Okay, so maybe shopping isn't so delightful.

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Rider’s P.O.V

“Thanks for the ride, Roux.” I said unbuckling my belt. He gave me a quick nod before snapping his phone open. I got out of his car and headed toward school.

“Who’s that hottie?” Beth asked. She might’ve been one of the few people I could bare to talk to, but I never let anyone get too close to me. I’d never know when they’d leave.

“My new dad.” I gave her a frown.

She grinned. “I wouldn’t be sad if I were you.” She winked. I glanced at Roux. He was talking on his phone. He gave me one sharp look before driving off. What was his problem?

“So what’s his name? What’s he like? Does he always stare you down like that?” I was ignoring here rambling until she said that last bit.

“What do you mean: ‘stare me down’?” I asked confused.

She shrugged. “He kept looking at you like he was worried something would happen.”

I glared at her for a moment. “What?” She whined.

“He doesn’t care about me. He ignores me all the time!” She giggled. “He even made me become his maid.” I gave her a straight face.

“He’s probably just doing that to bother you, but he obviously cares. I mean, he wouldn’t have adopted you if he didn’t.” That’s right. Everyone in school knew that I lived in an orphanage. They labeled me as the loner and pathetic girl who no one loves.

“He ran me over. He just felt sorry for me.” I said as we headed down the corridor to the main hall.

“I think it’s more than that.” She whispered. We entered our first class, Anatomy. I was happy that I would be eighteen in few months. I would be able to get out of this town and start on my own to doing what I want.

The rest of the day past in a blur. Half of my brain was paying attention to everything around me, but the other half kept thinking about what Beth had said, ‘he obviously cares…he wouldn’t have adopted you if he didn’t.’ Could that be true? That he actually cared? I made my way outside, walking along the concrete path. I checked for Roux’s Hummer, but it was no where to be found. Guess I’d have to walk home.

After about two hours I reached Roux’s house. His Hummer was parked in front of the house and the lights were on. Maybe he got caught up in something and forgot to get me. I opened the front door.

There were a few giggles coming from the living room. I walked in to find Roux kissing some girls neck. She had ice-blonde hair. He was half naked and she was in her underwear. Her black eyes opened and she saw me staring at them. “Who the hell are you?” She asked pushing Roux off of her and attempting to cover her body. Her voice was high-pitched, nasally, and irritably and agonizingly annoying.

Roux glared at me. “I’m his kid.” I gave him a scornful look.

“You have a daughter!?!” She asked, shocked.

He shook his head and gave me a what-the-hell-are-you-doing glance. “I adopted her.”

“Oh.” She sneered at me. “I’m Maggie.”

“And I’m going upstairs.” I said before storming off.

“Suit yourself!” She laughed. I shut the door to my room. Just as I thought. Roux didn’t care about me. He didn’t pick me up because he was too busy with that slut downstairs. I called Debra.

“Hello?” Marcus answered instead.

“Hey, Mark.” I smiled.

“Hey, Rider! How’s it doing over there?” I could hear the smile in his voice.

He ran me over and now he wants to adopt me!?!Where stories live. Discover now