Tale 20

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Tale 20
The Lady of Virtue

"Who is it?! Who killed my daughter!!" sigaw ng isang middle age na lalaki sa kanyang mga tauhan.

"W-We haven't confirmed it yet Sir.. But our main suspect is the Ayame Family. Please calm down.. We're still searching for her whereabouts." Tugon ng kanyang pinakatapat na kanang kamay.

"My daughter.. My daughter..." puno ng pagdadalamhati ang tinig ng gobernador ng Bronei.. He received reports about how her daughter was taken on her way home from Aureus. It was the work of assassins. Her guards were found dead. And according to the most recent reports, she's already dead.

"Find my daughter! Find out the truth! Find the killers! Find evidence to give justice to my daughter! I don't care even if I lost my position! I will avenge her death! Do everything! Anything!" utos ng gobernador..

The governor could feel an internal volcano on the verge of erupting whenever he remember the faces of the Ayame Family. How dare they order the death of his beloved daughter! He already lost his wife. Now, his only child is assasinated! How could he remain calm?! He wanted ro flip the entire state upside down!

Amara heard everything. The governor is indeed the descendant of her friend, Dariel Ashford. A man who believes in justice and values friendship and bloodties. She just remembered that she entrusted one of her grimoires to that man. His descendants are just like him. A father who's willing to sacrifice everything to seek justice for his daughter.

"Father." Saad ni Amara pagkapasok sa pinto.

Agad natigilan ang lahat ng tao sa mansion..


"Young Miss!" puno ng luha ang lahat. Mga kasambahay, bodygurads, kusinero, pati hardinero ay tumakbo para salubungin sya matapos marinig ang balita.

"My daughter!" iyak ng gobernador

"Who is this man?" tanong ng mga tao sa mansion noong makita si Aurio

"The alchemist who saved my life." Nakangiting tugon ni Amara

Halos sambahin ng lahat si Aurio dahil sa sinabi ng dalaga..

"Thank you.. Thank you for saving my daughter..." umiiyak na pagpapasalamat ng gobernador. Hindi nakatugon si Aurio.. Alam nya ang katotohanan. Hindi nya nagawang iligtas ang anak ng gobernador. Hindi sya nararapat sa pagpapasalamat na ito.

"Young miss.. Thank the gods for bringing you back.."

"Young miss we all thought we lost you.."

"Young miss..."

"Thank the heavens for bringing you home safely."

Sinuklian ni Amara ng ngiti ang lahat. Kinilabutan naman si Aurio sa acting skills ni Amara.

"Father, can I talk to you?" di kalaunan ay tinanong nya ito

"Let us talk over dinner.. You must be very hungry.. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you when you needed me the most... I-I will double your body guards.. No. I will triple it! My daughter Im really sorry for being an incompetent father.." iyak muli ng gobernador

Tumagal ng ilan pang sandali ang paghagulhol ng kawawang lalaki..

"This is something very important Father." Seryosong saad ni Amara

Sa hindi mawaring dahilan, pakiramdam ng gobernador ay ibang tao ang kaharap nya at hindi ang kanyang anak.

Tumango ang gobernador... "Let us go to my private library.. Everyone, please prepare dinner for my daughter's saviour.. Sir Alchemist, forgive my poor hospitality, I cannot accompany you to dinner." Paumanhin ng gobernador

AlquemieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon