chapter five

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Your biology class had a special rule that every month you could choose to switch your seat, only if someone else agreed to switch with you.

"Alright guys, you know the drill, let's get this over with. Does anyone want to switch seats?"

You thought yourself lucky since you didn't want to sit next to Atsumu after tricking you like that. You raised your hand but no one else did, you were the only with your hand up. You looked around the class embarrassed only to end up seeing Suna raise his hand with an idiotic smile on his face.

Oh my god.

"Great, we have a match, now switch and let's get back to class".

"Well- Actually-" Suna was already standing next to you. Slowly looking up at him with your eyes narrowed, you grabbed your bag and moved to his desk.

You were now sitting in the back of the class, next to people you had never seen before.

"This is gonna be fun" Suna turned in his chair to face Atsumu, teasing him. The blondie looked at you sighing in annoyance. In embarrassment, you covered your face with your hands.

after class

A few minutes after the bell rang, you smiled seeing Suna wait for you by the door. You walked passed him in a sassy manner acting mad.

"Oh c'mon, you're mad because I sit next to your boyfriend now?" he caught up to you.

"He's not my boyfriend" You rolled your eyes while smiling.

"Show me last night's texts, I want to see how well he pretended to be me". You stiffened knowing some pretty bold things were said. Before you got a chance to respond, his phone rang. You didn't want to be nosy but couldn't help yourself, when he pulled out his phone you saw the caller was named "Kuroo". Suna glanced at it and put it back in his pocket, you didn't think much of it and kept walking.

"Who was that?" You asked trying to sound as innocent as possible.

"Don't know, wrong number". You slightly flinched at his words knowing he was lying, he didn't show the slightest bit of emotion and stared straight ahead. "Are you coming to see my first practice later?"

"Pff, what practice? Did you join a club or something?"

"Yeah, the volleyball club." You cringed at his words.

"You mean-? The volleyball team? With atsumu?" Suna's full attention was on you, holding deep eye contact.

"There's only one team, am I wrong?" He smirked and didn't let you answer, it was time for your next class and you walked different ways.

after school

After a long day at school you were about to head home, remembering about Suna's practice at the last second. You felt awkward going into the gym uninvited, most likely being the only girl. When you got there you tried to be as discrete as possible and sat on the bleachers. After a few minutes of waiting, Suna finally arrived. His eyes searched the room for you, when his eyes locked onto yours, he walked up to you with his backpack, wallet and phone.

"Can you keep a watch on them? I don't necessarily trust these guys".

"Oh so you trust me?" Him saying this gave you confidence...

"Well, no, just a little more than I do them" ...but he quickly shut that feeling down. You nodded and he went off practicing. You watched him play, he was pretty good, quick on his feet and his arms were strong too. Once you started noticing he wasn't looking for your reaction, you figured he didn't mind if you started working on homework.


Suna's phone rang from inside his bag. You were conflicted wether to give into your curiosity or not. Could this be related to the call from earlier? You couldn't hold yourself back from reaching into his bag.

I don't know where you've been or why you've been ignoring my calls but Nekoma's coming to play practice matches against Inarizaki tomorrow. Mizuki is planning coming with us to see you, just wanted to let you know.

Mizuki? Who's She? Kuroo must be Nekoma's captain, Suna's old school right?

You realized you had been staring at the phone for too long, you let go of his phone letting it drop back into the bag and looked up to see if you were caught. Luckily you weren't.

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