chapter 6: the brothers

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chapter 6:
the brothers

"Torao wake up!" Luffy shook him awake.

"What?" Law groaned and sat up.

"My brothers are coming!" He panicked.

"Oh shit!"

"Hide somewhere! They said they'll be here any minute!" He told him.

Law crawled underneath the bed, luckily there was no dust. It's a good thing Luffy kept this place clean. The door rang, that must be Ace and Sabo. When he was younger he never got along with the two of them, frankly, he never got along with the three of them. But Luffy just enjoyed his company for some odd reason.

They claim Law was stealing their little Omega brother away from them. They're savage beasts who beat up any Alpha that breathes the same air as Luffy.

"Hi, Lu!" Law heard Sabo's muffled voice from the walls.

He stood up, it's not like they're going to come inside our bedroom.

"I think I left my shirt here last time I visited. Let me go get it!" Ace called and the doorknob started to turn.

What the fuck?!

Law crawled back down under the bed, then he saw it. My heart dropped, a red tee-shirt that read "Hiken no Ace" on it. Fuck! It was right next to him underneath the bed.

"Lu?!" He said.

"Y-Yes?" Luffy stuttered and ran in.

Law slapped my hand over his mouth.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

"What's this?" Ace asked, he watched as he picked up his yellow hoodie.

"A... s-sweater?"

"This is the same sweater that guy Law used to wear." Ace said, "Are you having nightmares again? You can stay with me if you want."

Nightmares? What the hell is he talking about?

"N-No, it's fine Ace." Luffy replied, "Let's just go out to eat or something."

He sighed, "I regret letting you live by yourself. Just stay with me and Deuce. We'll keep you company."

"Ace I said I'm fine."

Sabo walked in, "You can live with me and Koala if you want."

Law peeked a little.

"Fuck off blonde bitch." Ace glared at him.

"Try me, donut-looking ass."

"Hey!" Luffy stopped them, "Let's go eat something."

"Oh, I think I found my shirt." Ace leaned down.

Law crawled farther away from his hand that came down. Until Ace stopped picking it up, his hand froze. You've got to be fucking kidding.

"What's that scent?" He asked.

"W-what scent?!" Luffy shot up.

"Is someone here? Or was someone here?" Ace asked.

"Um.." Luffy blushed.

Ace smiled, "Are you finally going out with someone Luffy?"

"What?!" He panicked.

"Did you finally take up my suggestion of dating other people?"

"What?! No!" Luffy stated.

"Really?" He asked, "Then let me introduce you to my friends! Eustass said he's taken a liking to you."

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