Tale 49

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Tale 49
Scorching Phoenix Potion

In the farthest island, close to the Sea of Flumes known as the gate to the underworld, a ruined city can be seen shrouded in darkness.

The city was once a safe haven, a prosperous land under the rule of the Kingdom of Gorgona.

However, when the kingdom fell many years back, the city also fell to ruined.

Today, the few remaining survivors live on this island without knowing the current events of the outside world.

They were closed off.


Imprisoned on the island they once called home.

Without magic, it’s close to impossible to leave, to escape, to teleport.

“Lock the doors! We are surrounded!” shouted a bulky man while giving orders

Men carrying swords can be seen guarding the door.

Archers were all stationed at the windows and balconies.

The weak, old, women and children went to prepare emergency food and medical boxes. They also picked up daggers, kitchen knives, metal bats or shovels to use as weapon. If the demons invaded their building, they will be the last line of defense.

“Mommy, are we going to die?” asked an innocent five years old

“Not today, son.” His mother comforted him with determined eyes while holding a frying pan as her weapon.

These people were trapped on the island by demons. Treating them as food supplies all these years.

The survivors have been silently fighting this war all these years without the outside world knowing.

After decades of being baptized by hardships, these survivors become mentally strong. Even if demons appeared on a toilet, they would calmly pick up the toilet plunger to fight to the bitter end!

There used to be hundred thousands of people living on this island before, but today only a few hundred remained.

They are still waiting.



They know someone will come for them.

So they will continue to fight.

They will fight for their children.

They will fight for the future of Aralon.


“Why are we here? I thought we’re going to find your fifth magic?” asked Damnable

“Now that I have the Phoenix Eye Herb, of course I have to visit Lance first.” Amara

“You clearly know your priorities hahahaha.” Blabbermouth

Amara ignored his comment. Of course, Lance is her first priority. She’s selfish that way. Besides, Lance needed to be cured for him to be able to fight the demons unobstructed. He’s been silently fighting the demon pawns as Phantom Emperor, he deserves her utmost attention. Amara does not care whether you agree with her or not.

“Are you not going to check on little Aurio first? He’s being targeted by demons afterall.” Unbearable

“He’ll be fine. Arya and Sapphire will protect him.” Amara

“She’s right. Besides, after scaring the sh!t out of those demons last time, they’ll surely lay low for a while.” Blabbermouth

The guards on patrol immediately escorted her towards Lance’ residence upon seeing her.

Lance residence is a simple palace, although he didn’t indulge in luxury and riches, the place still scream nobility and beauty.

She entered the throne room in silence.

A crowd was gathered there.

But she only see one person amidst this crowd.

Even in this distance, she can see his unfairly long eyelashes that seems like butterfly wings. His pointed nose. His luscious red lips. And that cold hazel eyes, almost the color of gold.

So handsome.

Star Wolf seems to be relaying a report as he listen with obvious boredom in his eyes. That cold eyes was like an iceberg that never melted in thousands of years, leaving people in awe, but also making them dare not approach him.

“It’s good that demons are inactive these days. Less work for us too. But don’t let your guards down.” Lance dismissed

Upon hearing his words, StarWolf’s lips twitch. ‘Boss, you just want to take some days off so you can spend some time with your wifey!’ But he won’t dare say it out loud.

“Welcome back Mistress!” SilverWolf greeted her in excitement upon noticing her

Those words captured Lance’ attention.

When their eyes met, that iceberg melted. His eyes were suddenly filled with warmth, his lips forming a smile.

She smiled at him too.

He stood up, his strides filled with excitement.

“You’re here.” He said as he stood in front of her

“Did you missed me?” she teased

“Yes, I did.” He answered without blinking.

Amara’s smile widen.

The four idiotic wolves immediately shooed the crowd to give their king and queen some privacy.

Amara continued to tease and flirt with him for a while.

“Ehem, so Im here to make the Scorching Phoenix Potion.” She said as she struggle to escape from his arms that were tightly wrapped around her waist. If she don’t get straight to the point, she might stray from her original goal. Lance’ kisses were like poison disrupting her sanity.

Lance unwillingly left her go.

“How’s the situation?” Amara

“Demons are hiding. But we already found their nest.” Lance

“That’s good. We must put an end to their plans as soon as we can.” Amara

Lance nod his head in agreement.

“I’m close to finding my last magic, I will help you destroy them.” Amara

“We will destroy them together.” Lance agreed

Amara smiled at him.

“Anyway, have you prepared all the other ingredients for the potion?” Amara


She held his hands, “Then lets go to the lab.”

“Okay.” He agreed and then smiled lovingly.


Today Grandmaster Helia was busy with his experiments as usual.

