Chapter 12: Baton Rouge or Bust!

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I grabbed my blue t-shirt and threw it into the suitcase. So far I had almost all of the shirts Thomas gave me in there, along with some other shirts and pants I had bought for myself. Well, still with Thomas's money, I just picked them out.  I was wearing a baby blue sweater and black leggings. I curled my hair and put on my tan ankle Ugg boots. I put on some makeup and smiled. 

"Well, Madi, you've never looked better," I said to myself. And it was sadly true. I saved this outfit for today specifically. I had lived in shorts and t-shirts. I felt, good. I was surprised at how good I looked. I mean, not to brag, but I did. I was proud to say I did. I checked all of my stuff to make sure I had enough in my little carry on bag. I grabbed my ticket off of the dresser and walked out into the living room. I decided to call Thomas. I put my phone to my ear and waited. Two, three dial tones. 

"Hey sweetheart," Thomas picked up. I smiled.

"Hey Thomas," I said. 

"How are you?" Thomas asked. I kept smiling.

"I'm good! How are you?" I asked. I could tell Thomas just got off set. He was breathing kind of heavy and I could hear the other cast members in the background. 'Hey Tommy, get over here,' and 'Ooo Thomas is chatting with Madi again,' were scattered throughout our conversation. Thomas ignored them. I knew they were giving him a hard time. I knew he knew it as well.

"I miss you," Thomas said. I smiled.

"I miss you too, Thomas," I said. 

"One more month. Then I get to see my girl," Thomas said. It was almost killing me inside. If only he knew.

"I know. I can't wait to see you," I said. 

"This movie better be worth it!" Thomas said. It surprised me, honestly.

"Why honey?" I said. He sighed.

"I've spent more time missing you than acting," Thomas said. 

"Oh, sweetheart, we'll be together soon. Keep at it, alright?" I said, reassuringly. 

"I will, Madi. You know I will," Thomas said. 

"I love you, Thomas." I said. I knew that lifted his spirits. 

"I love you too, Madi," Thomas said. We said our goodbyes and I got ready to leave. 


"Flight 215 to Baton Rouge is ready for departure," the announcer lady said over the airport speakers. I was waiting at the gate for my plane, listening to music. I was excited. I got up and started walking to wait in the line. I was one of the first in line, which was nice. I was then lead to my seat, only to find someone was already in it. 

"Oh, excuse me, ma'am. I think you have your seat confused," I said, looking at a little old lady. She pulled out her ticket and showed it to me. Sure enough, she was in the right seat. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Double seating. You stay right there, I'll find another seat," I said. The lady smiled. I walked to the front of the plane, waiting for a flight attendant.

"Excuse me, but you double booked my seat," I said, once a lady came to the front by me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll see if there's another seat for you," the lady said. I nodded. I was told to wait until the plane was boarded to find a seat. 

"I have a seat for you. It's not the seat you paid for, but I hope it will do," the lady said. I nodded.

"It's up in first class, right through here," the lady said, motioning through a set of curtains. First class? This was just my day.

"Okay," I said, following her. I was brought to my seat and told to relax. And so, I did. 10 1/2 hours later, I had arrived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 

You could say I was a bit jet lagged. I got a taxi to my hotel and took a 3 hour nap. I didn't understand how people could do this. I finally woke up when there was a knocking at my hotel door.

"Ms. Higgins, it's Wes Bell." I got up and was thankful I hadn't changed my clothes. I still looked really good. I opened the door to a smiling man.

"Hey, Wes," I said, motioning for him to come in. I closed the door shortly after.

"I'm very impressed with Thomas. He's a natural," Wes said. I nodded.

"Yeah, he really has a talent and passion for acting," I said. Wes smiled.

"You have no idea how much he misses you, Madi. He talks about you non-stop. He even said your name once or twice instead of Kaya's," Wes said. We both laughed.

"I've been informed," I said, laughing. "Dylan says he's pretty sure he knows me like I was his girlfriend even though he's never met me before," I smiled. I had become friends with Dylan and Will through Thomas. I talked to Dylan almost every day, actually. 

"Yeah. We all do, Madi," Wes said, laughing again. 

"I'm just really happy you invited me down here for Thomas's birthday," I said. Wes nodded.

"Yeah, I know it'll be a good thing for him," Wes said. I nodded. 

"Well, should we get ready to go then?" I asked. Wes nodded. 

"Are you ready to go?" Wes asked. I shrugged.

"I was asleep when you knocked. I can be ready in 10," I said. Wes nodded.

"I'll wait with the car in front of the hotel," Wes said. I nodded. Wes left and I rushed to the bathroom to re-do my makeup. I touched up my hair and put on some more perfume. I examined myself and decided I still looked better than I ever had. I grabbed my purse and made my way down to the car. 

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