chapter twelve

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(art by _Hemoon // twt)

Atsumu went to buy lunch while you and Osamu waited for him, you didn't bring money because youd usually eat at home. He came back with a plate full.

y/n :
You uh- always have a big appetite?

Atsumu :
Of course, how do you think I got so tall and buff?

Osamu :
Atsumu we have the exact same measurements and i don't eat as much as you

Atsumu :
We don't have ALL the same measurements but whatever makes you feel better

All the same measurements? Huh? You looked at the both of them confused. They look to be the same height and must weigh around the same so what does he me- OH. When realizing you got flustered and blushed from embarrassment not knowing how to react.

Osamu :
HEY! What's that supposed to mean? If anything you're the one who-

Atsumu put his hand over Osamu's.

Atsumu :
Anyway, why aren't you eating?

Y/n :
Oh I usually eat at home that's all.

Atsumu :
Do you want something from the vending machine? I cant buy lunch twice

Y/n :
(waving your hands in front of you) No no I'm okay thank you though

At this point on you were all sitting at a table together, but Atsumu got up without his tray.

Atsumu :
Nah, i'll go get you something.

He patted your shoulder. You were actually starving so that was a relief.

Osamu :
What about me?

Atsumu :
Shut up

he said walking away and out the cafeteria.

Atsumu's pov :
Walking towards the nearest vending machine I saw a familiar face, kicking the machine? Of course, with my luck, it was Suna.

Atsumu :
Are you dumb?

He didn't bat an eye and instead just continued.

Suna :
It's broken

Atsumu :
Oh I don't know maybe because YOU'RE KICKING IT? 

Suna :
Alright then, go ahead, you try

I sighed noticing the buttons weren't lit on, I walked over and looked behind the machine.

Atsumu :
It's unplugged dumbass

You both stood there in silence for a while.

Atsumu :
Well can you hurry up? I have y/n to get back to.

Almost immediately catching his attention I grinned. He got what he needed and started the walk away.

Atsumu :
Are the rumors true?

I waited till i couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.

Atsumu :
Is she really that easy?

There were no rumors but there was no way he wouldn't get mad. I was right, practically an instant later I was pinned against the vending machine, held by my shirt.

Atsumu :
Why are you mad? didnt you use her too?

That was the last thing I said before I ended up on the floor. I knew I had him at this point. I didn't try to fight back knowing I provoked it.

Suna :
I didn't use her

And he walked away with his head low and hands in his jean pockets.

My nose was bleeding so I went to wash up before going back.

Now he'll fight for her.

Your pov :

Y/n :
So uh... He's talking a while

Osamu :
He's probably shitting

You just awkwardly nodded and stayed quiet till he came back, and soon enough he did, empty handed.

Osamu :
Where's her food?

Atsumu :

Osamu :
Her food? You know, the stuff that you eat to stay alive?

Atsumu looked at you like her was scared or something.

Atsumu :
Oh um, I ate it, sorry, I can get more if you want?-

He got up motioning that he was going to head back but you grabbed his arm, he locked eyes with you and stopped talking, and sat back down.

The rest of lunch you all just made idiotic jokes, they helped you take your mind off of Suna.

Atsumu's pov :
She grabbed my arm telling me to sit back down, her eyes were so pretty.

Damn it.

(Hey y'all, as you can tell I tried a different format since this involved a lot of talking, please let me know if there are mistakes or if you like the old style better, thank youu)

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