Chapter 11: Leaving, Leaving, Gone.

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It had been two weeks since I'd seen Thomas. I rarely heard from him, sometimes it was just a sweet little text wishing I would have a good day. I didn't really know what to do without him. Yes, it had only been a month or so that I was with him, but going from 5 years of loneliness to 1 month of love is hard to come out of. I didn't realize how much I had grown to depend on someone recently. Being lonely really sucks. How did I manage for 5 years? 

A couple days went by without any word from Thomas. I decided to call him, I didn't care if I interrupted the scene. I needed to talk to him. The phone kept ringing. Two, three, four dial tones. Then he picked up.

"Madi!" Thomas said excitedly into the phone. I smiled. 

"Thomas," I whispered. 

"How are you sweetheart?" Thomas asked.

"Oh, alright. How are you?" I asked. 

"I'm good! Everything's super busy," Thomas said.

"Well busy is better than nothing," I said. 

"What have you been doing?" Thomas asked. 

"Well I went to the town hall to get myself registered again," I said.

"That's great sweetheart! Are you all set?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, I'll be a legal human again tomorrow. The city wants me to get my license," I said. Thomas paused.

"You don't have to, Madi," Thomas said.

"I know, I might want to. Especially, since you're gone and all..." I said. Thomas sighed.

"Madi, I'm coming back to you. I'm not leaving forever," Thomas said.

"I know, Thomas," I said. There was silence from the other end of the line. All I could hear was the slow breaths coming from Thomas. 

"I miss my Madi," Thomas whispered. I heard him sniffle, I knew there was a tear, or two, in his eyes. 

"I miss my Thomas," I said. 

"Madi," Thomas said, his voice was weak.

"Hey, listen to me, Thomas. I'm right there with you. I've never left. Go have fun now, okay? For me? Play the best Newt there ever was," I said. I know he nodded, no room for words. 

"I'll talk to you soon, okay?" I say.

"Okay. Tomorrow?" Thomas asked. 

"Tomorrow, I promise," I said. 

"Have a good night, Madi," Thomas said. It was actually early morning here, because of the time difference from New Mexico to England. 

"Goodnight, sweetie," I said. The line went dead. I knew I would talk to him soon, but it still made me sad to hear the click that ended the call. I put the phone on the table and walked to Thomas's room. He didn't know it, but I'd been sleeping in his room. It comforted me. The biggest reason was that it smelled like him. It made me feel like he was still here. 

"Tonight, we will be talking about..." the news reported started. I wasn't able to go back to sleep.

I missed Thomas so much that I decided to get out the computer and look up videos of him. His smile, his laugh. His voice. I missed it all. There were soo many videos. It was then that I realized how popular of an actor he was. He was all over the internet, all over social media, all over the media in general. It made me smile to see how much people loved him. There was little hate against him, but it made me sad when there was hate. I knew better than to comment on it. I just left it alone. I was on his account, I checked up on his social media. I wanted to see the pictures of him and his cast, the fun they were having on set. 

I'm not sure when it happened exactly, but two hours later I was crying too hard to compose myself. I was curled up in his blankets, face red, breathing shaky. It was a nightmare. But, I wasn't sad. I was just lonely. I was more lonely than those days I hid away in the house in the forest. My heart was broken. I couldn't believe how much I hurt inside. I didn't think five months was going to feel as long as it does right now. I was only one month in. I don't know if I could last four more months of this. Apparently, I was having trouble with just one day. It wasn't until 4:00 when my phone rang that I was brought back to consciousness. I looked at who was calling. It was Thomas.

"H-hello?" I said, answering the phone. My voice was quiet, raspy almost. 

"Hey sweetheart," Thomas said. 

"How's you're day been?" Thomas asked.

"Uh..boring.." I said, letting a little sniffle out, on accident. 

"Boring? Honey are you okay? You always have something good to say," Thomas said.

"I'm alright," I said. I sniffled again, the urge to keep my emotional state hidden. 

"Honey, I want to Skype you. That's what I was calling to ask. Can I?" Thomas asked. 

"Oh, uh, I guess so," I said. He hung up a moment or so later. I grabbed the computer and logged onto Skype. I waited for him to log on while I rushed to the bathroom. I quickly washed my face and pulled my wet hair up into a ponytail. I slipped on a new shirt and got back into bed. Just as I sat down, Thomas's Skype request popped onto the screen. I accepted and waited for it to load.

"Hey Thomas," I said, waving. His smile faded as he saw me.

"Madi! What's wrong, sweetheart? You look like you've been crying for hours," Thomas said. I pu my hands over my eyes and tried to hide my face.

"Madi, what's wrong?" Thomas asked.

"Nothing. I can't do anything about it Thomas. I don't want to hurt anyone," I said. 

"Madi. What's going on? Please tell me," Thomas begged.

"Thomas I miss you. I was crying for hours. I actually don't remember how long, or when I started. I was just tired and overwhelmed and I didn't have you to hold onto and make it better so I just cried. I cried and cried because I love you and I want you with me again and five months is too long and-" I started.

"What did you say?" Thomas said, a big smile on his face.

"What?" I said.

"You said you love me," Thomas said. I looked at him, my face turning red, if it was possible. 

"I..I did?" I said. Thomas nodded.

"Did you mean it?" Thomas asked. I looked at Thomas for awhile before answering.

"Yes. Thomas, I really, really do," I said. 

"Oh, Madi. I wish I was there right now," Thomas said. He smiled so big.

"Why?" I asked. He laughed a little bit.

"Because I would be kissing you right now," Thomas said. I smiled and blushed a little bit.

"Madi," Thomas said. I looked at him.

"Yes, Thomas?" I asked.

"I love you too," Thomas answered. And again, I was crying with no idea when I started.

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