Tale 52

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Tale 52
Island of Demons

In the farthest island, close to the Sea of Flumes known as the gate to the underworld, a ruined city can be seen shrouded in mist and darkness.

The city was once a prosperous land under the rule of the Kingdom of Gorgona.

However, when the kingdom fell many years ago, the city also fell to ruined.

Today, the few remaining people try to survive on this island without knowing the current events of the outside world.

They were imprisoned on the island they once called home.

Without magic, it’s close to impossible to leave, to escape, to teleport.

Several teleportation portals opened up on secluded areas, but despite it’s hidden locations, the survivors who’s always watching out for danger, noticed some of these portals.

Normally, demons would appear through portals in the most obvious locations. Although it’s unusual for demons to be acting cautious, this doesn’t lower the survivor’s guard. They are prepared to fight!

“Hurry! Lock the doors! They’re here!” shouted a bulky man while giving orders. He is Paolo, considered the strongest among the survivors, he was elected leader of the group.

His words carry the most weight. If they want to survive another day, everyone must listen.

Men carrying swords can be seen guarding the door.

Archers were all stationed at the windows and balconies.

The weak, old, women and children went to prepare emergency food and medical boxes. They also picked up daggers, kitchen knives,  shovels and frying pans to use as weapon.

There used to be hundred thousands of people living on this prosperous island before, but today only a few hundred remained.

These people were trapped on the island by demons. Treating them as food supplies all these years.

After decades of being baptized by hardships, these survivors become mentally strong. They are willing to fight to the death!

“Leader, something is weird about these demons.” Said one archer observing through the window

“What do you mean?” Paolo

“After the portal closed, instead of monstrous demons, several humans in black appeared. But they suddenly vanished! As if they were never there!”

“Humans?” Paolo was baffled

Are they humans sent to save them?

But that seems impossible! It’s been decades since the last time they’ve seen outsiders.

“Is this a new trick? I suddenly remember that event from four years ago.”

Paolo suddenly got clear headed. The event from four years ago!

That was like a nightmare to humans.

Demons used children to lure the survivors out. So many people died attempting to save the supposed future generations that died that day.

This time, it’s possible that demons are trying to trick them again for the demon’s own entertainment.

“Don’t let your guards down!” Paolo instructed

Everyone readied their weapons.

“Archers, can any of you see the enemies?” Paolo

“Negative.” Answered the Ace Archer

“This is bad, where could they be hiding?” Paolo

“Probably in the shadows.” Said one voice

“The shadows? What kind of people could hide in the shadows as if they’re one with darkness?” Paolo

“Duh, assassins.” The voice answered

Hearing his tone, Paolo who’s been training the men like soldiers cannot help but look at the direction of the voice. Just who the fnck is this insolent fool? I will make him do five hundred push ups for three days!

However, an unfamiliar face greeted his eyes. A man in black clothes with a playful smirk.

“Who are you?!” Paolo

Everyone suddenly pointed their weapons towards him.

“Hey, chill. I’m Desmond. Sent here to help you people escape.” The man in black answered

Normally people would feel happy hearing those words. But not these people! After suffering from the tricks of demons, they grew wary of people. They have one motto: Do not trust anyone outside your circle! What if this guy is a demon pawn?

“H-how did you get here?!” Paolo

“Easy, I entered through the blind spots.” Desmond answered with a shrugged

Despite his frivolous personality, Desmond is, without a doubt, a skilled assassin.

“If you want to escape, you all must follow me. I’ll lead the way.” Desmond

But no one moved.

“Ahm, how awkward.” Desmond cleared his throat, “Do you guys not trust me?”

With their past experiences and with Desmond’s assassin outfit, who the fnck would trust him?

“Archers aim.” Paolo instructed and the archers followed

“Hey, chill! I’m not your enemy!” Desmond

“You reek of blood, young man.” Paolo

“Ah? Hehe.. It’s because killing people is my primary job.” Desmond

“Archers, fire!” Paolo

“Fudge.” Desmond immediately fled

“Riders, after him.” Paolo

Among the survivors, the Riders are the special elite force that go out of the building to fight off demons, defend against other survivors who wants to rob them of their supplies and also tasked to scavenge for food and supplies.

“These people are so scary.” Desmond wanted to cry, he escaped and try to lure them towards the teleportation portal.

The other assassins are working on evacuating people on the other parts of the city. However, Desmond noticed a fellow assassin got cornered by two demons nearby.

Fudge. Where did these demons came from?

He decided to completely hide his presence to lost the survivors chasing him, then he ambushed the two demons.

With a slash of his twin blades, he beheaded one of the demon. The demon didn’t expect his surprise attack so he wasn’t able to defend. The demon died.

The demon’s blood was splash in every direction, the putrid scent of the demon’s blood is enough to make any human dizzy.

Despite his effort, Desmond was still too late. The other demon already snapped the other assassin’s neck, killing him.

This time, Desmond is in a pinch. He won’t be able to land a surprise attack anymore. And this demon looks really strong too.

“Fnck. I might not survive this. No, I still want to date Nova after this so I can’t die here.”

Desmond point his twin blades towards the demon.

His battle to the death began.

On the other hand, the Riders chasing after him were confused.

They were clearly the ones who knew this place better than anyone, but that guy still escaped their grasped!

