chapter 11: my past

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chapter 11:
my past


This is Trafalgar D. Water Law." Doflamingo said.

Luffy looked at the small boy, they were the same age. They both were eight years old, his uncle is doing business with my father. The moment he said Law's name, Luffy's heart raced, and his face flushed. He's read about what love was in fairytale books his mother used to read to him as a child, he just didn't know the feeling was so strong.

"You too have fun, me and Doflamingo have a meeting to go to." His father told Luffy and left.

"Do you wanna play some games with me! I have a lot!" Luffy beamed.

The boy looked down at the ground, "Sure..."

Luffy held on to his hand and brought him to his bedroom. He took out a few board games and set up the small pieces. A cold breeze came in, it started to snow.

"Look! Look! It's snowing!" He pointed.

They both looked outside.

"Let's go to the park now!" He giggled and put on his jacket.


When they had gotten there the ground was no longer to be seen, it was covered in snow as more came drizzling down. Luffy stuck out his tongue as a snowflake slowly fell onto it.

"Let's build a snowman!" He cheered and started to roll up a ball.

Law helped him roll up snow and formed a giant ball. He sat down beside him as they rested, their hands numb and cold.

"You're pretty, Luffy-ya." He smiled.

Luffy blushed, no one has ever said that to him before! His palms started to grow sweaty and a smile formed on his face.

"Wah! You're so nice Torao." He hugged him.

"Torao?" Law asked.

"That's my nickname for you! Your name is too hard to pronounce."

"You're so clever Luffy-ya." He grinned again.

He hopes he can get married to him someday...

As time grew on his love for Torao has grown as well. He was his best friend, his only friend. A friend that he's in love with, a friend that he cares for. They've always been together from that day on. He even gave him a stuffed bunny for Christmas! He kept it safe on his bed. Luffy liked to love, he likes Torao, and he likes being with him.

Law is amazing, he's smart as well. He's the top student in their middle school. All the girls fawn over him, but he's Luffy's friend. Luffy hopes they can marry each other and have kids one day. That would be nice, he blushed and skipped off to class.

They were now thirteen after all, what could go wrong?

"You'll have an arranged marriage with Law," Doflamingo said.

Luffy's eyes widened. Being married to Law, it felt like his wish came true! Both Law and he love each other a lot, and now they'll be married. He smiled, but when he looked over to Torao he glared at him.

"But I don't want to be married to someone like him!" He yelled and got up.

"Law!" Doflamingo yelled.

"Screw that! I've been forced to be nice to him for so many years, and just to find out I'm going to be married to him?!" Torao slammed the door.

"I'm deeply sorry about my niece, he's probably just a little shocked about the news." Doflamingo sighed.

"Don't worry it's fine, as long as the business is okay." Luffy's father told him.

He.. doesn't want to be married to him?

The next day, he walked over to Torao. He was talking to all these girls. Luffy frowned, usually, Law stops talking to them and hangs out with him. Hopefully, he isn't mad anymore and wants to be married to him. He hoped they can have kids together one day! He's seen a bunch of movies where the two rivals fall in love, maybe his life will be like that!

"Torao!" Luffy tapped him on the shoulder.

He shoved him away and he fell butt first onto the ground, "Get the fuck away from me."

"What?" He breathed.

"Come on, let's go." One of the girls said Torao walked away with them.

He hates Luffy now?

He brushed the dirt off his clothes, maybe the next day will be the day Law tells him he loves him.


"I don't want your flowers," Torao said and stepped on the flower crown Luffy made. He walked away and went back into class.

It was Valentine's day, Luffy picked up the crumpled roses on the floor. Don't cry, he wiped away the tears that were stinging his eyes. He'll always have next year anyway. Next year, he'll make him happy. His mother said that he had to be a good wife for Torao since they have to thank his family for forming a business with Luffy's family.

He'll be a good wife, no he'll be the best wife!

Maybe he should confess to him today, it's only the beginning of school. Maybe he'll change his mind about him. He scribbled on a piece of paper, telling Torao to meet him by the front gates of the school. He slipped the note into his locker.

This will change his mind!

After school, he walked up to Torao who was already on his phone. Luffy came up in front of him. Law slipped his phone into his pocket.

"It's you who sent that note? Damn, I thought it would be Tashigi." Law sighed.

"U-Um... Torao." Luffy mumbled with his cheeks flushed, "I like you.. a lot. And I was wondering if you would like to go out with me..."

"Fuck off."

Luffy's eyes widened, "What?"

"You keep following me around and buying me all this shit, it's creepy." He replied, glaring at me.

"I-I'm sorry..." He mumbled.

"Besides," Law passed by him and whispered in his ear, "You're ugly.."

Torao left, and a tear fell down Luffy's eye. He was supposed to be a good wife, and he's already failing. They're not even married yet and he hates me! He needs to be better, maybe he just needs to be prettier. Law said he's ugly... Maybe he should just change the way he looks. He took off his glasses, holy shit everything is blurry.

Maybe he should buy some contacts, that'll make him look prettier. He has some birthday money he could use.

He could buy some outfits maybe.


"Hey, Sabo!" He smiled and came out of my room in my new outfit, "Do I look cute?"

He up and down at him. Luffy was wearing a pink skirt and a black turtle neck with fishnet stockings.

"What are you wearing?!" He freaked out, "It's completely inappropriate!"

"So it doesn't look good?" He frowned.

"Um... Yes! I think you should change! It looks horrible!" He told him.

"Wahh!!!!" He cried and ran up to his room.

Is he that ugly?

He flopped onto his bed, love is hard.

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