chapter 4: luffy

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chapter 4:


Torao has been out a lot for the past few weeks. It's been making Luffy quite sad when he leaves without telling him. After all, he's his fiancé! Even though he's barely home... Luffy is still happy he's with him now. Two years, was so long without him.

He can't believe Law doesn't want kids though, He'd love to have kids! They're so adorable, he'd love to dress them up in cute outfits! Luffy smiled to himself wondering what it's like to be a parent.

But Torao doesn't want kids so he shouldn't be thinking about this, it would make him even sadder. Torao would be such a handsome father, Luffy liked to imagine him feeding the baby and taking their child to school. But, it will never happen. A pain formed in his chest, he wants to have kids.

He looked down at the pillow beside him. I grabbed it and stuffed it under his shirt, making it look like he was pregnant. He stood in front of his full-body mirror.

He giggled, "This is adorable!"

Their child, Luffy and Law's. That would be a great sight. A living being that was made from him and Torao's love. He took the pillow out and frowned.

"I wish Torao wanted kids.." He sighed and flopped back down onto his bed.

There's nothing to do when he's not here, it's boring. Night time is his favorite time of the day, that's when Torao comes home. They eat together sometimes. Most of the time he already ate and Luffy has to eat alone, but when they go to sleep they cuddle together. It's the only time he gets some alone time with him.

They've never been on a proper date though. The last time they went out together was at the mall a month ago. Luffy swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, he made him really mad. He can't do that again. Law's gonna be infuriated with him.

Luffy didn't like how he yelled at him. But he knows deep down Torao loves him.

There's so much he wants to do with him! Like going out to eat together, having picnics, and going to the movies. Luffy has never even had his first kiss before, he wants to experience it all with Torao.

He blushed thinking about him and Torao kissing. They've only kissed on the cheek and forehead, but never the lips. What if he's a bad kisser?!

"Argh! Don't think about it!" Luffy slapped himself.

But it would be nice to finally go on a date with him for the first time in his life. When they were little kids he'd always think about what it would be like on their wedding day. Flowers everywhere, Torao waiting for him in his tuxedo, and we finally get together.

He wished they could get married sooner, he wants to tell a lot of people he was married to him. Torao is amazing, he's kind, and he's really handsome. Luffy blushed and got up to make himself a sandwich. It was already sunset so Torao will be coming home in a few hours.

"Luffy-ya." Torao knocked on the door. He could tell it was him because of the accent that he has.

He opened the door, "Torao!"

Luffy jumped into his arms and hugged him. He loved this part of the day, they were together now.

"Hey.." He set him down, "Me and a few of my friends are out drinking. Do you wanna come?"

"Um.. meet new people.." He mumbled, "I thought we could have dinner together."

Luffy isn't good at socializing, he's never had many friends in school. He never knew how to approach anyone.

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