Chapter Fifteen: Resurrection

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Saying she was creeped out was an understatement: Sapphire was beyond freaked. If she were to count on her common sense, you don't just send a letter out of nowhere to a person you haven't talked to in months. Especially not someone with whom things ended in such an ugly way. And, counting on her sense of how much she knew him Luke Lamens hated writing letters more than he hated the ugly, pale blue Quidditch costume they made the boys wear in Beauxbatons Academy.

It was only three weeks until the Christmas break, everyone was stressed, including Sirius, Remus, and James, who needed to pass the winter exams. They were all studying like maniacs and living a zombie lifestyle, eating breakfast very early in the kitchens and studying until their classes. They all brought books and parchment rolls to dinner, the very rare times they did go to dinner Sapphire thought even McGonagall was beginning to notice how distraught the students were, as she had lessened the usual essay length by half a roll.

Sapphire had finally caught a break after she finished her Divination essay for Professor Crawley, who was blessed with the nickname Creepy Crawley by Peeves. Although she was done for a short moment, everyone else was still studying, so she decided to check up on her owl in the Owlery. It was a normal, cloudy day at Hogwarts. She was clad in a soft white tee and denim jeans, with a snuggly scarf around her neck and a messy bun of purple atop her head. The last thing she expected when she entered the Owlery was to see a feather white owl, with a golden beak and equally golden paws, to be standing next to her owl

Discretely. Sapphire approached the owl, who was staring at her with its glass-like pale eyes and lifted its' head to the side. It was holding a perfectly clean, white envelope in its beak with Sapphire's name and family name written on it in blue, cursive letters. The owl looked at her as if it was trying to decide if she was truly the person to whom this letter was addressed to. Sapphire was sure if it was human, It would have raised an eyebrow. She cleared her throat and held the edge of her t-shirt and bent her knees, curtsying in front of the owl.

It seemed like it deemed her appropriate, as it flew in the air above her and dropped the envelope right into her hand. Without even waiting for a reply, the snowy owl flew out the window and away from the tower, leaving Sapphire confused and perplexed. Turning the envelope around her heart fell to her stomach as she noticed the return address.

1041, Rue Clairaut, Paris, France.

Monsieur Lucas Lamens.

Sapphire felt the color drain from her cheeks. She had only ever gotten one letter from Luke ever since she came to Hogwarts, and the letter was now ashes in a garbage can. She hadn't even opened it not wanting to know what kind of lamentable excuse might be in there. She didn't know if Luke still thought they were together, and she didn't care to know. Sapphire, Lena, and Melanie still talked, occasionally owling each other at least three times a month. It felt different, it was no doubt different now that they weren't face to face. But Sapphire still had hope, they were best friends for years.

A question haunted her head, what could he possibly want from me? She thought she had made it clear that they were over after she hadn't said goodbye to him or answered his letter. Disgusting images went through her head of the last night they had at Beauxbatons, of him pressing a random blonde she had never seen before against a wall. Merlin didn't feel anything for Luke anymore, perhaps other than total hatred and anger, but the memory of that night still made her mouth fill with a bitter taste.

Years she wasted on that ungrateful bastard, years she will never get back and just the thought of him thinking he still meant something to her made her want to throw up. Angrily stuffing the envelope in her bag, not caring whether or not it got crumpled and ripped, Sapphire turned away from the Owlery and started making her way to the Gryffindor Common Room. Luke didn't get the chance to explain anything, or even think he deserved a chance.

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