chapter 7: working

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chapter 7:

It's Torao's birthday soon, and Luffy needs to get him something special. But the problem is. He doesn't have any money. Well, he does have money, it's just he doesn't want to ask his parents for extra. He knows both of them will give me money if he just asks but he wants to earn it. He wants to prove to Law that he can be just as hardworking as anyone else. Not just some useless housewife that waits for him to get home.

He sighed, "I need a job."

Torao works even though he doesn't have to, he just makes us extra cash. Luffy already has enough money to pay for rent, clothes, and food. Maybe Law is saving up for something special... maybe a ring!

Luffy blushed, could he be raising money to marry him?!

No, no, no, maybe he just wants more money.

But the thought occurred to him again, maybe Law does want to get married soon! And he wants to keep it a surprise! Then he has to work hard as well like him. He should also surprise him as well. He knows! He'll save up money so that they can go on a trip!

His family owns lots of lands, so maybe they can book a trip there. They can stay in a lovely hotel, go to the beach, and go out to eat. Luffy squealed, it's perfect!

He grabbed my computer, he should research jobs that make a lot of money.

When he went of Google, his jaw dropped.


A stripper?! A lot of the comments were flooded with good and positive responses.

"I was hesitant about becoming a stripper but it made me a lot of money!"

"One night I even made 600 dollars!"

"I got 800 dollars from just serving drinks and dancing on stage!"

Luffy blushed, him becoming a stripper?! It does make a lot of money though, people have even gotten a thousand dollars from just working there for a week!


There was a club a few streets down, he gulped and walked in. He's just gonna be here for a few weeks, then he'll be able to pay for their trip. He's sure Torao is working very hard for both of them so he needs to work hard as well.

This club was full of Omega strippers that served Alphas and Betas. He gripped one to my bag more.

"H-Hello." Luffy stuttered as he walked up to a blonde guy.

He had a swirly eyebrow and was wearing lip gloss, he was also in a pink dress.

"What do you want?" He sighed.

"U-Um I'm here to be a.." Luffy blushed, "A stripper."

"Honey we already have strippers," He rolled his eyes, "But maybe you can work as a server. They make the same amount as the strippers."


"Let me take you to the owner." The blonde said.

Luffy followed him to the back, it was full of omegas. Some female and some male, his face reddened because they had barely anything on. They were all in lingerie or revealing dresses.

"Ivankov!" He called.

"What is it Sanji?" The woman turned, she had a purple afro and black lipstick on.

"This omega wants to apply here." Sanji pointed at him.


"Omigosh! You're such a cutie!" She pinched his cheeks, "We must have him here!"

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