chapter 12: eustass

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chapter 12:

"Hey, are you feeling any better?" Ace asked, Luffy wiped his tears with the blanket he was snuggling.

"No," He grumbled, "I just wanna curl up and die."

"I should kill that guy.." Ace cracked his knuckles.

"No don't, Sabo says violence is never the answer."

He slept over at Ace's place tonight. Ace lives closer to him anyways, he lives about forty minutes away while Sabo lives two hours away. He couldn't believe he fell for one of Torao's tricks. He thought if he gave him a second chance he'll start to love him. He's so stupid, he should've just stayed home with Ace and not ventured out on his own.

"You know what?" Ace smiled, he ripped off the blanket on top of him. He turned on the lights, and Luffy screeched like a vampire.

"We need a night out," He told me, "I'll help you meet someone new. Y'know Eustass right?"

"Yeah, you keep mentioning him to me." Luffy sighed in annoyance.

"Well I showed him a couple of pictures of you and he's interested." Ace grinned and sat next to him, "You should try talking to him, you could get along and maybe even date."

"Ugh, Ace I don't wanna get back on my feet after I just fell. I need to rest some more." He whined.

"Come on," He grabbed his hand, "It will be fun."

"But I don't wanna!" Luffy whined and tried to yank his arm out of Ace's grip.

"Luffy! For once! Dress up in something sexy and attract men!" He yelled.

"But I don't wanna!" He yelled back.

"Let's go! You're gonna look sexy and you are gonna like it!"


"Deuce help me!" He screamed, Deuce came running in.

"Got it!"


This place is a dump, Ace and Deuce stopped by a club. They put me in a black button-up and pants, as well as curled my hair even more. Piercing my ears with chain earrings. Why couldn't Sabo be here? He wouldn't even let him leave the house. He groaned and tried to sneak back into the car.

"Ah! Ah!" Ace said, "You are staying here."

"Why? I don't feel like partying." Luffy sighed.

He nudged his shoulder, "C'mon Luffy, I want what's best for you."

"Fine, I'll have one drink and then I'll leave." He gave in.

"Yes!" Ace and Deuce cheered while giving each other a high five, "C'mon Eustass should be around here."

He dragged him to a booth, then Luffy saw him. A man with curly red hair and bright red lipstick on. He was wearing a leather jacket, like the one Torao would wear. Luffy frowned a bit remembering him. His heart ached whenever he thought of him. Eustass had a scar on the left side of his face. He was tall too, and very muscular. He and Torao were the same height.

"Well hello there." Eustass smirked and looked up and down at him, "You're by yourself?"

"Huh?" He turned around, Ace and Deuce were nowhere to be found. Bastards! "Um, yeah I guess you can say that."

"Sit," He patted down on his lap.

You've gotta be shitting him right now.

He sat down on his thick muscular thigh, oh my god he works out. Luffy blushed as Eustass glanced at his face. Maybe this was a good thing, this guy can keep his mind off of Torao.

"You're cute." He smirked, "Your name is Luffy right? Your brother sent me photos of you."

"Yeah, you're Eustass.." Luffy said, his face reddening by how close he was.

"The one and only." He chuckled, his voice was deep. His heart raced for a moment. "So, tell me about yourself."

"Well, I'm an Omega. I have two brothers, and I like anime.." He told him.

"Aw that's cool," Eustass smiled but then his grip on his waist grew tighter, "But tell me the real you."

"Huh?" He softly breathed.

"You seem sad," He caressed Luffy's cheek, "It seems like you were crying."

"Hmph!" Luffy frowned, "You're mean, and a scoundrel!"

"Do I look like a scoundrel to you?" Eustass smirked.

"Hmm.." Luffy bit his lip, "A little bit."

"I guess you are correct." He chuckled.

"I'll tell you about my real self if you..." Luffy paused for a moment, "If you tell me about yourself."

"Okay, that seems fair." He shrugged.

"Well, how should I begin." He lightly tapped his cheek, "I fell in love with this guy, we were supposed to be married but he ran out on our wedding day. Two years later I saw him again and I fell even more in love with him. But it turns out he used me for my money and cheated on me..."

Eustass wiped a few tears falling down Luffy's cheek, "He sure sounds like a dick."

"He is."

"I guess it's my turn." Kidd sighed, "My parents died in a car crash, I was put in an adoption home, turns out the people who adopted me were creeps and sold me online, I was raped at age 10, ran away, fell in love with this guy, the guy broke up with me and left..."

"Eustass.." Luffy softly said, "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," He shrugged, "I don't focus on the past."

"I guess we're both broken in a way." He leaned against Eustass' chest.

"I guess so." He sighed, "Wanna get outta here?"



Luffy felt Eustass lips smash against his as we entered his bedroom, he wrapped his legs around his waist as Eustass carried him to his bed. This felt wrong, it shouldn't be though. It's not like Torao cares what he does, he never did.

"You're so fucking cute." Eustass bit on his neck.

Luffy yelped at the sudden touch, he felt like he was going insane. He took off his clothing, Luffy blushed as Eustass stared down at me.

"D-Don't stare!" His face was flustered.

"You're just.. really pretty." He smiled.

He kissed him on the lips, this time softly. They did it the whole night. Luffy guessed they were just two broken pieces waiting to be fixed. They're both empty, they're just trying to keep each other happy.

"Can I live with you?" Luffy panted.

Eustass kissed him on the lips, "Absolutely."

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