Tale 50

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Tale 50
The Fifth Magic

“Have you noticed?”
“There seems to be no news about Phantom Emperor lately.”
“Eh? You’re right!”
“Did something happened?”
“What could possibly happen to someone like him?”
“Did he died?”
“As if he’ll die just like that!”
“Then why is he inactive lately?”
“Maybe he grew tired of massacring people.”
“I heard all the missing alchemists finally returned!”
“Really? What did they say? Where did they go?”
“Everyone was tight lip. Even their guilds didn’t make a fuss about their case, as if afraid to offend someone!”
“Heh! I knew it! It was Phantom Emperor who kidnapped them!”
“I know right! But all the alchemists won’t point any finger, without any proof no one will know the truth.”
“They were probably threatened!”
“Paper will never be able to contain fire. Even if they were threatened or paid with wealth and riches, sooner or later, someone will reveal the truth!”
“You’re right!”

Somewhere in the Grand Valley in the State of Ignis, a young woman found her self in front of a massive hole.

Legend has it that this hole was created by a very powerful punch hundreds of years ago.

“T-this is amazing!” the young woman said in excitement

She is Lily Cross, great granddaughter of the famous archaeologist and author, Professor Lana Cross, author of the classic tales; The Witch in the Castle, The Traveller in the Sea, The Sea of Stars and a lot more.

Being a novelist runs in her blood.

Lily is the author of the highly acclaimed novel, The Hero in the Rug and The Wicked in the Throne.

Her novel is considered award winning, and always at the top bestselling books of her time.

The novel Hero in the Rug is about a young man who went against all odds to rise and fight the oppression of the wicked empress who caused the death of his entire family. The plot is very simple, but the events and his adventure was so unique and epic, it garnered a lot of fans after it’s released two years ago. Now, the second book was released after the success of book one. The Wicked on the Throne focuses on the point of view of the Evil Empress from the first book. It narrates fragments of her dark past that influence her to become evil. Just like the first book, it’s gaining a lot of fans for it’s dark but meaningful story.

The inspiration behind her book is the legend of the first empire before the rise of the five kingdoms.

She used to work as a researcher at the History and Time Research Council in Aragon. She once encountered an article about the first empire before the rise of the five kingdoms of Aralon and this awaken her desire to write.

Right now, she’s obsess in finding out the truth about Amara, the empress in the legends.

“This massive hole, was she the one who punched it? Or was she fighting a giant dragon who punched this hole? Oh my gosh! This is so exciting!” Lily exclaimed in delight, her inner writer jumping in joy.

She can’t wait to write a new novel about Amara.

“All of the facts. All of the hints. Everything points out to her true identity. She’s definitely the Stillwater in the legend! I’m sure! Very very sure! Omg! I will make sure that her story will be known far and wide!” Lily declared in her heart

Back at the guild of Thousand Crows, a teleportation portal opened up and a beautiful young lady emerged.

“You’re finally back!” Arya

“Where did you ran off to?” Sapphire

“Viribus, then I visited Lance.” Amara

“You left us here to spend some quality time with your boyfriend?” Arya

“I also went to Viribus for an official business.” Amara

“Did you perhaps annoyed those old immortals again?” Sapphire

“Don’t you know how much they want to ban you on their city?” Arya

“What are you two talking about? They always treat me like a VIP.” Amara

“........” Arya and Sapphire

Amara ignored their obvious disbelief.

“It was a wasted trip though. It seems that I forgot Coelum doesn’t have my fifth magic anymore.” Amara

“How can you forget something as important as that?” Arya

“Do you even know how many hundreds of years I’am? So much can happen in just a decade. There is no way I can remember every little details of my past lives.” Amara


“Besides not all were good memories. Some things are better forgotten. Instead of remembering how I trampled ancient cities into ruins many years ago, I’d rather remember how delicious the Imperial Berry Muffins I had yesterday.” Amara

“You do have a point! Now I’m suddenly craving for Imperial Berry Muffins!” Arya

“We just had breakfast a while ago.” Sapphire

“But Im still hungry.” Arya

“Where’s my students by the way?” Amara

“Aurio is currently giving a lecture about alchemy.” Sapphire

“I see. And it seems that Nixon is back, with a lot of friends with him.” Amara commented

“Won’t Grandmaster Vermillion faint once he find out that there’s a lot of assassin gathered on the guild?” Arya

“He wont find out so it’ll be fine.” Amara

“With so many skilled fighters around, I think those foolish demons will cower in fear.” Arya

“I’m about to head out somewhere. Do you want to go with me?” Amara

“Yes!” Arya and Sapphire

Amara already have four of her magic.

