" A classmate of mine bellowed from our classroom door. I replied, "Okay! I'll head over there now!"

"Hamada-san?" Toshi asked me with his head cocked to the side. I forgot that he didn't' know who my homeroom teacher was.

"That's my homeroom teacher. I'll see you after school at training, okay? Bye!" I bid him before running towards the direction of the faculty room.

Once I got there I greeted everyone before making my way to Hamada-san. She was seating at the very corner of the whole room with her attention on the computer and papers in front of her.

"Hamada-san, you wanted a word with me?" I smiled politely at her. She flinched in surprise at the sudden intrusion beofre flashing me welcoming smile.

"Ah! Ishiwaka-san! C'mere, have a seat. I was meaning to ask you about something." She said as she pulled a chair from the table beside her. She gestured for me to sit, to which I followed. I sat there expectant of what she wants to talk with me about.

"Ishiwaka-san, I think you have a clue to what I want to talk to you about, right?" She started.

"I'm sorry Hamada-san but I don't have a single clue at all." I said politely at the person in front of me.

"As you may now, we just started a new semester and this is the time where most student athletes retire, especially captains." She said seriously as she glanced at me. Oh, now I know where this was going.

"Wait Hamada-san, can I not give my decision now? I'm still a bit conflicted about that decision. I'm sorry." I apologized once again as I looked down. In all honesty ai don't know what I should do.

I wanted to continue doing volleyball since it was my life but there was also academics which was equally important to me.

"Don't worry about it but I know youre still conflicted about it but can you give me an answer by the end of the day? The principal wants to know your answer as well."

"I'll try Hamada-san." I said as I started to get up to take my leave.

"I'll be here until 6 only Ishiwaka-san." She reminded me.

I nodded, "Okay Hamada-san, I'll come to you later. See you." I bid her finally and proceeded to go back to my classroom since it was time for afternoon classes now.

As I made my way back to my classroom, my mind started to wander about the important decision that I had to make. The decision I would make would greatly impact the future of my team but most importantly my future.

— — — — — — —

Afternoon classes just ended and we were now on our way to the club rooms to change. It was currently 3 in the afternoon meaning I still had 3 hours to think. My mind was still in a daze and my teammates had started to notice it as well.

"You okay there?" Aki asked me as she nudged me with her shoe. I flinched in surprise but nodded at her nonetheless.

"Yeah yeah. Everything's okay. There's this assignment I'm thinking about. Don't worry about it." I waved her off with a white lie. She gave me a look that says 'I don't believe you'. I just flashed her a smile and she finally sighed and let me be.

As we started to make our way to the gym I felt hands on both of my shoulders. I looked back to see Aki and Zumi's hand on my shoulder with the whole team looking at me with worry.

"Cap, whatever you are worrying about, we're here for you okay?" Aki and Zumi smiled at me with concern. I looked over my teammates and saw them smiling at me supportively.

I finally gave them a genuine smile and sniffled as I held back tears.

"Thank you everyone that's just what I need to hear." I laughed humorlessly at everyone. The team flashed me one last smile before they headed towards the gym for the joint training with the boy's team. Aki and Zumi were the last ones left.

"We know that you're thinking about that and we know that we can't make the decision for you." Zumi started before glancing towards Aki to continue.

"But nonetheless, choose whatever it is that you want, not what others want but what you want, okay? Whatever you choose, we'll support you wholeheartedly." Aki told me with utmost concern. I nodded since I was beyond speechless now and was holding back tears. Who knew my teammates could be this supportive for me?

Since I was speechless, I just pulled my two best friends towards me and gave them the biggest hug I could ever give. I could hear them start to pull back but I just hugged them tighter

"I know you two don't like hugging but can you let this pass just once?" I whispered at them. I heard them sigh but still stayed put nonetheless.

After a few moments we let each other go, we started to go towards the gym now. As I entered the gym the sight in front of me had made me make my decision right then and there.

In front of me was my teammates chatting and just joking around with the boy's team. They were just freely conversing and having a good time despite the intense training that we'll be doing afterwards. And at this moment here I knew that I wouldn't want to miss this for the whole world. I smiled widely at the sight.

"I'll be back!" I yelled to everyone before rushing towards the faculty. I rand and ran since I just wanted to get this out my mind already since this was bothering me since the early afternoon!

As I ran and ran, I finally made it to the faculty. I slammed the door open to see Hamada-san was the only person in there.

"Hamada-san! I will still be the captain!" I smiled at her even though I knew I startled her.

"I know that I won't want to miss our team's success one last time for anything in the world!"

happy new year everyone! 🎆

may 2021 give us peace and happiness 🥳

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