chapter nine

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You hadn't thought this one through and most definitely couldn't and wouldn't take your shirt off like he did. You took off the black hoodie you were wearing, you had a black tank top under. You obviously couldn't take off your jeans so you made up your mind and decided you were just going to have to deal with it. You didn't want to ruin the moment when it was your idea to begin with.

"THIS IS FREEZING??" you dipped your foot in.

"Fine, i'll get out then" Suna pulled himself out of the water and walked over to you.

"No no no! Don't worry it's fine i'll get in"


"I promise" He smirked and you instantly regretted your promise

"Then I suppose you won't mind if I do this"
He swept you off your feet and carried you to the edge of the pool.

"suna... SUNA. SUNA NO- PLEASE-" As he was about to let you go and push you in, you put your arms around his neck and dragged him with you while his eyes widened.

You both came up to the surface, your body got used to the temperature fast.

"Is someone there? The pool is-" Suna pulled you underwater without warning, going under himself too. Both of your eyes were open, you let out a laugh letting air out and immediately put your hand over your mouth. Suna's smile went away and his eyes narrowed. He removed removed your hand and kissed you, at least that's what you thought it was until you felt air reach your lungs. He pulled away and few seconds later pointed to the surface.

You both grasped for air, you thought the man had probably left but you realized you had left your clothes out in the open, it was too late to get them by then.


You and Suna looked at each other surprised and rushed to get out, grabbed your clothes and headed out the gate. You both ran till your legs gave out, you knew that they weren't chasing after you but you still kept going. You both dropped onto the grass in a near-by park.

You both started to breath heavily and laid there in silence. It was around 6pm, it was getting dark due to daylight savings. Suna suddenly appeared right above you, he was practically on top of you. He held eye contact and smile, he looked at your lips for a second and back to your eyes. You placed your hand on his cheek as he leaned in closer to your face.

His phone rang.

He pulled out his phone and you saw his smile and light in his eyes slowly fade away.

"My dad wants me home, it's getting late and stuff". He used his shirt to dry his hair quickly and then put it back on. It was getting cold so you put your sweatshirt back on as well.

"Yeah that's fine, it's cool" He helped you up and then he walked you home, the walk was rather quiet. He kissed you goodnight on your forehead and went his own way.

(This is a pretty short one but I wanted to post a second one today to makeup for when i was gone for a whole week)

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