First is the Resurrection Chapters, isang magic spell na mayroong tatlong kabanata. Ang una ay pagkakaroon ng permanent invincible body. Ang pangalawang chapter ay pagkakaroon ng regenerative ability. At ang ikatatlo ay ang pagkakaroon ng extra lives. Dahil mortal ang kanyang katawan ay kailangan nya ang Spell na ito upang makagamit ng higit pang malalakas na spell. Natagpuan nya ang Spell sa guild na Thousand Crows.

Ang ikalawa ay ang Shadow Puppetry Magic na natagpuan nya sa pangangalaga ng pamilya ni Lauren Ashford. This magic is based on the concept of necromancy. Aside from alchemy, she also studied necromancy in one of her past life. Madami syang oras bakit ba?

Ang ikatatlo ay ang Infinite Cloning Spell na natagpuan nya sa tulong nina Nova at Nixon sa assassination guild na Dark Hands. Although she named it Infinite, the number of clones still depends on how much mana she can wield.

At ang ikaapat ay ang Spatial and Time Scripture na natagpuan nya sa Aurum University. This is the most advance level of time and space magic. Charmaine, with the bloodline of dragons and soul of a goddess, is actually close to learning this magic. The magic she used in her fight against the Dragon God years ago is part of this magic.

Ngayon ay hinahanap nya na ang ikalima at pinakadelikado nyang mahika, ang Chaos Magic.


“Are you sure this potion is effective?” asked a bald middle age man

“Of course! Of course! Based on our company’s survey, that potion have a 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed survey result! Meaning, all of our customers were satisfied without a doubt!” exclaimed the young woman animatedly

“Is there any side effects? Are you sure this will help me regrow my hair?” asked the bald man

“No side effects! 100% safe!” answered the woman confidently

“Okay, okay. I’ll buy this.” Said the bald man happily

The young woman immediately fled after the man left.

Of course, the young woman is the scammer psychic, April.

“Tsk, tsk. Selling a bottle of water as a hair regrowth potion, what a scam.” Arya commented that made April almost tripped on her own foot.

“What nonsense are you sayin—” April was about to explode in anger, but she froze upon seeing Amara with two other girls.

Isn’t this the divinity from that night?

Why is she back?!

Her first reaction was of course, to flee! She ran away as if her life is on the line!

What the heck! That’s the scary woman from before! April can only pretend to not see her and ran for her dear life!

“What a funny lass.” Amara commented

“Are you sure that she’s a psychic? She ran too fast! Are we that scary?” Arya

“Let’s catch her.” Sapphire

On the other hand, April ran and turn on every alley she can find, hoping that she will be able to lose them!

She looked back and she internally jumped in joy when she didn’t saw a trace of them.

Phew! What a relief!

Her mood took a 180 degree turn, and she instantly feel happy! What a twist! She just escaped death!


“Tsk! Look where you’re going—” April

“I won! I caught her!” Arya said proudly

“She’s still as competitive as ever.” Amara smiled in amusement

“I know right. It’s so easy to make her a free labourer. Just say that it’s a game and she’ll definitely try her best to do all the work.” Sapphire

“I can hear you you know!” Arya complained

“.........” April

“Take her and let’s go.” Amara

“Wait! Where are you taking me?” April

No one answered her question.

“Help! They’re abducting me!!” April shouted in desperation

Of course it was too late, they already vanished.

They reappeared in a lakeside restaurant. Seeing the abundant greenery, April knew she’s no longer in the State of Udarra!

“W-what do you want from me?” April asked, obviously frightened. This is probably her karma for scamming people.

“Dude, relax.” Arya

“Is this uncle July and auntie Cyrus’ cafe in Ventus?” Sapphire

“Yep, they have good Imperial Berry Cheesecake here! Let’s have lunch here.” Arya

“Do they also have Crimsonberry Cheesecake here?” Sapphire

“I only want some Imperial Berry muffins.” Amara

“Their hot chocolate is to die for!” Arya

“Would you also like some cake and coffee?” Amara asked the dumbfounded April

“.......” April

‘Wtf. Why are they talking about lunch after they kidnapped me as if abducting people is as normal as taking a stroll in a park..?’

The trio ordered food naturally and casually. April was speechless throughout the process.

“Are you sure you’re not hungry? It’s never too late to order food you know.” Arya to April

Sapphire was happily eating on the side, she look so blissful as she eat a serving of a Crimsonberry Cheesecake.

“There’s no need to be so wary little psychic.” Amara to April

“..... what do you want from me?” April

“I just need to refresh my memory to find something. I’ll need your help to do that.” Amara

“Don’t forget that she’s a scammer, dont use the word ‘help’. She might take advantage of you.” Sapphire

“She’s smart, she won’t risk her life to do that.” Amara

“Well, you can easily squash her dead so my worries were probably pointless.” Sapphire

“.......” April was speechless. ‘Are they trying to scare me or something?’

