chapter eleven

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(art by zVCrQ2RcJ11ilu2//twt)

The sun came up and just like that, it was a new day. You were exhausted from staying up practically all night. You put on a black long sleeved shirt and a casual black dress on top, along with black boots. You took a 15 minute nap before leaving the house and finally left.

When you reached school grounds you saw Atsumu leaned on the gate waiting for you.

"Hey, morning, how are you?" He handed you a small cup of coffee, that random gesture made you smile and brighten your day better instantly.

"Thank you, I'm better, what you did yesterday means a lot to me, usually a random person would just walk away and not care but you stayed, but um, anyway, how are you?" As you said this he seemed as though he was zoning out.

"Huh? Oh, I'm good thanks, here let's go find Osamu". His arm was around you now, he started walking to find his brother, dragging you along.

Atsumu's pov :
While y/n was talking about whatever it was she was rambling on about my eyes focused on Suna who was approaching the school gates, I doubt he was going to try to talk to y/n but I didn't want him to put her in a bad mood already. I made up some bogus excuse and tried to distract her, I hope I didn't make her uncomfortable. I put my arm around her, my eyes fixated onto Suna, he didn't look at me directly but he side eyed me last second.

Back to your pov :
This was something you'd never expected, hanging out with the Miya twins. You'd never talk to Osamu before but you found him hilarious. The brothers teased eachother while constantly making you feel included. You still couldn't help but miss Suna. You hadn't known him for long, that's true, but you loved being in his presence. You went on with your day, at break, Suna didn't show up to your spot, you didn't know where he was and frankly didn't care to search.

"Hey y/n" Your heart beat faster and your eyes widened, but your excited look went away fast realizing that it was only Atsumu.

"Do you want to eat lunch with us later?"

"Yeah sure, why not" You found it weird that you had friends all of a sudden but what could go wrong? He extended his hand out to you, helping you up, you both walked to class together. Suna was already there, his eyes glued to his phone. When you and Atsumu walked past him he didn't look up. You were hoping for a reaction but got none.

Halfway through class you wondered what it would be like if you and the Miya twins could be close, having a friend group you could rely on would be nice. You didn't have your phone because the teacher would always take them before class, so you stuck to the old fashion way of passing notes. When you threw your note, you quickly found out of your horrible aiming skills. The note hit the back of Suna's head, since he sat in front of Atsumu now, he saw it all go down in front of him and couldn't help himself from letting out a small laugh. Suna, however, was not laughing one bit. The note bounced to the ground by Suna's seat, he sat there still for a second and then decided to reach for it and picked it up, as he did that he slowly looked up at you from the low angle. He opened it right in front of you, then gave you a cold glare after reading it and passed it to Atsumu. You stiffened in fear knowing he would misunderstand the situation.

Your note wrote "Are you free after school?".
When Atsumu read it, he nodded and leaned back into his chair, crumpling the paper in his pocket.

You wanted to cry from the embarrassment but controlled yourself, you didn't focus for the rest of class.

End of class
Atsumu woke you up from your nap, you didn't even remember falling asleep. Your eyes half closed you shoved his hand away and and closed your eyes. You jolted up realizing that who you had seen wasn't Atsumu but Suna, now completely awake. His head was tilted, he looked at you, then his hand, back at you.

"Hey y/n" Atsumu called. He walked up to your desk and stood next to Suna and you looked at the two boys scared. "Are you tired?" Atsumu put your hair that was 'stuck' on your face behind your ear. You just nodded blushing, you reached for your bag while getting up, then Atsumu brushed by Suna and walked next to you as you walked out.

Atsumu's pov :
This is good. I know he'll get jealous from this, I just have to continue like this... all while not developing feelings for y/n.

( HEY YALL OMG. I just finished finals and now i'm on winter break, thank you for being so patient!!)

also i'm thinking of making a 'toxic' terushima story after this one😁

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