chapter two

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Suna sat a few seats behind you, it was the only one available. You were bored out of your mind sitting there, wanting to know more about him. The teacher was talking about homework, a few  seconds later you feel something light hit your back. You looked behind you on the floor to see a paper ball, you saw suna staring at you waiting for you to pick it up.

Atsumu, your classmate that sat behind you picked it up for you, you could tell he was hesitant to read it for himself. Suna's eyes narrowed. You took it from him and opened the note eagerly, "I need your notes for the homework". You looked back at Suna with the most bored look on your face. You did a phone motion with your hand, asking for his number.

He wrote it down but when he threw it, he missed. You didn't see this happen because you were facing forward, trying to not get caught by the teacher.

It landed on Atsumu's desk and he without hesitation read it. You heard a thump as Suna rested his head on his desk. A few seconds later Suna looked back over to see Atsumu hand you the note, he was relieved.

Class passed by, you and Suna were walking to your next class.

"So where'd you come from?" You were hesitant to ask about his background, fearing you guys weren't close enough yet.

"Oh i'm from Nekoma High, I transferred here because I moved in with my dad"

You nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Do you know who's the guy that sits behind you? Bleached hair, kind of dumb looking?" You didn't think Suna was the kind of guy to pay attention to others around him.

"Yeah, his name's Atsumu, he's been in my class for years. He's pretty much famous around here, he's our volleyball setter" Suna cringed at the last few words but kept walking.

Biology was the only class you guys had together, the bell rung and you went your separate ways.

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