“So, are you going to help or not?” asked Arya as she chew on the cake like a gang boss threatening a kid

‘Why are you acting like a thug all of a sudden?’ April complained in her heart

April wanted to cry.. “I will help.” Huhu

After they ate, April touched Amara’s hand to see through her pasts.

Like raging ocean waves, Amara was swallowed by her memories.

April is very nervous. She’s aware that this divinity have a seemingly endless memories. April have a feeling  that she’s not a mortal, but an immortal being instead!

Images continue to flash pass their eyes, and April felt as though her energy is draining fast!

If she don’t let go, she might die!

“Found it.” Amara said with a smile as she let go of April’s hand

April almost lost her balance, she felt mentally exhausted.

“Take this pill.” Amara instructed

“W-what is this?” April asked warily in a weak voice

“It’s a pill to replenish energy and remove fatigue.” Amara answered simply

April feels like she might die soon so she took the gamble and take the pill.

After the pill entered her mouth, a soothing feeling immediately envelop her entire body. It’s so comfortable as if she’s soaking on a hot spring during a cold winter night.

How refreshing!

April was bewildered. A pill of this calibre is definitely worth hundreds of thousands of money!

“You’re an orphan right?  Why don’t you stay here at aunt Cyrus and uncle July’s cafe? They’re in  need of staffs. We can help you get the job so you won’t need to scam people for a living anymore.” Amara suggested

“Thank you, but no one would want to hire a scammer. They will grow tired of having me here in a few days. I’d rather go back to the streets.” April shook her head

“Don’t worry, Uncle July is even more scarier than you are. He won’t grew tired of you, in fact, I’m sure they’ll like you.” Arya

“That’s true, Uncle July is a real life villain.” Sapphire

“That’s true, he’s the epitome of evilness. Even someone as shameless as I’am have to bow down to him.” Amara added

“........” April


The four of them looked over the counter upon hearing the sound of someone clearing his throat. They saw a handsome middle age man smiling at them threateningly.

“Hi Uncle July!” The trio greeted

“......” April

And so, they left the speechless April on the cafe.


“Why are we here?” Arya questioned

“Is your fifth magic hidden here in the Dark Continent?” Sapphire

“Yes.” Amara

The place where the three of them visited this time is the Sinnah Empire in the Dark Continent.

During the reign of their Empress Genesys, a friend of the Witch of Apocalypse, the empire prospered. When magic vanished, the Sinnah Empire was the least affected since they were never reliant on magic in the first place. When the main continent declined and undergo changes, the Empire continued to prosper.

Today, the Sinnah Empire is one of the most prosperous land in the entirety of Aralon. Their thriving industries and flourishing agriculture is all thanks to alchemy!

“Sinnah Empire is famous for their milktea! Let’s have some!” Arya

“Okay!” Sapphire

‘Is the milktea more important than my magic?’

Amara was helpless against these two foodies. She can only heaved a sigh and follow.

After they tried out some dumplings, noodles and milktea, the trio went to the Temple of Alchemy.

“You must change the entire procedure. You must practice how to control the fire more thoroughly, train your body and mind. You will be able to refine the Mirage Potion by then.” Said an old man sitting at the center of the temple

“Thank you for your guidance, Alchemy King.” Said a middle age alchemist

Amara, Sapphire and Arya watched on the side.

The old man simply nod his head.

Another man walked forward, “Alchemy King, I encountered a problem with my refinement of a Helios Flower, I wanted to create a Blazing Miracle Potion. But the refinement always resulted in failure. I don’t understand why, even my Grandmaster cannot find the fault in the process.”

“Young man, the Helios Flower is a precious herb that can only be refine with blue flames, if you cannot control the fire properly then it will always result in failure.”

“I... I understand Alchemy King. Thank you for your guidance.”

Amara can’t help but chuckle in amusement, hearing her laughter that resembles gentle music, all the alchemist gathered in the temple turned their heads in her direction.

“Why are you laughing?” asked an alchemist

“Ah, sorry, don’t mind me.” Amara answered in an obvious non-apologetic tone

“..........” all the alchemists

“Is there something you found laughable in this holy temple, young lady?” asked the old man

“No, no, nothing of that sort. I just find it amusing that you’re very wrong.” Amara

“Are you questioning the Alchemy King?!” asked an alchemist

“He’s at the pinnacle of a grandmaster, but he’s not an Alchemy King yet.” Amara shook her head

“The Alchemy King is the disciple of the Alchemy God!”

“You.” Amara pointed at the alchemy with the problem about the Helios Flower

“There’s nothing wrong with your flame control. It’s true that blue flames is best use in refining the Helios Flower because it’s the easiest to use. But with proper technique, other types of flames can also be use. The problem in your refinement lies on the ingredients you use. Are you also using Ambrosia Flower?” Amara


“Ambrosia Flower is commonly use to compliment the Helios Flower in a Blazing Miracle Potion. But you have a natural affinity for the element of fire, so unlike other people, you yourself can already tap the potential of Helios Flower. Remove the Ambrosia Flower and just refine like you usually do, you’ll be able to succeed in your refinement.” Amara

“..........” Everyone

“Who are you young lady? Are you here to cause trouble?” asked one alchemists doubtfully

“Who I’am is not important. And you’re not wrong, I’m here to cause trouble.” Amara answered with a smile


“Anyway, is the old tree still alive?” Amara asked the old man

Hearing the words ‘the old tree’, the old man trembled in fear.

“Who are you, young lady?” asked the old man

“An old friend of your master, tell him to show his face or I’ll burn his temple.” Amara said casually as she sat on the railings on a window

Hearing her words, the old man can only sigh helplessly, he closed his eyes to communicate with someone.

All the alchemists inside the temple were confused. Who is this young woman?

In the midst of their confusion, a tremor shook the entire temple. Then a giant root emerged from the ground. The root was emitting a holy light, and the face of a handsome man appeared on the root.

“Stillwater!” the voice coming from the root was filled with anger

Seeing the root, all the alchemists got on their knees and bow down.

“Your Excellency, Alchemy God!”

“Alchemy God?” Sapphire asked in wonder

“Is this guy a dryad?” Arya

“Is he? Dryads are beautiful women. Besides, they are now residing in Viribus.” Sapphire

“Not all of them went to Viribus, right Amara?” Arya

“Aside from Viribus and the four worlds known by most people, there are other worlds where magical beings can migrate to. For example Finsternis. Knox, a very gloomy planet. I’ve been once to Nychta as well. And some other worlds.”

Amara smiled at the face on the root, “Your kind, the dryads left many years ago. So why are you still here in this world?” Amara

“Don’t pretend that you don’t know! You bound me on this world! How can I leave when you tied my soul to that scary magic of yours!” answered the root in anger

Amara laughed, “Is that what happened? Wasn’t it you who attempted to steal my magic but failed? You got swallowed instead.”

“.... b-but it was you who tricked me! You wanted me to be it’s guard dog!”

“There, there, calm down. Aren’t we old friends? Why are you filled with resentment?” Amara

“You fncking dare asked? You schemer!”

“I honestly don’t remember why you hate me. But I remember that during your youth, you once fell on a deep well and you almost drown, I remembered saving your life back then.” Amara

“Are you expecting me to say ‘thank you’ when you’re also the one who fncking pushed me!”

“Oh? That sounds so like me. I probably did that in my past life, I just don’t remember.” Amara agreed with a nod

“....... are you not going to apologized?”

“No.” Amara

“How heartless.”

“Im not heartless. I just dont care about your feelings..” Amara shrugged


“Anyway, what’s up with you being an Alchemy God?” Amara questioned the root

“Hmmp, I learnt watching you for years. With your magic within me, I had surpassed you a long time ago! I’m an Alchemy God now!”

Hearing his words, Amara burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny, Stillwater?” the root asked in anger

“Since you cant wield my magic anyway, I was planning to get it back and free you from the bind of it. But now that you claim to be an Alchemy God, I changed my mind.” Amara


“Now that you’re already an Alchemy God, you must work hard to make Aralon prosper. Raise more alchemists. You can do that, right?” Amara said with a sweet smile

“.... I changed my mind! I’m not an Alchemy God! It’s a joke! Damnit! Just let me go! Let me go!” the root pleaded desperately

“Why should I?” Amara

“Please! I beg you! Just let me go!” The root pleaded, tears and snoot all over his face

“He look so pitiful.” Arya commented on the side

“Do you really have to bully a tree?” Sapphire

“Fine, fine.” Amara said helplessly, as if removing her magic on the root was an act of generosity.

“Thank you!” the root almost worship her

Amara chuckled, this root is not that smart huh.

With a wave of her hand, the holy light enshrouding the root vanished.

“I’am free!” the root declared in delight

“A-alchemy God..” the alchemists were confused

“What Alchemy God? I’m not! Open your eyes fools! This woman is the Goddess of Alchemy! If you want to worship someone, then worship her! I’m off, fools!” the root exclaimed in joy, he once again dived down on the ground and vanished.

“.........” everyone

“My Master is a weirdo, but he never lie. Young lady, a-are you really the goddess of Alchemy?” Asked the old man

“I’ll leave that to your imaginations.” Amara said with a smile

The three of them left in a flash of light.

“T-that’s the goddess Altha!”

“The goddess of alchemy in the flesh!”

“H-hurry! We must create a statue in her image!” exclaimed one

That day, an uproar occurred in the Dark Continent, the Goddess of Alchemy has visited them.

Amara reappeared on the guild of Thousand Crows, her fifth magic at hand.

Chaos Magic.

The magic that made the heads of the gods ache.

The magic that will exterminate the demons.

The magic that can kill her.


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