chapter 8: being with you

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chapter 8:
being with you

Living with Luffy hasn't been so bad, Law kind of enjoys it. They make breakfast together in the morning, clean up their bedroom, and go off to work. Luffy started working somewhere but won't tell him about the job. He doesn't get why Luffy even is breaking a sweat because can afford anything.

He's usually gone in the night, the time when Law comes home. But he likes this lifestyle, they do talk but not that much. The only time they talk is in the morning. They barely go to sleep together.

"Good morning Torao." Luffy smiled and kissed him on the forehead.

"Morning." Law yawned and sat up.

He's used to Luffy's affection now when he kisses him on the forehead and cheek. It's nothing new to him now. And if he's being honest, it's kinda cute.

They brushed our teeth and slumped into the kitchen. Luffy leaned against him.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah, a little bit." He yawned.

"Then go back to sleep, I'll take care of breakfast,"

He rubbed his eyes, "But we always make breakfast together."

"I'll handle it today, just go back to sleep." Law said, "I don't want you drooling all over the eggs."

"Okie." Luffy pouted and kissed his cheek. He tiredly walked back to the bedroom.

After an hour he finished cooking the scrambled eggs and white rice. He took out two glasses, one with orange juice, and one with water. He never liked the taste of orange juice, but Luffy seemed to like it. He set the food on two plates.

"Luffy-ya, breakfast is ready."

He stretched and slumped into the chair, "Thanks Torao."

"I have to go to work but I'll see you later,"

He wrapped his arms around Law's waist, "Why can't you take a sick day today? I wanna cuddle.."

"I have to go to work,"

"Okie." He pouted and went back to his bedroom.

Law got changed into a white dress shirt and a red sleeveless vest, and he brushed his hair back as well. Nami had said to look formal and shit. He rolled my eyes as he played back to the moments she would hit him whenever he did the smallest mistake.


"Nice job Law, you've been getting lots of tips from the omegas recently." Nami smiled, "Maybe you should consider giving me some money as well."

"Fuck off,"

"Hey don't talk to Nami like that!" Penguin and Shachi popped their heads out from the back.

They're his coworkers now, well they barely do anything though. Law's always the one who makes the most cash with tips, people say it's because he's good-looking. Shachi and Penguin like to sob in the back at how ugly they are.

"You know what you need?" Shachi smiled.

"A night out!" Penguin cheered, "Just us boys."

Nami then swung at the three of them, leaving red bumps on their heads, "Get back to work!"

"Sheesh, always the pretty ones have to be so feisty." Shachi rolled his eyes as he poured out the drink for one of the customers.

"Law." A woman called from behind.

"Yes?" Law turned around and saw Robin.

"You work here?" She asked.

His mouth went dry, "Um yeah."

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