chapter 1: back again

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chapter 1:
back again

The overweight bartender threw Law out of the building, he landed ass first on the cold concrete ground. Blood continued to drip down his nose as his right eye started to swell. The bartender's old wrinkles and large eyebrows came together as he pointed a green glass wine bottle at Law.

"Stay outta my bar! You're banned you insane fuck!" He cursed and slammed the door.

"Asshole!" Law yelled and got up.

He walked off as snow continued to fall down. It was around December and the nights got colder every day. Damn, it's fucking freezing right now, he cupped his tattooed hands and warmed his face with his breath. All he wanted was a drink, it was that annoying guy who got in his way. The crisp air brushed against his skin.

This would have never happened if Robin hadn't left.

Nico Robin, a woman he ran away with on his wedding day.

She was truly astonishing, beautiful body, an elegant voice, intelligence, and athletic. Everything he'd ever wanted until she left him for that green moss-headed fucker. He clenched his teeth, thinking about that day.

The day when they broke up.

It happened almost a year ago, there was no sadness in her voice when she ended it. She just no longer loved him and that Law was not the one. Then kicked him out of her house, and he gave up everything for her. His wealth, his time, and his love.

Everything fucking gone now.

Back then, two years ago he was gonna get married. To a small omega, Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy was the complete opposite of Robin. He had a frail body, air-headed, and couldn't get the hint Law had no zero interest in him. The poor kid just doesn't know how to take a hint.

Law and Luffy had known each other since they were kids. Luffy was always so annoying, but Law had to be nice since his family was starting a business with Law's family. His uncle Doflamingo was teaming up with Luffy's father Monkey D. Dragon. Law's marriage with Luffy was gonna tie their business together.

But he ran away with Robin.

Law bet my uncle is furious with him, he ruined his life to live his own. But look how that came out. He often wondered what life could've been like if he didn't run away. He would've lived in a big house and had lots of money. But then he would've been with the person he hated the most.

Luffy, he ruined Law's fucking life.

He wanted to get married to Law, but he kept him tied down. Law's whole life was planned out and he didn't get a say in it. Just because they wanted him to get married to Luffy.

He gritted his teeth, he swore to fucking god if he saw him again he would actually kill him.

"Torao!" Somebody called out from behind him.

Law's blood turned to frost as he heard that voice and nickname again. It was practically a trigger warning to him because every time he heard it he honestly wanted to jump out of a building.

"What?" Law faintly whispered.

"Torao!" Luffy cried and jumped into his arms without warning, "I've missed you so much!"

"What are you doing here?" He asked, faking a smile.

Law wanted to beat up this tiny bastard so badly for wrecking his life.

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