Chapter Eleven: Unforgettable

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It was safe to say that nearly every girl in Hogwarts was losing her mind. The Halloween Ball was in exactly twenty-three hours, and girls were flipping out. Not to mention the nervous wrecks that are boys. Almost half of them were dateless and not so proud. The only boys who managed to ask a girl out in the first place and not get brutally rejected were the handsome ones on the Quidditch teams. The rest of them were either too shy to ask someone out or got mercilessly rejected.

Lucky enough for him, James wasn't nearly as worried as his classmates. He had no doubt in his mind that Sapphire was head over heels for him. And after what happened with Lily at Hogsmeade, he was sure the redhead had feelings for him. Who would've known all he needed to do was make fake-date one of her best friends? If he had known that earlier. he would've dated every Gryffindor girl who nearly looked at Lily.

Grinning as he looked at the group of girls sitting around Lily Evans, James' eyes landed on Sapphire who was sitting farther away from her friends. She had a quill in hand and books propped on her knees, writing something James hazel eyes dropped down her face, admiring how pretty and peaceful she looked until they fell on her pink lips the upper one biting on the lower one. He felt a lump in his throat as he watched her furrow her eyebrows as she crossed something out, and when she looked up and their eyes met, he almost melted into her dark brown eyes Sapphire smiled sweetly at him and James ' heart leaped. She tucked strands of her hair behind her ear and looked back down at her parchment.

"Admit it, Prongs," James jumped up, turning to face Sirius. The dark-haired boy gave him a knowing look and smirked. "You like her."

"I do not!" James whisper-yelled, looking at Sirius as if he lost his mind. "I like Evans and you know it."

"I believe otherwise,'' said Remus, closing his book and Joining the conversation. "I think that in the midst of unsuccessfully trying to make Lily jealous, you accidentally fell for Sapphire. And that is only normal seeing as she's a nice girl."

"And the female version of you who knows how to control herself," interrupted Sirius.

"Now all you have to do is admit your feelings for Sapphire and accept the fact that Lily has a date, yes, it's Snape before you even ask - to the Halloween Ball and that she doesn't like you anymore."

"Bullshit, " James scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You're just trying to make me give up on Evans, which is not going to happen."

"It is true."

"We know it. Prongs. You don't like Evans, you love Sapphire."

James scoffed once more and left the Common Room, ignoring the snickers from Remus and Sirius, and started walking down the hallways. There was a little feeling that annoyed the hell out of him as he started chanting 'I don't like Sapphire I don't like Sapphire I don't like Evans- Sapphire, damnit' Okay, so maybe he was lying to himself and his friends. Maybe he did have a weak spot for a certain purple-haired beauty who also likes him seeing as he asked her to the Ball and kissed her without her slapping him. Something James was sure Lily would've done. So maybe Sapphire was a tiny bit better than Lily in... well, everything. She was prettier, she was funnier, she was kind of a female version of lames with all the pranking and the jokes involved.

Maybe he did smile bigger when she laughed, maybe he did feel more butterflies when she looked at him, maybe he did feel happier when she was around him. Ah, crap.

James Potter is falling for Sapphire Gerard, and he doesn't know if he can come back up.


"What are you writing? Sapphire jumped out of her seat landing on the floor in an awkward position, with her parchment and books held close to her chest. Her face immediately got redder and she grinned at Alice awkwardly.

"Writing? Oh that," said Sapphire, giggling. "It's nothing, just an excuse letter for turning Slughorn into a frog and releasing him into the Forbidden Forest."

Alice raised an unimpressed eyebrow but shrugged. "Alrighty then if you don't want to tell me what it really is."

"It's just an excuse letter," said Sapphire, her cheeks flushing. "Now If you don't mind me," she threw all her books into her bag and got up, "I have some important business to attend to. Don't forget tomorrow at eleven-thirty. Don't be late!"

"I won't,'' Sapphire closed the door behind her and walked out of the Common Room into the library. She had a double free-period, along with a few other of her friends, but she decided to be alone. In all honesty, she was still working on that list for Severus. Sapphire found a place to sit and set her stuff down, pulling out the now crumpled parchment from the bag. She took out her ink and started writing:

Mission Performing Operated Trick To Ensure Revenge or Operation POTTER

Step One: Meet

Step Two: Become Mutual Friends

Step Three: Become More Than Mutual Friends

Step Four: Make Him Fall

Step Five: Break His Heart

Until now, Sapphire has accomplished more or less four steps out of five, seeing as the make him fall one was successfully finished when he cornered her in the dressing stall and they made out for a good fifteen minutes before the catcalls outside interrupted them. Sapphire couldn't deny it any longer, she had this feeling in her stomach whenever he was around and she kind of, sort of liked it. A lot. She didn't know if she had to drop the deal with Severus seeing as he had finally asked Lily out to the Halloween Ball and the redhead more than agreed. Oh, Lily didn't stop squealing until sun rays appeared in their dorm last night.

Seeing Lily oh-so in love was somewhat nice, but a girl can only listen to her squealing for so long. At some point in the early morning. Alice and Sapphire kicked Lily out of the dorm. They were sure she went to the Slytherin Common Room to be with Snape, who never got any sleep anyway.

Speaking of Severus, he was a bit more distant with Sapphire these days. He had his suspicions that Sapphire was slowly, slowly, falling into James Potter's trap, just like he thought Lily did. So, to make sure his plan was going to work and that Potter will get dropped on his ass, he decided to use his stalking abilities to follow Sapphire around. Just his luck, she was in the deserted library, writing. Thanks to his Invisibility Cloak Severus moved closer to her and could see that she was writing the steps. Performing Operated Trick To Revenge. Not bad, not bad at all.

Severus felt creeped out by his own self but remained in position, waiting patiently for her to leave. When she moved to put her stuff back in her bag. Severus created a breeze with his wand to make all the parchment, except the Mission on her table to fly away. He could hear her cursing her luck and she walked towards the other side of the library to get her parchment back. Sneakily enough. Severus grabbed the list and replaced it with a piece of parchment upside down. He waited for her to leave and, with that feeling of creepiness growing, he grinned and played with the list Severus had a feeling that the Halloween Ball would be unforgettable.

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