Tale 51

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Tale 51

Today, Grandmaster Vermillion was peacefully sipping a cup of tea.

His guild ranked #1 on the latest Guild Popularity Survey on the entire State of Aragon.

His guild members were satisfied with the number of jobs posted on the guild everyday.

With the sun smiling on the sky, what could probably ruin his mood, right?


An old, high pitch voice echoed on his formerly peaceful garden.

“Grandmaster Helia?”

“Where is she? Where is she?”

“When did you came back? And where have you been?”

“Where is the goddess?”


“Lady Amara!”

“....... are you drunk?”

“You’re drunk! You blind fool!”


Grandmaster Helia heaved a heavy sigh.

“It seems that you still don’t know.” Grandmaster Helia

Of course Grandmaster Vermillion know some things, but his knowledge about Amara’s true identity are limited.

“Is this about Lady Amara being a mage?” Vermillion

“A mage? What are you talking about?” Helia

“Is this about the fact that she’s the granddaughter of the Conqueror of Races, the Great Summoner, the Witch of Slaughter?”  Vermillion

“She’s the granddaughter of the Witch of Slaughter?!” Helia


“For real?!” Helia

“It’s not about that? Then is this about her identity as the Stillwater?” Vermillion

“The what?” Helia

“Not that either? Then why are you calling her a goddess?” Vermillion

“She’s the reincarnation of the goddess Altha!” Helia

“Ah, okay.” Vermillion

“Are you not surprise?”

“You think with all her secret identities, I’ll still be surprise?” Vermillion

“.... y-you have a point.” Helia

Grandmaster Vermillion heaved a heavy sigh, “Even if you tell me that she’s the one who planted the Tree of Origin, punched the massive hole in the Grand Valley or caused the destruction of the City of Gold in legends, I won’t be surprise anymore.”

Grandmaster Helia calmly sat down opposite him and solemnly nodded his head in agreement.

The two of them decided to just discuss alchemy, forget about the secrets about Amara and their hearts finally calm down.

The two didn’t know, but Amara was really the one who planted the Tree of Origin using dragon bones as fertilizer with the help of Ember’s Divinity. She was the one who punched the massive hole in the Grand Valley while fighting with a dragon in one of her past life. She also destroyed several cities including the legendary City of Gold.

Of course, her legendary deeds were not known because she have different identities because of her endless cycle of reincarnation.

The world have no way of knowing the truth.

Not until the day the famous writer Lily Cross published her book, “Stillwater”.


The smell of barbeque wafted through the air, inciting the hunger of everyone.

The sunrays are tanning the bare pale white skin of the girls playing in the water.

The sound of their laughter resembles that of playful naiads of legends, mixing with the endless calming waves of the sea.

“What a sight.” Commented Nova who was seated under a huge umbrella, sipping on coconut juice.

“Should we join them?” asked Aurio

“Let the girls have fun.” Desmond answered while busy slicing watermelon for Nova.

“He’s right.” Agreed Nixon

“Nova are you not feeling hot, why are you wearing a hoodie jacket on the beach?” Asked Aurio curiously

Nova ignored his question and instead asked, “Is that man really the infamous Phantom Emperor?”

Seated on another umbrella is Lance, watching Amara playing in the water. StarWolf is busy fanning Lance, LoneWolf is busy making barbeque, BloodWolf is busy keeping an eye on the dumbfounded assassins nearby, and SilverWolf is enjoying his time making sandcastles.

The assassins sitting under the shades of the trees were dumbfounded.

Didn’t they said that we were here to fight?

Didn’t you told us that once we board the flying airship, we must be ready to die?

Didn’t you say that you will pay us to fight demons?

Then what is this?

What the fncking hell is this?

Are we on vacation?

Is this a prank?

Do you take us for a fool?

SonicKnife, a famous assassin, couldn’t take it anymore so he raised his voice to ask, “Why are we here?”

“A stopover.” BloodWolf answered coldly

“A stopover?” SonicKnife

He’s here because he respect the Class SSS assassin, Magician. He was told that they will pay them with seven digits with this mission. He was warned of the danger. He was told that they might die. But he still accepted the job.

He’s already prepared for battle so this sudden stopover throw him off. His concentration got  broken.

Who wouldn’t?

The three young ladies playing on the water were only wearing bikinis!

It’s too much!

“StarWolf.” Lance’ cold voice was suddenly heard.

“Yes Boss?” asked StarWolf

“Dig out their eyes.” Lance said coldly

“B-boss?” StarWolf didn’t know how to respond

“Master, I dont think the Mistress will like that.” LoneWolf commented

Lance didn’t immediately respond, but he already made up his mind so with a cold voice he added,  “Tell them that if they keep on staring, not just their eyes, they will also lost their heads.”

Everyone heard his cold, emotionless voice.

All the assassins suddenly shivered. They immediately dispersed and made their way towards the forest. They will only come back when the picnic’s over!

“S-should we also leave?” asked Desmond nervously

“Grow some backbone. Nakakahiya ka.” Nova

“I-I dont think brother inlaw mind our presence.” Aurio

“Y-you dont sound confident.” Desmond

“B-because I’m not.” Aurio

“I’m also scared.” Added Nixon

“......” Nova

“Barbeque’s ready!” LoneWolf announced proudly

“Barbeque!” Arya happily got out of the water

“Where’s everyone?” Amara asked after she got out of the water with Sapphire in tow

“They left temporarily.” Lance answered as he put his jacket over Amara’s shoulder, covering her body.

The four wolves immediately shifted their eyes somewhere else, not daring to peek, afraid that they might really die.

“Mistress, do you want some coconut juice?” SilverWolf offered

“Yes, thank you.” Amara accepted it with a smile

“I also want one.” Sapphire interjected

Silverwolf looked over at the fourteen year old looking girl with blue hair and blue eyes.

“Ahm, here.” SilverWolf cannot understand why he felt fear when this girl talk to him. She’s scary!

“SilverWolf, you’re from the old Crystal Nation, right?” Amara asked with a smile

“H-how did you know that, Mistress?” SilverWolf

“Your eyes reminds me so much of little Alivia. You’re probably a relative of hers.” Amara

“Eh? I thought the Dragon Tribes already migrated to Viribus? Is he really from the Earth Dragon Tribe?” Arya

“Yes, the bloodline of Travellers.” Amara

“........” SilverWolf

“Then as the Dragon Princess, can I control him or something? He’s probably very submissive towards me.” Sapphire smiled mischievously

SilverWolf shivered., he have a bad feeling about that smile.

“If I tell you to dance, will you dance?” Sapphire asked curiously

“N-no...” SilverWolf

“Bark?” Sapphire

SilverWolf shook his head.

“Hmmp. How boring.” Sapphire

“I don’t understand where you got that mischievous side of yours. Charmaine is a kind kiddo. Could it be from the Locksers?” Amara

“Could be.” Arya who is also a Lockser totally agreed

“Mistress, don’t stress yourself out too much. Eat these barbeques! They’re my specialties!” LoneWolf interjected

“Thank you.” Amara

“Eat more meat, you’ll need as much energy as you can get.” Lance

“You should eat too.” Amara

“Ang daming langgam, ayoko dito.” Komento ni Arya saka naupo kasama nina Nova. Lumapit naman si Sapphire para i-bully ang kawawang si SilverWolf na gumagawa ng sandcastle.

“Magluluto pa ko ng mas maraming barbeque!” excuse din ni LoneWolf

“I’ll check the perimeter.” StarWolf

“I’ll join StarWolf.” BloodWolf

Naiwan sina Lance at Amara sa lilim ng payong.

“If something were to happen and I die, let’s pick a meeting place for our next lives.” Amara

“.........” Lance

“Somewhere eye catchy, so we won’t lost sight of the place.” Amara

“Under the Tree of Origin.” Lance

“Ah, yes, that huge tree!” Amara agreed

“I don’t want to lost you.” Lance

“That won’t happen.” Amara smiled

Lance held her hand.

“Are you worried?” Amara

“No, I trust you.” Lance

“Are you scared?” Amara

“To lost the battle? No. To lost you again? Yes.” Lance

Amara held his hand tighter, “Then don’t ever let go of my hand.”

Lance nod his head, “I wont.”

Amara smiled and the two enjoyed the scenery.

“What is the true reason we stopped here?” asked Nova to Arya

“Amara is setting up a huge teleportation portal for the ship.” Arya

“She’s very powerful, what’s taking her so long to set it up?” Aurio asked in wonder

“The Island of Demons is shrouded with extreme repelling magic and several magic disturbance spells. Although Amara seems capable of everything, she's also human just like everyone else. Sometimes, even someone at Amara’s level need to put in a little effort too.” Arya

“Can’t you help her?” Nova

“All of Aralon’s magic is concentrated on the Island of Demons, if Amara need to put in some effort, it means no one else can do it besides her.” Arya

“Is the gap in your strengths that big?” Aurio

“No, but there are some things that only she can do, like her mastery of Time and Space Magic to that level.” Arya

“Are we really going to die on this mission?” asked Desmond

“Amara won’t let that happen.” Aurio

“He’s right. Amara is a bully, but she’s a true friend.” Arya

Everyone nod in agreement, they’re not 100% sure about her being a true friend, but everyone agrees that she’s a bully!

Everyone enjoyed their time at the beach.

They played beach volleyball, and ate a lot of watermelons! They truly enjoyed the little picnic.

Before sunset, all the assassins once again gathered on the beach, their faces solemn and serious.

“Desmond, Nova, Nixon, the three of you will be the ones in charge of this group.” Amara

“We understand, don’t worry, infiltration is our expertise!” Desmond

“Leave it to us.” Nova

“Just remember, stay in the shadows. Your mission is to save the trapped civilians without making contact with demons as much as possible.” Amara

“We understand.” Nixon

Amara nod her head, “Don’t die out there.”

Several portals suddenly opened up, all the assassins moved in sync, as if they choreographed everything in advance.

“Arya you will be sent on the outermost part of the island, in case of any accident, go help the assassins nearby.” Amara

“Understood.” Arya as she entered a portal

“Sapphire, you’re in charge of the skies, make sure that no demons would be able to escape alive.” Amara

“Okay.” Sapphire answered as she enter through a portal

“Aurio, are you sure you want to come with us? It’s going to be extremely dangerous. I can send you over to Desmond’s side instead.” Amara

“No, I want to go with you. I need to talk to her.” Aurio shook his head

Natalia, no her name is Accalia.

Amara nod her head in understanding.

“Stick by my side at all times.” Amara to Aurio

“Okay, thanks bro!” Aurio

Amara then shifted her attention towards Lance, “Shall we go?”

“Let’s go.” He responded with a nod

The ship entered through the teleportation portal connecting the beach to the Island of Demons.

However, just as they entered, Amara felt a sudden anomaly within the portal.

Her eyes immediately focus on this, and found Aurio being dragged by an unknown force towards a different direction.

It all happened in a span of a split second.

Amara grabbed Aurio’s hands, but before Lance could take a hold of her hand, both Aurio and Amara were gone.

A burning world greeted Lance and the four wolves, the Demon King in front of them, but Amara is no longer with them.


AlquemieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon