chapter fifteen//the final chapter

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After school you went to look for Atsumu to get everything sorted out, you found him with Osamu and asked to have a second with him.

Atsumu :
What's up?

Y/n :
About yesterday...

Atsumu :
Oh don't worry about it, I don't actually like you. I've been trying to make him jealous ever since I found you crying that day

Y/n :
What? That felt like so long ago?

Your voice trailed off for a second, then you hugged him

Y/n :
Thank you

He hugged you back, tightly

Atsumu :
Yeah... Don't worry about it...

You said your goodbyes and went home. You had your first date with Suna later, it was at a Carnival.

You wore *whatever you want* and waited for him to pick you up, which soon enough he did.

When you got in his car he blushed at the sight of seeing you and put down his phone. He was laid back in his seat, his legs spread and only one hand on the wheel. You were tired and rested your head on the window, just a few seconds before falling asleep you felt his hand on your thigh and smiled. You looked over at him blushing, scared not knowing what your reaction would've been. You didn't say anything and closed your eyes once more.

Suna :
Hey, wake up

He nudged you slightly

Y/n :
Oh sorry I was just really tired

When you got out of the car you realized how cold it was but Suna was already handing you his hoodie, it was big on you and smelled like him, you walked around the carnival for a while when you noticed something.

Y/n :

Suna :
What- Nope

You pointed at the ferris wheel, easily about 200ft high. You held his hand and dragged him till you reached the wheel.

The moment you got on, Suna gripped the the safety bar and had a weird forceful smile.

Y/n :
Don't tell me you're afraid of heights?

Suna :
Huh? Oh no, no way

Y/n :

He nodded still smiling.

Y/n :
Can you look down then?

You were at the very top when it stopped for a few seconds. He looked down quickly and then immediately back up, closing his eyes and gripping the bar tighter.

Suna :

You grabbed his face with both your hands

Y/n :
Focus on me

He gulped and held eye contact with you

Y/n :
When you move, what's going to happen to us?

Suna :

Y/n :
Nevermind, don't answer that, it was a dumb question-

Suna :
I'll wait for you.

The ride was over. It was fast, just like how the three weeks went by. In those times Suna realized Atsumu was trying to help me, not to thrilled about the kiss, he warmed up to him. You went out almost everyday somewhere new with him, sometimes with Osamu and Atsumu too.

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