In this place, every second outside their hideout means putting their heads on a chopping board.

Demons might attack them anytime.

After a painful thirty minutes, they finally found a clue.


Demon’s purplish putrid blood were scattered everywhere.

And human’s blood is present too.

“He’s still alive.” Paolo who was leading them stated after not seeing a human corpse.

“Follow the blood trail. That guy must be in trouble.” Paolo

“Are we going to help him?” Asked one of the Riders

“We still cannot verify his true intention. But if he’s truly here to help us, we can’t let him die.” Paolo

They followed the blood trail in silence.

It was only a short five minutes when they saw the man once again.

The Riders who was chasing after Desmond was speechless.

Their skin crawl and shivers ran down their spine as they witness the oncoming tsunami of demons.

Desmond was running at the front, and behind him are tens, no, hundreds of demons!

For someone like Paolo who’s in the know, he immediately understood that Desmond accidentally stepped foot on the current hideout of demons, that’s how he attracted all of them. Desmond is currently running for his life. Those who didn’t know the truth would fncking think that he called for backup and came back to seek revenge!

Honestly, Desmond himself was speechless. After killing two demons earlier, his sense of superiority skyrocketed, he felt invincible! But reality slapped him on the face!

Desmond: I’m so awesome!

Reality: Nope, you’re not.

With hundreds of demons behind him, Desmond didn’t even dare to look back and just kept on running for his dear life.

If he died in the hands of these demons, who would he go cry to?

Seeing the nearby survivors who were clearly dumbfounded, he shouted, “RUN!”

Everyone didn’t hesitate further, they ran for dear life!

But fnck, where would they go?!

They were about to lost hope, when all of a sudden, the sky lit up and a massive block of ice fell from the heaven, killing hundreds of demons in the blink of an eye.

The entire place shook from the impact.

Ice shards flew in all directions, everyone duck to dodge.

When everything came to a still, both humans and demons froze.

What the heck was that?!

“Seriously, can’t I have a break?” Arya’s annoyed voice was then heard

“Perfect timing!” Desmond who seriously thought that this day would be the same day of his death anniversary next year was instantly relieved.

“I just exterminated two of their nest nearby, so why are there still so many of them here?” Arya complained

“........” everyone

Lady, you did what nearby? Exterminate? The demons?

“Dragon!” the demons roared in anger, their bodies was then covered in flames, they look so scary!

Before the demons can even attack, roses suddenly rose from the ground, the massive thorns covering them stopped the demons on their tracks.

These are no ordinary roses, they’re poisonous roses!

“Amara told me, no, she actually threatened me to come help. *Sigh* She took away my divine weapon. Im her cousin too, why is my divine weapon the only one she took away? I will definitely die.” Said a lazy voice

“Lucas! You came at the right time! Help me stall as many enemies as you can. I need a few seconds to cast a wide area magic.” Arya

Arya patted his shoulder as she pointed towards the hundred or so demons coming their way.

Lucas heaved a defeated sigh. A thin vine wrapped itself around his waist keeping him afloat. He then floated towards the upcoming enemies.

“Don’t forget to collect my corpse.” He sighed

“........” Arya almost tripped on her own foot. Wtf, dude, it’s not as if you’ll die that easily. I only need a few seconds!

“Thanks for saving us!” Desmond

“No prob, now, move along.” Arya

“W-who are they?” Paolo asked in amazement

“Stop gawking, we must move! We need to evacuate the people to safety!” Desmond

This time, Paolo made up his mind, he must take the gamble!

“Lead the way.” Paolo

And so, Desmond left with the survivors.

Lucas busied himself with stopping the demons to scatter using wood magic.

Wood is the rarest element, so the demons dont know how to counter it!

Another massive block of ice fell from the sky, killing the demons.

“How’s the situation here?” Lucas asked after they killed the demons

“Terrible. There’s so many enemies.” Arya

“Where’s Amara now?” Lucas

“She should be with Lance fighting the strongest demon by now.” Arya

“I’m useless but I’ll try my best to help you.” Lucas

“That’s the spirit!” Arya

“However, the number of enemies are too much for the two of us to handle. We will definitely die today.” Lucas added with a heavy sigh


“Shall I lead the way to our deaths?” Lucas

Arya kicked him away, “I wont go with you! I might really die because of your negativity!”

Lucas heaved a heavy sigh. “Why are you hitting your own teammate?”

“Sapphire will open up a portal in the sky. Help from Viribus will come so stop being so pessimistic!” Arya

Lucas nod his head.

“Sapphire will lead an army of both dragons and phoenixes! I’ll lead the army of elves. You should lead the fairies.” Arya

“Okay.” Lucas

“Then let’s move.” Arya


Aurio coughed out sand.

Yes, sand.

He fell from the sky and landed on a desert.

With Amara beside him, what could probably happen to him, right?

Well, a sandstorm suddenly swallowed them just as they landed. Separating the two of them!

Now, after being thrown and tossed by the powerful wind, you could say that it’s a miracle that he’s still alive, coughing sand but at least he’s still alive.

Aurio look around him.

This place seems familiar?

“Isn’t this place the boundary separating Ventus and Udarra?

Isn’t the guild Dark Hands nearby?

Why is he here?

Doesn’t it mean that Amara who was supposedly fighting with the strongest demon with Lance.....

...... is also here?

Then how about the battle?


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