chapter three

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After school you and Suna texted for hours back and forth, he's really not who you thought he was. He was nice, interested and gave subtle compliments. You stopped texting around midnight and the both of you said your goodnights.

Suna : Meet me by the cherry blossom behind school

You woke up to Suna's text, this made your heart race more than you wanted it to. You got ready as fast as you could and headed out the door. You wore an oversized short sleeved
t-shirt and a skirt along with fishnets. All black. Your hair was damp because of the shower you just took. You got there about 20 minutes early, you wanted to look good for him but realized it was a mistake when the wind started blowing.

After 15 minutes of him not showing up you decided to text him. No reply. You were freezing but determined to wait for Suna. He never showed up, instead, Atsumu did.

"Why are you here so early?" He looked at you worried, you were unsure weather or not to explain the situation to him since you weren't all that close. Atsumu took off his hoodie and handed it to you, "Here, you must be freezing!". You took it because you really were freezing. He put both of his arms on yours and rubbed up and down trying to warm you up. "Let's go inside", you didn't oppose to the idea. As you entered the school gates you saw Suna, and he saw you, his hands in his pockets again. His eyes widened at the sight but he didn't say anything, you just kept walking.

It was now break, you went behind the school building, taking out another cigarette once again. Suna came from around the corner, just like yesterday and sat next to you. You were having a hard time staying mad at him, so instead you lit him a cig.

"I thought you weren't close with that guy" He held eye contact with you, blowing smoke away from you.

"We weren't. We aren't." He finally broke the eye contact, he looked annoyed with you.

"If you aren't then wear my hoodie, not his." You were at a loss for words, on one hand you wanted to wear it but also didn't want to be mean to Atsumu.

"I'm not cold anymore" you took off the hoodie and placed it in your backpack.

"You look good" He said this after taking a hit, blowing the smoke out from nose, his eyes were semi closed. You didn't reply, you were too busy trying to stop yourself from smiling. "Those notes would've been real helpful by the way" You looked at him with rage.

"You ended up telling me you didn't need them anymore?" He was playing dumb and acted as if he were clueless, which made you even more mad.  You got up and grabbed your bag about to walk away.

"Y/n" he said stopping you. "Next time you're with atsumu, call my number."

You ignored him and walked to your next class, waiting by the door. You could see Atsumu with his twin and the rest of the team in the distance, you thought back to Suna's words.

Why in the world would I- you pulled out your cell phone and dialed Suna's number, keeping your eyes on Atsumu. Nothing happened for a few seconds, then just as you were about to put your phone away, Atsumu pulled his out. He looked at it for a second and proceeded to put it back in his pocket, that's when it sent you to voicemail.

(sorry if this one was boring, the next chapter is worth it I promise, lmk if you want me to slow it down/make the story go faster)

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