chapter seven

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You arrived home safely, tired you went to bed.
The next morning arrived, you choose to wear a casual oversized black hoodie and baggy light blue jeans. It was a Saturday morning, the match should start in 40 minutes. You skipped breakfast and got in your car immediately, not wanting to be late.

Aside from your efforts, you ended up being 15 minutes late. You entered the gym to find Nekoma and Inarizaki warming up. When Suna noticed you, he didn't seem too thrilled about it. You looked around the gym to find the mysterious girl, there was only one other girl in the stands.

Is this her? Is this Mizuki?

She was wearing an old dress with flowers on them, brown boots and a leather jacket, her skin was clear and smooth and her hair was dark and wavy. Her eyes were focused on Suna, smiling brightly yet her eyes seemed to show nervousness. Even though you didn't know her you didn't like her vibe, you figured Suna wouldn't noticed so you excused yourself to go get water at the water fountain outside the gym.

When you reached the fountain there was a void with jet black bed hair already using it. You waited for your turn behind him, unnoticed. You startled him when he looked behind him, water dripping from his mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that"

"No no, it's fine, really" You have an awkward smile and the silence filled the atmosphere.

"Oh uh I'm Kuroo by the way" pointing his hand in your direction.

KUROO? THE Kuroo?! You shook his hand.

"I'm y/n, your Nekoma's team captain aren't you?"


"Well, uh, I should go back inside, good luck out there- well no because i'm rooting for my team but i hope-" You just stopped talking knowing you most likely looked dumb, he laughed at you softly. You smiled and started walking back.

"Aren't you thirsty? You can have my water bottle, i'll get a new one later" You didn't want to go back to the water fountain and just drink as he watched so you accepted his offer. The bottle was bright red with bold white letters, "NEKOMA".

When walking back inside with Kuroo behind you, you felt Suna's eyes stare at you.

"Suna! psst Suna!" You heard a small sweet voice from the other side of the bleachers. It was the same girl from earlier, at this point you were sure it's her. Suna looked at her annoyed but walked over to her anyway, he looked around and then pulled her to the side where you couldn't see either of them. You quickly got jealous and flustered.

"You okay?" Kuroo snuck up behind you, smiling.

"Oh yeah I'm okay don't worry about it, i think your teams waiting for you though". He nodded, waved and went to his team. You didn't see Suna or Mizuki for a while, you started to worry but didn't dare to budge. The whistle was blown, indicating the match was about to start. Suna appeared from the corner, and then Mizuki came out wiping tears from her cheeks.


You couldn't clearly focus on the game, you were too busy overthinking and worrying.

Soon enough the game was already over, Nekoma won, it was a tight game. Suna lifted his shirt up wiping the sweat off his face which made you instantly blush, of course he caught you, he gave you a small smile mixed with a smirk.

"Hey y/n," Kuroo yelled out, almost out of breath. Suna's eyes IMMEDIATELY focused on Kuroo, he seemed clearly bothered. You didn't want to be rude and didn't think any of it so you joined Kuroo on the court, not wanting his voice to get tired from yelling.

"Can we talk outside for a second? It's about Suna". You agreed in confusion and glanced over to Suna who was sitting on the bench, not leaving his eyes off of you. You and Kuroo stepped outside, the atmosphere was awkward and tense.

"So uh, i'll just be blunt about this, are you and Suna a thing? He seems to be ignoring me and I was wondering if you knew why". You were caught off guard by his words and started to stutter.

"Oh-h no, no we're not a thing really- well actually i don't know and it's just-. Well anyway, sorry, i don't know". Kuroo laughed at your nervous talk.

"well, that's okay. On the other hand, Suna and I always had a similar type, if your 'thing' doesn't work out, i'll be here". His hand was caressing your cheek, he was close to you.

"YOU BASTARD! ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER HUH?" Suna appeared out of no where, he was holding Kuroo against the wall by his shirt. "YOU WENT AFTER MIZUKI AND NOW HER? I'LL LET MIZUKI SLIDE BUT HER? SHE'S DIFFERENT, I WONT LET YOU". Your heart was racing like crazy.

"What are you talking about? D-did Mizuki tell you about us?!? It was a one time thing I swear-"

"You're unbelievable you know that?" He side-eyed you, back to Kuroo and back to you. He let go of his shirt out of clear frustration frustration. He ran his hands through his hair,

"I can't do this with you, you were supposed to be my best friend", and walked away.

(hey y'all! i'm so sorry for not posting for so long :/ also yeah i know Kuroo  is a little bit out of character but this is all fictional, i'll try to post as much as possible, i haven't read this one over so PLEASE lmk if i made any mistakes)

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