“Grandmaster, are you really not planning to escape and check what’s happening with your guild? Won’t they be in trouble not having you around?” asked one of the Master Alchemist

“Im still waiting for that Alchemy King to come back. I have a lot of questions.” Grandmaster Helia

“I heard that person was a VVIP. I don’t think he’ll come back.” Said Master Reynold

“He was so young yet his talent is beyond his years!” said one Master Alchemist

“I thought the youngest grandmaster alchemist, Lady Amara of Thousand Crows, is the most talented individual to ever exists. To think someone that is not known already reached the pinnacle of alchemy! A young Alchemy King!” added another

Everyone felt awe, envy, and fear. They all shivered as they remembered that young man.

While they reminisce about that unforgettable event, the arrival of several unexpected people surprised all the alchemists in the lab.

“P-phantom Emperor!” exclaimed an alchemist in alarm

“Y-your Highness! What are you doing here?!” asked Master Mapple in confusion and shock

“Phantom Emperor! Good timing! Can you invite over the Alchemy King again? I have some questions! Come on, do this old man this little favour.” Grandmaster Helia interjected excitedly as he elbow Lance jokingly.

“........” all the other alchemist

‘Grandmaster Helia, that’s the notorious Phantom Emperor! Are you not scared? Why are you acting chummy with him as if you’re long lost buddies? Are you okay? Are you not afraid of death?’

“........” Lance

Amara who was silently standing beside him laugh in amusement. Grandmaster Helia is truly something else. He have guts.

Hearing her soft laughter that seems like gentle music to the ears, all the alchemists eyes landed on her.

Who is this stunning beauty?

Seeing Lance’ hand that was gently wrapped on her waist, all the alchemists within the lab stared in bewilderment.

Is this young lady, the Lady Boss?

She’s definitely gorgeous. Her demeanour resembles an intelligent royalty. An emperor in a woman’s body.

Seeing the two together, they can only say: What a perfect match!

  “Young man, you have good eyes. I say you’re one lucky guy to have such a fine young lady as your partner.” Commented Grandmaster Helia as he continue to elbow Lance jokingly

“Yes, I’m truly lucky.” Lance agreed seriously and his eyes soften as he stare at Amara’s eyes.

The two of them locked eyes, smiling at each other lovingly.

Everyone was speechless. This lovey dovey couple does not even spare those single people’s heart some slack. Are you two trying to make us jealous by staring at each other’s eyes like that? If not because of fear, they wanted to shout, Go get a room!

StarWolf cleared his throat to change the atmosphere.

LoneWolf followed his lead with some words, “Master, don’t forget your motive for visiting the lab.”

“Mistress we will start the preparation now.” BloodWolf

“Mistress, if you need anything else, just ask.” SilverWolf

“I can do it alone, I just need a room that is heat resistant so I can refine the potion without restraint or worry.” Amara

“Understood.” The four wolves immediately moved

“Is the Lady Boss an alchemist?” asked Master Mapple

“She might be the Lady Boss, but what can she actually do? She’s probably just a pampered young lady.” Master Reynold snorted with a low voice

Those who heard him was speechless. Master Reynold, have you not learned your lesson yet? Never judge an alchemist by age! Look at Grandmaster Amara of Thousand Crows! And that mysterious boy who turned out to be an Alchemy King!

Of course, his comment didn’t escape Amara’s ears too.

The four wolves were clearly enrage!

“How dare you!” BloodWolf

“Do you want to die?” SilverWolf

“This fool!” LoneWolf

“This guy must be seeking death!” StarWolf

Amara sensed Lance intent to kill, so she gently pull on the hem of his shirt to stop him. She communicated with him through their eyes. She nod her head to say ‘Leave it to me’ and then she move forward to face Master Reynold.

“Master Reynold, is it? Im sorry, but since you place your face under my boots willingly, then I have to step on it several times.” Amara

“........” Master Reynold

“By the way, my name is Amara. I remember teaching you some manners last time I was here. It seems you have forgotten about them. What a shame.” Amara said with a sweet smile

“What are you talking about? And who are you trying to fool by claiming that you’re Lady Amara?” Master Reynold

Everyone was confused too.

Lady Amara is a renown beauty, with her silk-like black hair and exquisite features.

While this young lady have shiny blond hair, skin as white as snow, and stunning beauty.

They have to admit, although Lady Amara is pretty, this young lady is far superior. Her beauty can cause the downfall of a kingdom. Her smile can definitely ruin a country.

While everyone is baffled, Grandmaster Helia suddenly exclaim. “It’s you! It’s you!”

Everyone was even more  confuse now!

“You’re that young man! The young Alchemy King!” Grandmaster Helia exclaimed, his excitement overflowing.

The young Alchemy King?

Everyone stared at Amara, examining her face more thoroughly.

They tried to picture the image of the young man from before and compare it to the beautiful lady standing in front of them now.

If she tie her hair up, and wore some baggy clothes, wouldn’t she be the exact replica of that young man?

Or was he even a young man to begin with?

“You’re that Alchemy King right?” Grandmaster Helia inquired excitedly

“Alchemy King? Well, close enough.” Amara smiled in amusement. She’s actually the Goddess of Alchemy.

