chapter one

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You were never one to care what people thought about you, you were a loner, you didn't fit in, that's what you thought.
You sat behind the school building knowing you wouldn't be bothered. You pulled out a cigarette like you always did during break. You closed your eyes, taking your first hit. When you opened them back up, a boy stood there in front of you. His hands were in his black oversized hoodie, he was wearing baggy blue jeans too. You were startled, he didn't speak and sat next to you, he looked at the cigarette in your hand. You passed it to him and he accepted it.

"I'm sorry who are you?", you were confused at what just happened. He looked at you and exhaled, letting the smoke out in your face.

"I'm Suna," he pulled his hand out and shook your hand. "what's yours?" "Oh I'm y/n". He was leaning against the wall now, staring straight ahead. "Well y/n, that makes you my first friend at this school." You looked at him smiling, but confused, you never cared or tried to make yourself look approachable. He side eyed you and smiled back, taking another hit.

"What's your schedule?" His binder was right there on the floor so you picked it up, noticing you both had biology together next.

"Why'd you ask if you were going to pick it up anyway?" The sarcasm in his voice was obvious.

"We have next class together" You reached for Suna's hand and grabbed your cigarette back.

"Don't smoke that, that's bad for you". You sat there looking at him dumbfounded, letting the silence sit. "I'm just kidding geez". He put his hand on his knee, shifting his weight to get up. He then extended his arm to you, you put out the cig and grabbed his arm, getting up as well. You checked your watch seeing the bell was about to ring, you grabbed your books and marched to your next class making small talk with the boy.

(updates will be posted almost every single day :) )

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