chapter 5: make up

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chapter 5:
make up

When Law woke up he saw Luffy on top of him. His eyes were puffy and dried tear stains on his cheeks. Maybe he went too far with him last night. He just wanted to scare him a bit, he didn't know he was that afraid. He felt bad too about hitting him. They were both drunk, he should've controlled his anger.

He got up, he decided he was going to cook him some breakfast to make up for it. Luffy was a deep sleeper so it was easy to move out of his grip. He's so peaceful when he sleeps. Law brushed a lock of his hair that was covering his eyes out of his face.

He's his guest, after all, he should've been nicer.

He made both of us scrambled eggs with some bacon and two fluffy pancakes for both of them, then he set it on a tray, along with a cup of orange juice. Hopefully, he'll like this, if he doesn't then Law prayed he doesn't kick him out.

Carrying it to the room, he took a deep breath. When he came in he was still knocked out, until he slowly rose. Rubbing his eyes Luffy looked at Law in shock.

"Torao?" He asked.

"Hey," Law set down the tray full of food on the desk next to him, "I'm sorry for hitting you last night, I made you breakfast."


Silence soon followed, Law gulped wondering if he was going to kick me out. From his job he has enough money to stay in a hotel for about a month, he could even pay for the place he used to live in. He gets a lot of tips from omegas and betas, so he could manage. But he still needs more time to get his own place, with good wifi, a nice neighborhood, and clean rooms.

"It's alright!" Luffy beamed and jumped into his arms, "I forgive you!"


"Couples fight from time to time, it's normal." He told me still smiling, "I still love Torao."


"Yep!" He kissed me on the cheek, "I love you a whole bunch!"

"Um. I love you as well." Law lied and hugged him back.

At least he isn't kicking him out.

"Can we.." He paused, "Go on a date?"

A date? Law frowned a bit, it's not like he has work. He just doesn't want to go on a date with, him. Luffy's probably just gonna talk his ear off the whole time. But he should do this, he feels guilty for scaring him last night. He also hit him which is something he regretted.

"Sure." Law sighed.



They arrived at a movie theater, the movie "Stampede, One Piece" was showing. Law wasn't into anime or cartoons, but Luffy seemed excited to watch this. He was wearing an oversized Pikachu sweater that went down to his thighs, he wore black denim shorts underneath. Law just wore the same yellow sweater and jeans with black spots on them, he didn't feel like wearing my hat.

"Do you wanna buy popcorn Torao?" He asked.

"No, I already ate at home."

"Okay, let's go to our seats." He smiled brightly and lead me to the theater.

They sat down in the middle row, the movie started to play. Law looked around in the dim room, the whole audience was a bunch of losers. There were cosplayers with wigs that looked like they were from five below, middle-aged men with greasy hair who looked like they jerked off to anime characters, and nerds with big glasses and braces.

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