chapter 10: heart chaser

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chapter 10:
heart chaser


"Are you excited Lu?" Ace smiled, and Luffy looked outside the window.

"Yep!" He grinned brightly, "I'm getting married of course!"

"You look pretty in your wedding gown Luffy," Deuce commented.

Ace nudged him on the shoulder, "Dude he's already taken."

He sighed, "I know, I just wanted to try."

They were riding in the limo, they'll be stopping by the church in a few minutes. He can't wait to marry Torao! He hopes he likes his dress! He smiled and looked down at it, it was a ball gown dress. It was long-sleeved and the fluffy white hoop skirt had sewed in rose prints at the bottom as well as the laces at the end.

His curly short hair had a flower crown and a wedding veil in it. He's going to be married soon to the man that he loved most! It's a dream come true.

"Here we are." Ace smiled and opened the limo door for him.

Luffy looked up at the church and its long doors, it's time.

Two men opened the doors for him, his heart pumped like crazy. It felt like it was going to burst out of his chest at any moment. His stomach was filled with butterflies, he can't wait to see Torao in his tuxedo! He's going to look so handsome.

When he opened my eyes he saw my mother frantically running to me.

"Luffy wait.." She said and held his hands, "Um... Law is not here."

"What?" He asked, "Is he late?"

"No... we've been waiting.." She sighed, "And we think he ran away.."

His heart dropped.


"He left Doflamingo a message saying he ran away, we don't know his whereabouts." Mother said.

"He... Torao wouldn't miss this for the world though!"

"Damn it!" Doffy yelled, "That little brat ruined everything!"

"Let's just wait!" He said, "I'm sure Torao will come soon."

"Luffy.." Mother sighed.

"No! I'm waiting here."

He wouldn't leave him, Torao wouldn't do that. He said he loved him, ever since they were kids he'd tell him how beautiful and smart Luffy was. He was always there for him. He knows he's coming.

He sat down on the steps outside of the church, he was coming. Besides, it's only 1 pm perhaps there's just traffic...


"Luffy.." Ace said and sat beside him, "It's nighttime. I think we should leave."

He looked up at the starry sky, "No! Torao is gonna be here."

"You've been saying that for the past eight hours.." Sabo complained.

Ace hit him on the head, "You can stay with me and Deuce for a while."

"Okay.." Tears formed in his eyes, "Can we visit the house me and Torao were gonna stay in though.."

"Um.." Ace paused, "Sure, anything you want."

They stopped by a large house. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an in-ground pool. Their parents had bought him and Torao this place, they were planning to spend the rest of their lives here.

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