“Wait a minute, you said your name is Amara. Is it merely a coincidence that you have the same name as Lady Amara of Thousand Crows or are you—” Master Mapple

“I’ll entertain your questions later, for now I have to do something important.” Amara

On the side, Master Reynold wanted to escape. He wanted to smack himself for running his mouth without thinking. ‘I’m going to die!’

“This way Mistress.” LoneWolf respectfully lead the way towards a separate room in the lab

Curious, everyone followed them.

They wanted to watch but Amara closed the door upon her entry.

Lance along with his four wolves patiently waited outside.

“I saw a glimpse of some of the ingredients inside the room, I think she’s planning to refine the Scorching Phoenix Potion that we’ve been researching all these months.” Said one alchemist.

“Will she succeed?”

“She will!” Grandmaster Helia

The familiar sound of vegetables being fried echoed inside the tightly closed room. Then, scorching heat was suddenly emitted followed by a phoenix cry.

Large beads of sweat formed on everyone’s forehead as they feel the immense heat waves coming from the room.

Fudge! Did the room transformed into a volcano all of a sudden?

Is she still alive inside?

Despite the fact that they can’t see the actual process, all the alchemist still felt a chill run down their spines. They can tell that the potion is something that ordinary people like them cannot refine even if they spend their whole lives trying! No sh!t. With that level of heat, they might even die if they actually try!

The refinement lasted for a span of five minutes, but everyone felt as if a lifetime has passed.

Except for Lance who’s calmly waiting by the door, everyone else was drenched in sweat, including the four wolves.

The door slowly opened and hot mist escaped from the room, a beautiful lady walked out amidst the mist giving the illusion of the emergence of a fire goddess.

“All done.” Amara stated with a smile, she’s completely fine without even a trace of sweat.

“..........” Everyone

“Lance, let’s go. I will help you administer this antidote.” Amara

Lance held her hand as they walked away with smiles on their faces, completely and obviously inlove.

“...........” Everyone

Wait, can someone explain what just happened?

Is that girl still human?

Is she actually the incarnation of the goddess of alchemy?

If she claim to be the goddess Altha, all these alchemists will definitely believe her, get down on their knees and worship her!


When the sun rose in the sky the next day, Amara found herself inside a warm embrace.

Last night, Lance lost consciousness after he drunk the Scorching Phoenix Potion.

His usually pale and cold skin is now gone, replaced with warmth. His fair white skin have a touch of blush, adding more charm to his already perfect looks.

“Good morning.” She whispered as she felt his strong hands tightening around her

A smile formed on Lance lips as he slowly opened his eyes.

Her blue eyes met his hazel ones.

“Good morning.” He greeted back as he place a small kiss on her forehead.

“Yes, this is definitely a very good morning.” She replied

Lance smiled, “Indeed.”

“I really want to see your face first thing in the morning.” Amara

“Me too. Once everything is settled, let’s spend the rest of our lives together.” Lance

“Is that your way of saying ‘Will you marry me’?” Amara teased

“.... yes.” Lance

“Yes, I will marry you.” Amara nodded seriously

Hearing her words, Lance can’t help but smile. His eyes filled with happiness.

She can’t helped but stare at his handsome face. His smile is the most beautiful thing in this world.

“I love you.” She said

He suddenly frown as if he’s hurting somewhere.

“Lance, I love you.”

He closed his eyes and uttered a sigh that is more like a groan. He seems to be in pain.

“Are you okay?” Amara asked upon noticing his expression.


“Are you hurting somewhere?” Amara is starting to worry

“I... I can’t breath..” Lance burry his face on her shoulder

“W-why? Lance, tell me where it hurts.” Amara

“My heart.”

“Your heart?”

“My heart is about to burst.” Lance


“Hearing you say you will marry me then hearing you say you love me, my heart can’t take it. I’m too happy.” He said in a low voice, as if he’s hurting.

Amara was dumbfounded for a second. Then she burst out in giggles, amused by his cute reaction.

“Lance, I love you too much.” And then she continue to laugh

Lance pulled her closer, not wanting to let go.

“Won’t you say it to me?” she asked

“......no, it’s too short.” He replied

I love you. Those three words were not enough to describe his hundreds of years of emotion towards her. His heart is overflowing with feelings that cannot be describe with words.

She’s his everything.

She’s the reason that he’s alive.

Everything that he have, it was all meant for her.

Without her, there is no reason to continue living in this world.

He pulled her even closer, her warmth warming his heart.

No matter how one look at it, she’s clearly smaller, like a delicate porcelain doll that can break with his strong arms. But on the contrary, he’s on the weaker position. He’s the one playing to her mood. The one ensuring she’s happy. But it didn’t feel bad at all. Taking care of her is his biggest happiness.

“You complete me.” He said seriously

Her eyes turn into crescents as she smiled beautifully to him.

Lance planted a small kiss on her soft lips.

“Let’s stay like this always.” Amara


“Forever?” Amara


“Promise?” Amara

Lance smiled, “Promise.”


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