chapter 3: nuisance

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chapter 3:

Drowning himself in wine he got up to go to bed. Luffy was already sleeping, he's pretty sure he was crying himself to sleep. He heard lots of whining and sobbing earlier but it died down thirty minutes ago. He laid down next to him but made sure to keep his distance. He didn't feel like cuddling with him after what happened today at the mall.

Even with his efforts, he felt a warm body snuggling next to him. Luffy's arms lay upon his chest, his head resting on his shoulder. Law felt Luffy's soft breath on my neck. He rolled his eyes and tried sleeping.

Damn it he could've gotten Monet's number if it weren't for Luffy. Maybe he could've run away with her. Then he won't have to worry about marrying Luffy in a year.

A year... it seems like such a short amount of time.

He has a year until he marries Luffy. He should start finding someone for himself. Then he won't have to spend the rest of his life with him.

He glanced down at Luffy, he was fast asleep. A small bit of drool escaped his mouth. God, he had a headache from just looking at him.

"Torao.." He groaned, "Don't leave.."

He felt Luffy hold on tighter to him. How strong is he?! His hands clutched onto his shirt and felt a cold tear soak it. He was crying, again.

"I'm sowwy.." He sniffled, hugging Law.

Maybe he shouldn't have gotten that mad at him.


"Torao.." He mumbled.

Law opened his eyes and saw Luffy carrying a tray of food. It had grilled fish and rice balls as well. He was dressed all cutesy, in a small red robe with laces at the end of it.

"What's all of this?"

"I felt bad.." He set the tray by the desk next to him. "I made you mad the other day.."

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Law grabbed a rice ball and took a bite out of it.

"But I don't want to make you mad."

"Like I said before don't worry about it." He sighed, "All couples fight."

"Y-you think we're a couple?!" Luffy blushed and leaned toward him.

"Um, yeah sure."

He planted a small kiss on his forehead. "I love you Torao!"

"Uh, I love you too."

He skipped over to the bathroom giggling. Damn does he make him that happy when he lies? It made him wonder what Luffy did while he was away. He should start searching for a job, it's not like Luffy has one either but he doesn't need a job since his father makes a lot of money.

Law changed into a black turtle neck and dark navy jeans with leopard print spots on them. He didn't care that he looked like he was going to a funeral, as long as he had clothes.

"I'm going out for a bit!" Law called, hoping Luffy would hear.

"M'kay!" He yelled back from the bathroom.

Grabbing Luffy's keys, he decided to clean up the bottles of wine he left in the living room. Just cause he's his "fiancé" doesn't mean he shouldn't clean up after himself. He was also a neat freak as well, despite his old apartment looking like complete dog shit.

He got into the car, time to find a job.

The city was stunning, the air was fresh and crisp. No one was getting mugged or shot. Everyone just minded their business as they walked along the streets of Tokyo. He searched for shops that said, "help wanted."

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