chapter ten

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(art by rkgknno // twitter)

Today was the last day of school before spring break. You walked to school eager to make plans with Suna for spring break, but things didn't go the way you planned. You didn't see him in the morning, and he hadn't shown up to class. You decided to text and after a while he responded with "Something came up, sorry". That was the last you'd heard from him in two weeks, you tried reaching out to him but no reply so you figured you'd leave him alone, you didn't know his address either.

The first day back to school Suna did show up. You saw him by the door waiting for class to start, the biggest smile made its way to your face.

"Suna-" the ball rang right as you said that, you thought about trying later. Halfway through class you couldn't wait any longer and wrote him a note that said "Is everything okay?". You looked for when the teacher wasn't looking and threw it onto Suna's desk. It startled him and you smiled at his reaction. He picked it up and you were so happy but, he never opened it. He got up and made his way to the front of the class and threw it in the trash can. Your eyes widened and your heart sunk, he avoided eye contact on his way back. You stayed quiet the rest of the remaining time.

Lunch came and you decided to try again, except this time would be your last. You found him behind the building, where the two of you had met. He was leaning against the wall, looking at his phone. You took a deep breath and pressed your head against his chest, which startled him. He exhaled from his nose quickly, knowing he was smiling, and put his hand on the top of your head. You both stayed there in silence, not moving an inch. 

"Suna I-"

"I'm moving back home" Your eyes widened. You looked up at him in confusion waiting for him to continue. "I don't think we should hangout anymore, it'll only make it harder". You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You sat down taking it in as he walked away. tears rolling down your face while him seemed so emotionless.

Atsumu's pov :

I was walking to the library when I saw Suna coming from the corner with his head low. I figured something had just happened with y/n so when he was out of sight I went to check it out, and fair enough, there she was, silently crying on the floor. I'll admit I messed with her early on, but I did enjoy talking to her. Seeing her cry made me want to comfort her, so I sat down by her and she laid her head on my shoulder. I had my arm around her shoulder, she was still silent, I didn't know what to say and I didn't think she wanted me to say anything. We stayed there for a while, we both missed class as well. She told me I could go if I wanted to but something inside me wouldn't leave her alone, I didn't know what happened but I felt angry towards Suna.

Back to your pov :

Sitting there in Atsumu's arms made me calm down, I didn't want to get up or leave. But, the day soon came to an end, he offered me a ride home but you told him you'd rather walk alone and he understood.

You knew you had no feelings for Atsumu and you wouldn't do that to Suna, that's when you thought to yourself.

Does Suna even like me in that way?

(Y'all I won't lie I'm not 100% sure where this story should go so if you wanna help and drop some vague ideas that'd be great, thank you)

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