Chapter 9: Not Your Typical Wake Up Call

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Thomas still hadn't moved when I woke up. I had a terrible headache, and my face was all dry and scratchy, probably from all of the tissues I'd used to wipe away at my face. Thomas was still asleep, I could tell by the limp way his body laid against mine. I re-adjusted myself, moving just a little bit. Apparently it was enough to wake him up. 

"Madi," Thomas whispered. I slowly started to look up at him, sending shards of pain through my head and neck. I grabbed at my head, draining all of the energy from my arm. It was then that I started to look around the room. It wasn't by room, that was the number one problem.

"Thomas where am I?" I asked, sitting up quickly, sending more pain up my spine. Thomas kept his grip on my body with his arm around my side.

"Sweetheart sloooow down. You're okay," Thomas said. I tried to shake my head.

"No, they can't know I'm here. I;m not supposed to be alive," I whispered. 

"I know, but Madi you passed out, and your pulse slowed down and I freaked out. I'm so sorry," Thomas said. I got a nervous knot in my stomach. Maybe they wouldn't notice. Who am I kidding? They knew.

"What about my identity?" I asked. Thomas sighed.

"Madi, they had to know the truth. They said now that you're living with me, it's alright. You just need to go redo your citizenship or something." Thomas said. My eyelids felt heavy, again.

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"Three days," Thomas said. My eyes widened. 

"Th-three days?" I said. Thomas nodded. 

"I've been here the whole time, honey," Thomas said. He kissed the top of my head softly.

"Thank you, Thomas," I said. My energy was gone now. For some reason, I felt like my whole body was a noodle. 

"Go to sleep, sweetie," Thomas said. I was halfway there before he even got to the end of his sentence.


Three weeks later, I was able to go home. Why three weeks? Well, I'll tell you.

"Thomas," I whispered in the middle of the night. "Thomas wake up," I tried to shake him but I still had no energy. I had been here for 5 days already. 

"Huh?" Thomas said, waking up. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at me. 

"Thomas..." I started. Then, I threw up. I didn't remember eating much, so I had no idea how I was able to throw up.

"Oh, nurse! Nurse come help!" Thomas shouted. I buckled over, trying to hide what was happening so Thomas couldn't see. The nurse came running into the room and turned on the lights. I just kept throwing up. I couldn't stop. I don't remember much after that. Just some rushing around to another room. Thomas hadn't been able to sit with me, wich made me nervous. I remember screaming for him. They couldn't let him in. Then nothing. Total blackness. 


"Thomas," I whispered as I sat up. He wasn't in the room. I started to panic. My stomach hurt like hell. 

"Thomas!" I yelled, i searched around for the nurse call button. I was, again, in a new room than before. A nurse quickly rushed into the room. It was then that I realized I had oxygen tubes in my nose.

"Where's Thomas? I need Thomas," I said. The nurse nodded and ran out of the room. Within seconds Thomas came flying through the hospital curtain, grabbed a chair and sat down next to my bed.

"Thomas what's going on?" I said. Thomas sighed.

"That's a long story, sweetheart. But I'll tell you, if you want," Thomas said.

"I want," I said back, almost snapping at him. 

"Madi, you had to get your appendix removed," Thomas said. My what removed?

"What?" I asked. Maybe I'd heard him wrong.

"You're appendix. It got inflamed and ruptured," Thomas said. Rupture. That didn't sound good.

"What's my appendix?" I asked. I felt kinda stupid. 

"It's pretty much an organ in your body that serves no purpose whatsoever. It often gets irritated in younger girls, yours just happened to burst, and that's why you're still here," Thomas explained. I had completely forgotten about time.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

"Since you last asked me, or in total?" Thomas said.

"Total," I said.

"Three weeks," Thomas said. 

"And I was out for that long?" I said, almost angry. Thomas nodded.

"The medicine they had you on to rid your body of the toxins from the rupture knocked you out pretty good, especially since your immune system was so weak," Thomas said. I nodded, too tired to be angry anymore.

"Stay with me?" I asked. Thomas nodded and held out his hand for me to take. I interlaced my fingers with his and he climbed onto the bed and carefully cradled me close to him. It wasn't very long until I fell asleep, once again.

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