chapter 9: hesitant heart

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chapter 9:
hesitant heart

Damn it Law couldn't stop thinking about the kiss last night. Luffy confessed to him all his life problems and finally cried to him, he also told him all the secrets he's have been hiding. Well some secrets, he put on his leather jacket. Monet said she wanted to meet up at a restaurant. He sighed and combed his hair back.

It's best for Luffy, over time he saw things he never thought of. He's kind-hearted, cute, and determined. All the things Law's not, it's better if they part ways soon. He's not good enough for someone so innocent like him. It's better to let him off easy.

In the beginning, he thought he was too good for him, it turns out Luffy's too good for him. He frowned, a deep pain formed in his heart. He's beautiful.. everything he does is perfect. He's devoted as well...

Wanna meet up at Baratie?

Sure I'll pick you up at six  o'clock

Great, I'm excited about our date

I am too.

It's fine, it's fine everything is fine. This is how it should be. He's sure he can just buy a new husband anyway. He has the money and the looks, he'll be happy with someone else. Someone who isn't me, he sighed. Ignoring the pain in his heart he hopped onto his motorcycle.

He bought one a week ago, he had some extra money. He even has enough money for an apartment here. He just needs to push through for this date.


"Hey, Law." Monet smiled.

She was dressed in a tight light green dress. Luffy would look better in that, Law shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking about him that way.

"Hop on,"

She wrapped her arms around his chest, "Well this is romantic."

He ignored her comment and drove off. She's decent enough, he guesses he could be satisfied with her. He's already made too many mistakes to turn back now anyway.

They got to Baratie, it was packed with people. The food smelt great, it was seafood his favorite. Anything that was bread just makes him wanna gag, which is why fish is his favorite.

"Table for two please," He told the waitress.

She brought them to a table near a window, "Here are you're menus, I'll be back in a few minutes for your orders."

He looked through the menu, it had onigiri my favorite. He softly smiled thinking about how Luffy would make them and give them to him.

"Ugh, don't they have anything good here?" Monet gagged.

"What do you want?"

"Hm, I'll just have the fried rice and some water. I hate seafood." She sighed and looked outside the window.

He rolled his eyes, Luffy would love it here.

"So, what's your job?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"I work as a nurse at a hospital by here." She told him while playing with her fork, "What do you work as?"

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