chapter 2: living with disaster

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chapter 2:
living with disaster

The smell of pancakes and eggs filled Law's nose, he bet Luffy was whipping something up. Although he felt tired curiosity woke him. He got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. It was only eight in the morning, still pretty early. Back in my neighborhood, he would've been up by five in the morning, his bed was uncomfortable and lumpy. It smelt old and like wet towels, he shuddered at the thought.

Now he's sleeping in an expensive apartment that doesn't have dusty walls and rats. The downside is that he's living here with Luffy. But he probably shouldn't be getting mad at him, he's been giving him all these good stuff, but at the same time, he's the reason why he had all those bad stuff.

Law slumped into the kitchen, Luffy was in his apron he wore last night. He was humming the song, "You Are My Sunshine." Luffy used to sing that song when they were kids. When he'd make him flower crowns he would dance a little as well.

"Oh, you're up." Luffy smiled and gave him a plate with fluffy pancakes and scrambled eggs, "I made us breakfast!"

"Oh, thanks." Law said, "I could've helped you if you had woken me up."

"Nah, it's okay. I wanted you to rest." Luffy sat down next to him and nibbled on a piece of his food. We ate in silence as I heard the TV play in the background.

"So, how was everything when you... um left." He scratched his neck.

Law swallowed, "It was fine."

"Um... Torao." He mumbled and laid his head on his shoulder. "Why did you leave?"

Law flinched a bit, it's fine if he told him though. It's not like he's gonna tell anyone. What's done is done. It doesn't matter if he tells him, so might as well.

"I ran away with," Law stopped for a moment, "With a friend. She left me though cause she fell in love, I just wasn't ready to get married and have my whole life dedicated to someone."

"Um.." Luffy held his hand, "Are you ready to get married now?"

"I don't think so."

If he's being honest he really wasn't. Hypothetically speaking, if Robin were to ask him to marry her he would still refuse. He's not ready to settle down and have a family, he wants to explore and live life. Not take care of kids and host baby showers. Despite how big his ego was and how large his pride is, even Law himself thinks he would be a bad father.

He got up and brought both of their dishes to the sink. When he started washing them Luffy came up behind and hugged him.

"W-when will you be ready?" He mumbled.

"I don't know, maybe a year?" Law shrugged, wiping off the syrup on the plates.

"O-okay then," He felt Luffy's small frown turn into a big smile, "We'll get married in a year!"

Law dried his hands with a cloth, "Just don't tell anyone I'm staying here."

"Why not?" He pouted and grinned, "I wanna tell my brothers about my fiancé."

"Cause then my Uncle will beat the living hell outta me." He sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter, "He's probably pissed I ran away."

"Oh.. okay then." Luffy stuttered, "Anything for you!"

"Thanks, Luffy-ya."

"Hehe." He giggled and hugged me again, "I've missed you a bunch!"

"Uh... I missed you too."

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