The Dream Friends give advice on how to deal with bullies

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B. W. Dee: M-Maybe try telling an adult?


Dedede: Just punch them. Should make it clear that you're not gonna put up with 'em.


Meta Knight: Always tell a responsible authority figure... if that fails, stab them.


Rick: Well... maybe just try talking it out?

Coo: Or you could just ignore them. They're probably looking for attention anyways.

Kine: ...Are you sure, Coo?




Gooey: *Gooey noises*


Adeleine: Well... I'd say you should just look for the people who care about you and stay away from the bullies.

Ribbon: Your friends will be there to support you!


Dark Meta Knight: Violence is the only solution.


Daroach: Steal their belongings and tell them you'll only give them back when they decide to be nice. You could also just kidnap them and lock them in your basement, but-


Magolor: Well, you'll probably be able to make friends with them if you try! Kirby managed to make friends with us, so it should be possible, right?


Taranza: ...I've never dealt with bullying before, so I don't think I'd be able to tell what you should do in that situation...


Susie: Tell them you have better things to do than deal with their nonsense.


Flamberge: Show them you're not messing around and PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE!!!

Francisca: ...would you not get in trouble for that?

Zan Partizanne: You would. Just tell an adult instead.

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