Chapter 13: Happy Birthday Dear Thomas!

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"Madi, welcome to The Maze Runner set," Wes said. I looked out the window and saw some familiar faces pass by. I was temped to wave, but I didn't want to spoil the surprise for Thomas. Wes parked the car and I got out and followed him into a big auditorium. I spun in a circle to see the whole thing. It was huge! I'd never been in a place so big. 

"So here's how tonight is going to play out. Thomas and Dylan are out doing stuff, Dylan is distracting Thomas for me. You'll stay back in the girls dressing room with Kaya. Thomas thinks the crew is throwing him a small party and you'll come out holding the birthday cake," Wes said. I nodded. 

"You know Dylan, right?" Wes asked. I nodded.

"I know Dylan, Kaya, and Will," I said. Wes nodded. 

"Can you text Dylan saying everything's ready?" Wes asked. 

"Yeah no problem," I said, pulling out my phone. "He knows I'm here, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, he does," Wes said.

-Hey Dylan. Wes says everything is ready. Can't wait to finally meet you xx

I put my phone away and followed Wes into the dressing room. Kaya met me with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh, Madi! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Kaya said. I smiled and set down my bag. She gave me a big hug and it made me smile. Kaya was my only real girl friend. 

 "Yeah! You too, Kaya!" I said. She pulled back and smiled. My phone buzzed.

-Hey Madi! You know, Thomas can't stop talking about you. You sure he doesn't know you're here XP

-Haha, no. And don't you tell him!

-No problem, doll. On our way. See you soon!

"Dylan said that they're on their way," I said. Kaya nodded. We chatted and waited until Dylan sent me another text.

-Tell Kaya that we're here and she needs to come outside and get the cake from my car 

So I did. And Kaya left to get the cake. I heard people start to enter the auditorium. Wes said he would come in and bring me the cake soon after everyone arrived. I waited about 10 minutes after I heard voices when I saw Wes come in the back door with the cake.

"Okay, Thomas has no idea you're here. We have another cake in case he like, tackles you or something, so don't worry about that," Wes said. I smiled and nodded. 

"I'll go out and shout that it's time for cake and when everyone starts singing, walk through those doors," Wes said. I nodded and walked to the door.

"ALRIGHT EVERYBODY! IT'S TIME FOR CAKE!" Wes shouted. There was shuffling around and then someone, I think it was Will, shouted.

"1! 2! 3!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" the crowd kept singing and I started walking out of the dressing room. Thomas was seated with his back to me. It was perfect. I walked over to the crowd, now seeing a small table right in front of Thomas. 

"-DEAR THOMAS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" the group sang. Right as the end of the song came, I set the cake down in front of Thomas from behind. He looked back for a quick second.

"Thanks" Thomas said. It only took him a few seconds to look back again.

"MADI!!!!!!" Thomas screamed. He knocked over his chair and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he spun us around. I heard the cast and crew 'awww' all around us. I smiled so big I knew I looked silly. But I didn't care. I kissed Thomas. He set me down and kept kissing me. He didn't stop until I pulled back and laughed a little. 

"I've missed you, Thomas," I said. All of a sudden, Thomas started crying. I hugged him and brought him into me. 

"Madi. Madi how..?" Thomas said after a minute or so. I pulled back and pointed to Will and Dylan.

"They invited me," I said. Thomas looked back at them and walked over there. He gave Dylan a hug, then Will. He stepped back and wiped his eyes. I couldn't hear them, but I knew they were most likely giving him a hard time for crying.

"Madi!" Dylan shouted. All of a sudden, Dylan was running towards me, his arms flying all around him. I took a step back and laughed. He picked me up, just like Thomas had, and he spun me around. I laughed and he set me back down.

"Finally. The all great Dylan O'Brien," I said. He smiled and barely got out of the way before Will came over and did the same. Accept, Will didn't set me down. He decided to give me a piggy back ride.

"Hows the weather up there?" Dylan asked. I laughed and smiled.

"Oh it's great," I said. I had a plate with cake that I balanced on Wills head as we walked around the studio. The three boys were giving me the tour.

"What's it like living in England alone?" Will asked. I froze, fork half in my mouth. 

"Uh.." I said. Thomas looked up at me. 

"Am I missing something?" Will asked. We had stopped walking now. 

"It's just kinda nothing new," I said, finishing the bite of cake.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked. I looked at Thomas.

"You didn't tell them?" I asked Thomas. He shook his head. Dylan grabbed my plate of cake and Will set me down. I went and stood next to Thomas. He put his arm around me and I sighed.

"Well, I was technically homeless until Thomas took me in," I said.

"What?" Dylan said, he took a step closer to me. Will was now looking at the ground.

"I need to sit down," Will said. So everyone did. I sat on Thomas's lap and Dylan and Will sat in front of us.

"What happened, Madi?" Will asked. I sighed. 

"My mother was murdered and my father was so upset about it that he killed himself right in front of me and I was so scared that I hid which made the police think the person who they thought killed both of my parents kidnapped me. I was then pronounced dead 5 years ago. But here I am today with my amazing boyfriend and I'm not dead so everything is okay again," I spouted off. By the time I finished, Thomas was holding my hand for support and Will was about to cry. Dylan was staring off into space and I felt terrible.

"Geez," Dylan said. 

"Guys, please, it's alright. I'm fine now," I said. The two boys nodded. Thomas kissed the back of my neck lightly, sending a shiver throughout my entire body that made me feel good. 

"And I'm so glad you are okay," Thomas said. Dylan stood up.

"Can I give your girlfriend a hug?" Dylan said. I looked back at Thomas and he nodded. I stood up and walked over to Dylan.

"Oh Madi," Dylan whispered. He hugged me really tight and I hugged him back. We stayed like that for probably way too long, but it was just a friendly hug. I knew it by the placement of Dylan's hands. They were high on my back, unlike when Thomas. His hands are low on my back. 

"Dylan, it's alright. I promise," I said, pulling back. Dylan had tears on his face, I hadn't even noticed he started crying.

"Man you did good with her. You saved such a beautiful girl," Dylan said. I smiled and walked back over to stand with Thomas. Will smiled shyly at me. I smiled at him.

"Come here, Will," I said. I walked over to him, too. He hugged me. It didn't last as long as the one with Dylan. After all the sappy stuff went down, Thomas changed the subject completely.

"So, how long are you staying, sweetheart?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I leave when you do," I said, smiling wide. He turned me around and made eye contact with me. He had a huge smile on his face.

"Really??" Thomas asked. I nodded. I barely finished the action when Thomas's lips were locked on mine. He pulled me tight up against him, sending another shiver through my body. I smiled a little through the kiss. He felt it. I know he did. It only begged him to keep going, but I pulled back. It wasn't polite in front of the guys. I hugged him tightly and he kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, Thomas," I said.

"I love you too, Madi," Thomas said.

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